Performance Analysis of Three Unit Redundant with Switch and Human Failure Using Copula Distribution
In this paper, the author has studied performance of a three unit redundant system with the impact of switch and human failure. A system with three identical unit has been considered for assessment of performance under 2-out –of -3: G; policy. In the system, a switch is used to transfer load from one unit to another unit. All three units of system are connected in parallel configuration and working under 2-out-of-3: G; policy. The system can have two types of failure partial failure and complete failure. Partial failure degrades the efficiency of system but the complete failure breakdown the system and stop functioning of the system. Switch failure and human failure are considered as complete failure. The system has two types of failure and two types of repair. General repair is employed to the partially failed system and Gumbel-Hougaard family copula distribution complete failed system. The system is studied by supplementary variable technique and various measures of reliability, such as availability, reliability, MTTF and profit functions have been discussed. Some particular cases have been discussed by taking different failure rates.
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Performance of Different Configurations of Speech Recognition System
This paper discusses in detail different configurations for comparing the performances of different combinations of commonly used techniques for speech recognition and speaker identification. The Feature extraction techniques considered were MFCC, LPC and Autocorrelation. The feature matching techniques considered were VQ, HMM, DTW and ANN.
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Pomegranate juice is potentially better than orange juice in improving antioxidant function in elderly subjects
In the present study, 26 elderly subjects were recruited and randomly divided into 2 groups, that is, orange (low in antioxidant capacity) and pomegranate (high in antioxidant capacity) groups, and 250 mL of juice was consumed daily for 4 weeks. Changes in plasma antioxidant capacity, activity of antioxidant enzymes, contents of ascorbic acid, vitamin E, reduced glutathione, malondialdehyde, oxidized low-density lipoprotein and carbonyls, and the degree of DNA damage in mononuclear blood cells were measured. Urine samples were collected for determination of 8-hydroxy-2?- deoxyguanosine content. Increased plasma antioxidant capacity and decreased plasma carbonyl content were demonstrated after daily consumption of pomegranate juice. In comparison, orange juice consumption presented a less significant effect on antioxidant function in elderly subjects. It is concluded that daily consumption of pomegranate juices is potentially better than orange juice in improving antioxidant function in the elderly. Because the plasma ascorbic acid, vitamin E, and reduced glutathione contents did not differ significantly between the 2 groups in this study, the phenolics may be the functional components contained in pomegranate juice that accounted for the observations.
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Pressure induced nonlinear optical rectification of a confined exciton in a Cd0.8Zn0.2Te/ZnTe strained quantum dot
Pressure dependent exciton binding energy in a Cd0.8Zn0.2Te/ZnTe strained quantum dot is investigated with the geometrical confinement within the single band effective mass approximation. The interband transition energy as functions of dot radius and the hydrostatic pressure is brought out. Computations are carried out using variational formulism. The pressure induced oscillator strength and the nonlinear optical rectification coefficient of an exciton in a Cd0.8Zn0.2Te/ZnTe quantum dot are studied using matrix method. Our results show that the exciton binding energy, interband emission energy and the nonlinear optical rectification coefficient are strongly dependent on the geometrical confinement and the applied hydrostatic pressure values.
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Prevalence of Malaria Infection in Endagergis area, South Western Eritrea, East Africa
Over the past years, malaria was a major public health problem in Eritrea. But since 1998, it has experienced a dramatic decline in malaria incidence. In 2013, the MoH launched a massive expansion of the malaria prevention and control program. The program was aimed mainly at the reduction of malaria in populations living in all zobas of the country in general and in the malarious areas in particular. Since Endagergis is one of the malarious areas in Eritrea, the Government put much effort to reduce morbidity and mortality rates in this area. However, there is still a need to generate new information on the prevalence of malaria at the villages of Endagergis locality at the moment. A total of 30 blood slides were examined. Out of these 6 (20%) (95% CI; 5% - 34.9%) were found to be infected. The malaria parasite prevalence differed markedly among villages from 0 to 2.2%, with 40% of the five villages having no positive cases. Four (13.3%) of positive slides had P. falciparum and two (6.7%) had P. vivax. Among the total tested, 4 (28.6%) of the males and 2 (12.5%) of the females had malaria infection and infection was occurred in all age groups, with a slightly higher prevalence (66.7%) of the parasite observed in age groups of below 15 years old. This study reports a significant drop in the prevalence of malaria infection in the inhabitants of Endagergis locality, due to an appropriate implementation of many preventive strategies. However, malaria prevalence still exists in some areas of the locality and is strongly associated with presence of mosquito breeding sites. The prevalence varies according to location of villages with Endagergis, AdiGuor and AdiSeyabo showing statistically higher prevalence. Malaria prevalence was higher in August 2012 than in other months of the surveillance periods.
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Processing, quantification of polyphenols and anti-oxidant assay of cocoa beans
Polyphenols widely distributed in plants, fruits and vegetables have received considerable attention because of their physiological functions including antioxidant, antimutagenic and/or cancer preventive activities. The present study aims to process cocoa beans and to estimate the quantity of epicatechin after processing. The seeds of Theobroma cocoa were subjected to two different treatments. One set of seeds were allowed to boil and other for fermentation. Both the boiled seeds and fermented seeds were further grouped into two. The first group of boiled seeds was dried and deshelled (BNR), second group of seeds were dried and roasted (BR). The fermented seeds were then dried under sunlight and deshelled without roasting (FNR) and the other group of seeds was roasted and deshelled (FR). The obtained seeds were ground to cocoa liquor and polyphenols were extracted using various solvents and concentrated by rotary evaporation, and these solutions were subjected to HPLC analysis and eluted compounds were detected by monitoring UV absorbance at 280 nm. The calibration curves were compared against the standard which was run at same nm. The obtained calibration curves identified the presence of the polyphenolic compound-epicatechin at 6 min. The sample BNR possessed the maximum concentration of o.938mg/g of epicatechin whereas the sample FR doesn’t obtained any peak representing the presence of epicatechin. Hence the study concludes that processing that involves fermentation and heat reduced epicatechin content as well as antioxidant activity.
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Radiation and Chemical Reaction Effects on Free Convection and Mass Transfer Flow of Dissipative Fluid past an Exponentially Infinite Vertical Plate through a Porous Medium
In this paper the numerical study of unsteady flow of a viscous incompressible fluid past an exponentially accelerated infinite vertical plate with radiation, viscous dissipation, chemical reaction and variable heat and mass diffusion have been analyzed in the porous medium. To obtain the non-similar momentum, energy, and concentration equations usual non-dimensional variables have been used. The dimensionless governing equations are solved numerically by explicit finite difference method. Here velocity, temperature and concentration fields are described graphically for the different physical parameters. Skin friction and Nusselt number profiles have been also described graphically here.
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Readiness of Tertiary Level Studentsof Holy Angel University to Enroll in Online Learning
Schools continue to enforce reforms by adapting technology in the teaching and learning process such as the use of internet in offering courses online so that students can study anytime, anywhere. However, the question persists if online learning is indeed for anybody who wishes to take advantage of this learning modality. While studies have shown that the attrition rate in online learning is higher compared to those enrolled in the traditional face-to-face program, students with high online learning readiness on the other hand have higher satisfaction and higher completion rate. Thus, this study was conducted to determine the online learning readiness of tertiary level students at Holy Angel University (HAU) based on their age, course, year level as well as their intention to enroll in an online learning mode. Results showed that HAU tertiary level students generally have moderately high readiness for online learning. Those with higher online learning readiness were female, older students as well as students in the higher year levels. Majority of the respondents would consider enrolling in online courses; although the difference with those who do not wish to enroll is minimal. Common reasons to enroll include accessibility and ease of technology use while for those who are not enrolling cites the absence of the physical presence of the teacher and the perception that online learning is not “real” learning. This study highly recommends proactive measures to address the issues and concerns of all stakeholders to ensure successful outcome for all online learning initiatives.
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Review on infection biology of uromyces species and other rust spores
Uromyces fabae (Uromyces viciae-fabae) the pea rust was first reported by D. C. H. Persoon in 1801. Later DeBary (1862) changed the genus and renamed it as Uromyces fabae (Pers) deBary. There after, Kispatic (1949) described f. sp. viciae-fabae by including host vicia fabae. The pathogen Uromyces fabae described as autoecious rust with aeciospores, urediospores and teliospores found on the surface of host plant (Arthur and Cummins, 1962; Gaumann, 1998). Gaumann proposed that the fungus be classified into nine forma speciales each with a host range limited to two or there species. Later it was observed that the isolates of Uromyces viciae-fabae share so many hosts in common that it was impossible to classify them into forma speciales (Conner and Bernier, 1982). Based on the distinctive shape and dimensions of substomatal vesicle, Uromyces viciae fabae has been described as a species complex (Emeran et al., 2005). It revealed that host specialized isolates of Uromyces viciae fabae were morphologically distinct, differing in both spore dimensions and infection structure.
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Risk Management in Banking: A study of Contentment in Indian Private Banks
1. Abstract “Banks are in the business of managing risk, not avoiding it………” Risk is an unpredictable approach which every business or organization need to go through. To understand the financial behavior one first need to understand what is Risk and its effect on private banking. Considering, the present era, increasing competition, has made risk management an important element for the banking industry. Financial institutions should take charge of risk in order to manage efficiently. Risk management is a method to arrange ,lead ,sort out,and manage the broad mixture of danger to adjust into the structure of organizational routine work long termly and short termly. As risk management, different banks adopt different risk management system, they bifurcate risk into Credit risk, Market risk and so on . The aim of the study is to analyze that whether private banks are satisfied with their risk management system, as every bank carries a risk management approach. Current paper also, talks about the risk and its effect on Private Banks. It includes its types and process of risk management. Paper includes a survey (Questionnaire) filled by 5 private banks which is further analysis through F-Test and ANOVA. Key words: Risk management, Private Banks, Credit Risk, Satisfaction
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