Effect of Mass to Liquor Ratio on Dyeing Process
In Indian textile industry, the number of factors affects on energy consumption. A detailed study was conducted for small the scale textile industry in depth for the various processes involved, chemicals required, operating parameters, mass to liquor ratio(MLR), energy requirements during processes including different losses etc. and to study effect of MLR on dyeing process in order to achieve acceptable good quality of cotton coloured products. The process temperature and time, water inlet temperature and liquor ratio were found to be the main parameters that affect energy destruction rates. In addition, some technical information’s has been included with schematics processes used for production as also machineries.
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Effect of plant spacing on fodder yield and regrowth height of moringa oleifera in south western Nigeria
Seeds bags of Moringa oleifera were transplanted into a field on the Teaching and Research Farm of Ekiti State University, Ado- Ekiti, Nigeria at 30 x 40cm (81,833 plants ha-1), 40 x 60cm (41,667 plant ha-1), 60 x 80cm (20, 833 plant ha-1) and 100 x 100cm (10,000 plants ha-1). Cured poultry manure was applied at 3MT.ha-1 one week before transplanting and thereafter at two month interval. No fertilizer or irrigation was applied throughout the duration of the experiment. Fodder was harvested from the top to tender stems at 60 days after transplanting and fresh and dry weights were measured. Regrowths were harvested at 30-day intervals during the wet (60, 90, 120 and 150 days after transplanting) and dry (210, 240, 270 and 300 days after transplanting) season. Regrowth height was measured at each cutting day and harvesting involved the tender portion of stem. The 30 x 40cm spacing produced the highest fodder yield (14.89 ton ha-1) which was significantly higher than other spacings. Fodder yield in the wet season (7.6MT.ha-1) was significantly higher than that of dry season (2.79MT.ha-1). Also, there was a positive correlation between the fodder yield and the amount of precipitation in all the months under study. However, plant spacing did not significantly affect regrowth height (p> 0.05) of Moringa oleifera in this area. It was therefore concluded that the agronomic potentials of Moringa oleifera is implicated for its use as an alternative feed resource for small ruminants in South Western Nigeria.
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Effect of resource utilization on financial sustainability of government owned entities in the ministry of agriculture, livestock and fisheries (MOALF), Kenya
The Government reform agenda, was to try and address how GoEs can attain self-sufficiency to ease the burden of overreliance on subsidies, through introduction of new government guidelines, policies and strategies designed at improving their financial sustainability. However reviews have shown that despites all these improvements, the GoEs often do not operate optimally for sustainability, attributing to either internal or external factors. Even though various studies have been done on financial sustainability, limited research have been carried out on financial sustainability of GoEs hence there is limited information on GoEs in the MOALF. This study sought to identify financial sustainability basics. The study focused on resource utilization as a determinant. A causal research design was adopted and with 27 organizations responding positively, giving a sample size of 134. The study used both primary and secondary sources of data. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires and interview guides. The secondary data involved review of published information on Financial Statements of GoEs in MOALF. Data was obtained for a period of 7 years from 2009/2010 to 2014/15 financial years and analyzed using SPPS version 21 statistical software, fitted into a multi linear regression model and t-statistic. From the study it was evident that, management of working capital was key factor that influenced financial sustainability of the GoEs. Working capital had a positive correlated to financial sustainability with investment opportunities being inversely related to financial suitability hence lack of proper policies on Investment and strategies affects financial sustainability. The study recommends that prioritized resource utilization should be given more emphasis as a means to ensure that institutional goals are set in line with the availability of funds. There should be proper projects evaluation and prioritization before allocation of resources is done to the most profitable project, bottom up resource management should be adopted, thereby keeping expenditure within the approved levels is also key. GoEs should endeavour to adopt hybrid model of management that incorporates both public and private interface. Policies on investment should be developed, Investment in green finance and adoption of climatic finance that significantly reduce effects on the environment enhancing sustainability. They should also adopt a holistic evaluation model not limited to financial evaluation through innovative accounting that encompassing the key goals and objectives of their existence and adoption of risk assessment framework. The Ministry should set limits with the set frameworks for the Key ratios used to measure Financial Sustainability.
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Effect of ultrafine grinding of MgTiO3 based ceramic on the material properties
The effect of grinding MgTiO3 on the particle size and electrical properties was studied. Initially, good dispersion conditions were optimized via rheological characterizations of the aqueous slurry in variant dispersant amounts. Then, 50% MgTiO3 slurry was grinded using balls of different diameter sizes (0.8 and 0.4 mm) for two consecutive cycles. The milled powder was characterized using laser granulometry, BET method, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy techniques. The crystallite size was calculated using Halder-Wagner methods. The electrical and dielectrical properties were also monitored for different particle size. These results revealed impurities from the zirconium balls, however, without affecting the particle size even if prepared with different grinding operations.
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Effective parameters on second law analysis for circular segment ducts in fully developed laminar flow under constant wall heat flux
In this study, the entropy generation of a fully developed laminar flow in circular segment ducts with constant wall heat flux is investigated. Entropy generation is obtained for various segment angels (2?), various wall heat flux and various Reynolds number. It is concluded that segment angel and wall heat flux have considerable effect on entropy generation. For the increasing value of these parameters, both entropy generation and pumping power ratio are increased at fixed Reynolds number.
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Effects of Control Strategies on Efficacy in the Administration of Finances in Public Early Childhood Development Education Centres In Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya.
Early childhood education is the basis upon which all levels of education are anchored and therefore effective financial management systems are required to maximize the efficient use of resources, create the highest level of transparency and accountability to ensure long-term economic success. The aim of this study was to assess the Effects of Control Strategies on Efficacy in The Administration of Finances in Public Early childhood development Education Centres In Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya. This study adopted a descriptive survey research design using pragmatist paradigm. The sample size was based on a sample size determination formula by Krejcie and Morgan. Schools were stratified to their quotas. Furthermore,224 ECDE teachers,55 headteachers, 55 SMC chairpersons, 1 QASO,1 County chief education officer and 1 County auditor were sampled using stratified, simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. The instruments for data collection were interviews and questionnaires and were piloted in Nandi County that share similar characteristic as the study area. Cronbach Alpha coefficient was used to test the reliability of the instruments. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as measures of central tendencies (frequencies, percentages, and means) and inferential statistics such as Pearson Correlation Coefficient and regresioin analysis. This study found out that there was no budget preparation in pre-schools based on schools’ vision. It found a significant correlation between planning strategies and financial management efficacies. The study recommends that there is need for ECDE management committee to: plan for resources early enough before spending to curb waste, strategic mechanisms be put in place to lobby for financial support of ECDE programmes from different stakeholders. It is hoped that the findings will be of great significance to policy makers on understanding the best strategies which if implemented will promote efficacies in the administration of ECDE funds.
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Effects of type and rate of organic and mineral fertilizer application on the performance of Sesame indicum L. on an Alfisol soil in the southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria
Poor soil fertility is among the major production problems responsible for poor growth and low yield of sesame in Nigeria. A field experiment was conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria to determine the effect of application of organic and mineral fertilizers on growth and yield of sesame plants and rates of Nitrogen fertilizer application on the performance of sesame var E8. There were 12 factorial treatment combinations of three types of fertilizers namely; tithonia compost, maize compost, and urea and four rates of Nitrogen; 0, 60, 80, and 100 kg N/ha. Progressive increment in growth and seed yield parameters was observed as fertilizer rates increased up to 80 kg N/ha and decreased at 100 kg N/ha. Application of 80 kg N/ha produced the highest growth and yield of sesame. Application of 60, 80, and 100kg N/ha fertilizer resulted in 140, 350 and 170 % over the control. Tithonia compost produced the highest yield of sesame compared with maize compost and urea fertilizer. Generally, inorganic fertilizer (urea) resulted in lower yields compared to organic fertilizer (tithonia compost) in the production of sesame. Soil nutrient status was also enhanced as residual N increased slightly in all the treatment. However, phosphorus accumulation was highest with the application of tithonia compost at 80kg /ha. From the results of these experiments, it is indicative that application of tithonia compost at the rate of 80 kg N/ha is most suitable for the production of sesame and have the potential of improving the soils in the southern Guinea Savanna of Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
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Electrical studies on Al substituted ZnMg Mixed ferrite prepared by sol-gel Method
Al-substituted ZnMg mixed ferrite prepared by conventional sol-gel method. Al substituted ZnMg ferrite of molecular formula Zn0.7Mg0.3AlxFe2-xO4 & Zn0.5Mg0.5AlxFe2-xO4 where (x=0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) were prepared. The obtained samples were sintered at 8500C for 4 hours. The XRD used to study the structural properties such as particle size, lattices constant and the effect of doping concentration of Al atoms is discussed. The Structural images from XRD, SEM were presented. The Electrical characteristics of these mixed ferrites were studied using Cyclic Voltometric Analysis to measure logarithm of conductivity (log ?), dielectric constant ( ?) and loss factor at various frequencies and are reported. Hopping of electrons between localized stated of cations in the interstitial sites were discussed. The variation of activation energy with various ranges of frequencies was reported.
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Evaluation of wastewater effects on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Festuca
This study was carried out to investigate the effects of using treated wastewater on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of festuca in greenhouse conditions in Sa'dabad of the Dashtestan, Iran. Experiment was performed in a randomized complete block design with 5 treatments and 4 replicates. Treatments included: fresh water, fresh water + 25% treated wastewater, fresh water + 50% treated wastewater, fresh water + 75% treated wastewater, and 100% treated wastewater. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the impact of wastewater had significant effect on growth and physiological characteristics. Root weight (5.7 g), leaf weight (2.3 g), leaf area (7/54), root length (29 cm) and plant height (9.9 cm) showed a significant increase in compared to the control. In relation to the characteristics of protein, phosphorus and ash, the same trend was observed.
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Experimental study on effect of sugar powder on strength of cement
The present work deals with the results of experimental investigations on effect of sugar powder on setting time and compressive strength of cement and concrete. Effect of sugar on compressive strength of cement and concrete by using different brands of cement are studied. Sugar powder content is 0, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.15, and 0.2 % by weight of cement. Cube of size 70 mm X 70 mm X 70 mm for compressive strength test of cement. And cube of size 150 mm X 150 mm X 150 mm for compressive strength test of concrete were cast. All the specimens were water cured and testing is done for 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. Results were observe and comparison of results of compressive strength of cement and concrete with sugar powder with that of normal cement and concrete showed the significant improvements in the results of compressive strength.
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