2251. Psychosocial responses among infertile womens and normal womens | ||
Mohammad Abbasi and Mohammad Hojati | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Educational Research | Sub Category : Psychology |
Psychosocial responses among infertile womens and normal womens
Infertility has a strong and negative impact in several areas of the individual’s life. The infertile women may lose prestige in society, may develop a low self-esteem, and may lose hope for the future. This study compared psychosocial responses in 90 infertile women and normal women. An ex post facto design was used. The subjects of the present study were infertile women in an infertility treatment center in ,ahwaz, Iran. Women selected by randomly sampling. The women completed the Psychosocial responses. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance. Differences were found between the groups on the Psychosocial responses (self-image/self-esteem, guilt/blame, sexuality problems, and interpersonal relationship).
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2252. Reactive Power Control with Fuzzy Controller Based STATCOM | ||
Mahdi Heidari and Shiva Shahraki | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Engineering | Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics |
Reactive Power Control with Fuzzy Controller Based STATCOM
Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) play a major role in controlling the load flow in the power system. In this paper, reactive power control is performed with STATCOM based on the fuzzy controller. The purpose of using the fuzzy controller is to improve the STATCOM performance for continuous and fast reactive power control. The performance of the STATCOM based fuzzy controller in a 14-bus test system with simulation is evaluated by MATLAB/SIMULINK software. Also, a control component to limit STATCOM's reactive power at level of nominal power is used to prevent damage. The simulation results will show the optimal performance of the fuzzy controller and the limiter.
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2253. Research on the construction strategies of eco-industrial clusters | ||
Jingfu Guo and Ningyu Xie | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Management | Sub Category : Production |
Research on the construction strategies of eco-industrial clusters
Industrial cluster is an industrial organization mode formed from many enterprises and inter-related institutions with a certain geographic concentration. It is an effective way for the development of regional economy, and featured with agglomeration, symbiosis, flexibility, embeddedness, etc. Industrial eco-system is a recycling-oriented industrial system, in which the waste of one process can be utilized as the resource of a closed loop system, or becomes inputs for a new process, and ultimately all the materials, energy and information are sustainable used. Industrial ecosystem is characterized by the market-driven initiative, material flow circularity, the cooperation of industrial clusters and dynamic sustainability. Eco-industrial cluster can be categorized as the main-sub-industry derivative mode, multi-industry symbiosis mode, or artery- vein-industry circular mode
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2254. Rules over the commitment payment to work Performance | ||
Shahram Karimi Garekani and Hassan Hosseini | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Business and Law | Sub Category : Law |
Rules over the commitment payment to work Performance
In any Commitment, what is desired, the implementation is the same commitment, and the purpose of the conclusion of the Commitments of the parties, is to get the change. But also the implementation of commitment, in all cases, not useful, and sometimes resort to other ways the interests of the parties to the contract, to provide a more favorable way, is more appropriate. What the parties, foremost importance, benefits from its implementation, not coercion committed to doing the same commitment, after a long time. On the other hand, extraordinary indifference, the same commitment to performance, and extreme preference for other forms of compensation, the manner of compensation is also justified not acceptable, and does not pay attention to the shared objectives contract. Ambiguous nature of some of the topics in the science of law, can determine the effects of their sentences, to be involved, so defining and analyzing the concepts and determine the legal nature of these topics, much the work of a lawyer, is formed. This study aimed to examine, evaluate and analyze the rules governing the obligation to work Payment, by submitting's action. Although the Civil Code, Article 214, "action" and "yours" and, Handsome each contract, and consequently the "surrender of property" and "take action", the difference is established, but according to the principles of civil law, and with regard to the property of "action", in our law, it seems, do the subject of the contract, the property was an act of submission, and subject to the provisions of it. Accordingly, it can be submitted using the general rules of property, to the extent shortcomings in civil law and civil law, and the legal literature of Iran, on the rules governing the obligation to take action, be overcome.
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2255. School Principals Transformational Leadership and Organizational Health of Secondary School Teachers’ in Malaysia | ||
Anantha Raj A. Arokiasamy and Abdul Ghani Kanesan bin Abdullah | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Educational Research | Sub Category : Leadership Management |
School Principals Transformational Leadership and Organizational Health of Secondary School Teachers’ in Malaysia
This study aimed to determine the level of transformational leadership practices by school principals in the national secondary schools in the district of Kinta Utara, Perak, Malaysia. The four dimensions of transformational leadership studied were individual consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation and idealized influence. The study also looks at the level of teachers’ job satisfaction as well as the relationship with the practice of transformational leadership by the national secondary school principals’. The respondents consisted of 225 teachers employed in 15 national secondary schools in the district of Kinta Utara, Perak. The data obtained was analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Descriptive analysis and Pearson Correlation Coefficient were used to analyze the strength of the relationship. The results showed that the practice of transformational leadership by school principals’ in the district of Kinta Utara, Perak was high and the job satisfaction of secondary school teachers’ was satisfactory with a significant relationship between the level of transformational leadership and job satisfaction. The implication of this study is that the school principals should always ensure that their leadership performance is always kept high to have a significant relationship with the job satisfaction of secondary school teachers’.
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2256. Security risks facing the civil aviation sector in India: need for review of the existing law | ||
Siddharth Mehta | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Business and Law | Sub Category : Law |
Security risks facing the civil aviation sector in India: need for review of the existing law
Over the past one decade, the Indian Aviation sector has moved from being a closed, poorly managed and excessively regulated industry to a more open, liberalized and investor friendly sector. The growth in this sector has been threatened inter alia by a lot of challenges such as high fares, high operational costs, global slowdown and security and law and order issues. According to the estimates of Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA) by 2020, Indian Airports in all probability be able to serve over 100 million passengers every year. The figures revealed by the Ministry of Civil Aviation also indicate that the number of International passengers are expected to increase to 50 million. In such a scenario, it is important to maintain a fool proof security paraphernalia which is capable of adequately dealing with the rapidly changing techniques adopted by the terrorists groups. The security mechanism in the aviation sector needs a reconditioning to bring it in tune with the constantly evolving terror issues. The Aircrafts Act has become obsolete, it does not contain any special provisions with regard to the security of the Aircrafts, it is often felt that a comprehensive legislation pertaining to Civil Aviation Security is required for setting up a legal framework to inter alia provide for deterrent punishment for such offences, a specially trained task force for dealing with such contingencies and a summary disposal of such cases. The paper makes a humble attempt to suggest the procedural and legislative changes in the light of the civil aviation security laws of the other nations. A critical analysis of the current law has been done to show the various anomalies present therein. It is the objective of this paper to suggest a reconciliation between the interests of the passengers and the security of the state.
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2257. Selection of Sub-Station site for Greater NOIDA India by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) | ||
Shabbiruddin, Amitava Ray, Karma Sonam Sherpa and Sandeep Chakravorty | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Engineering | Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics |
Selection of Sub-Station site for Greater NOIDA India by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Electric distribution sub-stations have an important role in energy distribution management. The sub-stations transfer energy from 400V to 20000V in centre of consumption. More decision in utilizing of this sub-station is basically assert on one attribute and most of time some important aspects may be forget. In this paper, the analysis is done by using Analytical Heirachy Process (AHP) method (taking four basic attributes involving Load forecast, Land availability, Cost of land and closeness to load centre) for selecting the best suitable location for placement of sub-station so, an example of a place Greater NOIDA, India, is taken which will grow into metropolis by 2021 as presented in a survey. The place comprises all the major power consuming sectors viz. residential, commercial and industrial. As in this study, the intention is to optimize the position of sub-station for construction of a new sub-station. As to conclude of this study the decision will help the electric managers and designers to be able to get multi aspects of decision making and improve the design, locations and grid reconstruction of the distribution sub-stations.
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2258. Similarity of a Singular Sturm-Liouville Operator with Indefinite Weight | ||
Qiuxia Yang and Wanyi Wang | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Mathematical Sciences | Sub Category : Applied Mathematics |
Similarity of a Singular Sturm-Liouville Operator with Indefinite Weight
We consider a singular Sturm-Liouville differential expression with an indefinite weigh and present a sufficient condition for similarity of indefinite Sturm-Liouville operators to self- adjoint operators. Using this result, we construct a example of operator and prove that it is similar to a self-adjoint one.
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2259. Simulation of Three-Phase Inverter Using Minimum Number of Controlled Switches | ||
D. A. Kulkarni, T. D. Dongale and M. D. Uplane | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Engineering | Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics |
Simulation of Three-Phase Inverter Using Minimum Number of Controlled Switches
Reduction in the number of component is a live problem in the domain of power electronics, as it is directly leads to reliability implication. Further reduction in active switches in the inverter topology is also beneficial for the cost factor point of view. In view of this, the present paper reports a novel inverter topology based on only four active switches as against the six switches topology widely reported in the literature. The said design is verified using PSIM software. The result shows good resemblance between our proposed four switches topology and conventional six switches topology.
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2260. Single Feed Circular Polarized Circular Patch Antenna with C – Shaped Slots for Mobile Applications | ||
A.Swetha and P. Nageswara Rao | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Engineering | Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics |
Single Feed Circular Polarized Circular Patch Antenna with C – Shaped Slots for Mobile Applications
A single feed circularly polarized c-shaped and circular patch antenna with improved axial ratio bandwidth is presented. In this article, both c-shaped slots and circular patch antenna were designed and by using the concept of switches like PIN diodes the circular polarization have been obtained. In this article the circular polarization was achieved by creating some asymmetry in the structure of an antenna. The performance characteristics of an antenna were explained in terms of its return loss characteristics and elevation radiation pattern of gain by using IE3D simulator.
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