Micro Finance Schemes and Rural Women’s Livelihoods. Evidence from Chipinge District, Zimbabwe
The research sought to assess the impact of ISAL and JLL schemes on rural women’s livelihoods. The research was carried in the form of a case study, in which a sample of 60 women from a population of 123 was used. Purposive and simple random sampling procedures was employed in selecting elements from a population of 123 women. Questionnaires and interviews were used in triangulation to collect data on the sample. After analyzing the collected data, the researcher observed that ISAL and JLL schemes improve rural women’s livelihoods through increased household income, improved access to good health, acquisition of household and productive assets. However, there were institutional and beneficiary’s challenges such as poor infrastructure, late loan recovery, inadequate loan sizes, and lack of markets, loan defaults and economic hardships which hinders the effectiveness of ISAL and JLL schemes. The study recommended that ISAL and JLL schemes must make sure that beneficiaries has collateral security before they offer them loans.
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Mini review on Ethmabutol and its some analogues as antitubercular agents
Tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and has increased dramatically in recent years because of their tendency to develop new strains under any circumstances and developing resistance against the available drugs. In spite of many significant advances in tuberculosis chemotherapy, the widespread use and misuse caused the emergence of bacterial resistance to drugs, In particular, the emergence of multidrug resistant and extensive drug resistance strains, which is a serious threat to public health. Therefore, recently attention has focused on the treatment of tuberculosis to against resistant mycobacterium species has become one of the most important areas. Therefore, in this article efforts have been directed toward exploring potential of ethambutol and its analogues as antitubercular agents. Although, there is an increasing resistance to antimicrobial drugs, to overcome the development of drug resistance it is necessary to synthesize new derivatives of antibacterial agent ethambutol.
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Molecular structure, vibrational, electronic, NBO and NLO analyses of 2, 6-diphenyl-4H-pyran-4-one by DFT calculations
The optimized molecular geometry, normal mode wavenumbers, infrared intensities, corresponding vibrational assignments and atomic charges were investigated with the help of DFT/B3LYP method using 6-311++ G(d,p) basis set. The FT-IR spectrum of 2, 6-diphenyl-4H-pyran-4-one (DPO) has been recorded in the region 4000-400 cm-1. For the comparison between calculated and experimental results, assignments of fundamental modes were examined. The stability and charge delocalization of the molecule were studied by natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis. In addition, a molecular electrostatic potential map (MEP) of the title compound was studied to predict the reactive sites. The reactivity of the compound of interest was described by HOMO - LUMO energies and global descriptors. The electronic properties were also studied and the transition corresponds to ???*. The title compound exhibited good nonlinear optical activity and ten times greater than that of urea.
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Morphological Characteristics of Different Genotypes of Gladiolus Flower
The experiment was carried out during the period from 2011,2012 and 2013 to compare the morphology of five gladiolus flowers genotypes with respect to plant height, length and breadth of leaf, number of leaves per plant, length of flowers, breadth of flower, weight of flower, weight of single stick, length of spike, length of rachis, flowers per plant, days to reach 50% spike initiation, number of corm and cormel per plant, breadth of corm and weight of cormel per plant. The results indicated the significant variation amongst the gladiolus genotypes with respect to studied morphological characteristics as well as with yield, yield attributes and plant height. The plant height was higher (70.15cm) and lower (55.52cm) in (SKG14) yellow and(SKG18) orange /(SKG24)red respectively due to genotype. The lengths of leaves were almost same but higher with(SKG14) yellow and(SKG20) violet (50.20/51.10 cm) than the(SKG10) white and(SKG18) orange ones where the smallest length was recorded for(SKG24) red (40.36cm) one. Almost same trends were recorded for breadth of leaves with the exception of few. The average number of leaves was highest for(SKG10) white (14.10) followed by(SKG24) red, (SKG20) violet, (SKG18) orange and (SKG14)yellow respectively. Most of the parameters of flower characteristics did not maintain regular trend and correlation when considered in terms of sequences starting from white to red as shown in the table 1, 2 and 3. The recorded results clearly indicate that the(SKG10) white genotype has the best planting materials which may be planted for luxuriant growth of plants and production of excellent flowers.
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n-Closure Local Functions in Ideal Topological Spaces
In this paper we formulate a new local function called ?-closure local function and we construct ?-closure compatible spaces using ?-open sets. Further we introduce an operator ?_?(A) for each A ? P(X) by utilizing ?(A). Moreover we characterize the properties of ?-closure local function and investigate their relationship with other types of similar functions.
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Normalized impact factor – nif (IF )
This study developed a new framework for evaluating the impact of an article/author/journal. The importance of research evaluation is identified. The inadequacies of the methodologies presently used to evaluate impact of published research are also identified. A normalized impact factor which is a citation based metric tool is developed. The frequencies of citation of a reference within an article were used to determine the imaginary and the real impacts of the cited reference. The development of the normalized impact factor is based on the opinion that not all citations made in an article should count in the computation of the impact of a publication.
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On Quantified Analysis and Evaluation for Development Reading Brain Performance Using Neural Networks’ Modeling
Neurological researchers have recently revealed their findings about increasingly common and sophisticated role of Artificial neural networks (ANNs). That applied for systematic realistic modeling of interdisciplinary discipline incorporating neuroscience, education, and cognitive sciences. Accordingly, ANN Models vary in relation to the nature of assigned brain functioning to be modeled. For example, as human learning takes place according to received stimuli that is simulated realistically through self-organization paradigm by artificial neural networks modeling. This piece of research adopts the conceptual approach of (ANN) models inspired by functioning of highly specialized biological neurons in reading brain based on the organization the brain's structures/substructures. Additionally, in accordance with the prevailing concept of individual intrinsic characterized properties of highly specialized neurons, presented models closely correspond to performance of these neurons for developing reading brain in a significant way. More specifically, introduced models concerned with their important role played in carrying out cognitive brain function' outcomes. The cognitive goal for reading brain is to translate that orthographic word-from into a spoken word (phonological word-form). In this context herein, the presented work illustrates via ANN simulation results: How ensembles of highly specialized neurons could be dynamically involved in performing the cognitive function of developing reading brain.
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Palynology of Late Miocene to Pliocene Agbada Formation, Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria
A palynological study of forty ditch-cutting samples from CHEV-2 well drilled offshore in the Niger Delta showed that the sediments were mainly deposited during the Miocene age. Palynological assemblage was dominated by pollen and spores with rare occurrence of dinoflagellate cysts. The stratigraphic ranges of Retitricolporites irregularis, Psilatricolporites crassus, Echitritricolporites spinosus, Zonocostites ramonae, Foveotricolporites crassiexius, Monoporites annulatus, Psilatricolporites operculatus, Multiareolites formosus, Podocarpus milanjianus and some other marker species were used to demarcate five informal palynogical zones in the study area.
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Penile urethral stricture: A case report
We report the case of a 21-year-old patient, who had a stricture of the penile urethra. After failed endoscopic urethrotomy, he had resection of the stricture with end to end anastomotic urethroplasty. We describe this surgical technique and analyze epidemiological, therapeutic and prognostic characteristics of anterior urethral strictures.
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Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Permanent amidst the Mutable
Shelley’s lyrics of 1819-1820 have a common feature despite the diversity of the natural phenomena they touch upon. Shelley is seeking in the natural changes of the world analogies by which to reassure his most advocated faith that regeneration follows destruction. In this article I shall attempt to give substance to my claim that in these lyrics there is a pattern of scientific and ontological enquiry into Nature’s apparently chaotic changes, through which Shelley is trying to come to real understanding of the Permanent, amongst the Transitory. I will sometimes invoke the help of other poems such as Mont Blanc or Adonais
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