Sarcomatoid Anaplastic Carcinoma of the Thyroid: A Case Report
Describe the modalities for the management of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma in its sarcomatoid form. Material and method: We report the case of a 45-year-old woman who presented with anaplastic thyroid carcinoma in its sarcomatoid form. Clinical case: This is a 45-year-old patient admitted to the emergency department for the management of inspiratory dyspnea on a large mass in the anterior cervical region that has been developing for more than 3 months. A cervicothoracic CT scan was performed urgently showing an enormous thyroid mass of malignant appearance at the expense of the left thyroid lobe with extension to the other lobe, associated with thrombosis of the internal jugular vein and the superior vena cava, as well as a right pulmonary embolism. A surgical decision for tumor reduction with extemporaneous pathological examination associated with a tracheostomy was taken. The definitive anatomopathological examination revealed after immunohistochemical study anaplastic thyroid carcinoma in its sarcomatoid form Conclusion: The therapeutic approach to anaplastic cancers has changed in a few decades. Surgical treatment of goiters has reduced the incidence of these cancers, access to preoperative cytological diagnosis sometimes allows early management, at the stage of emerging intrathyroidal anaplastic foci in differentiated cancers. Combined treatments give back a place to surgery.
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Screening of mushroom Phellinus switeniae (Murr.) S. Herrera and Bondart against clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii Bouvet & Grimont
Antibacterial activity of chloroform and methanol extracts of Phellinus switeniae (Murr.) S. Herrera and Bondart were studied. The activity was evaluated by well assay method and microtiter plate dilution method using sixteen strains of Acinetobacter baumanii Bouvet & Grimont. The methanol extract of Phellinus switeniae showed activity against all strains of Acinetobacter but no activity has been found in case of chloroform extract of Phellinus switeniae against all strains of bacteria. Methanol extract of Phellinus switeniae was found to be efficient against human pathogenic Acinetobacter, as low MIC values seen.
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Short Term Investment Analysis - A case study on Indian Tobacco Company (ITC) Scrip
Generally, all securities are associated with risks. The actual return an investor receives from the securities is related to risks. So it becomes necessary for him to analyze the securities from the view point of their prices, returns and risks. This analysis is useful in understanding the fluctuation of prices of securities and the behavioral pattern of market before one decides to invest in securities. In general short term investors tend to earn more profit in a short period. One of the effective and simple tools used to have an idea for buying and selling of shares to its maximum yielding in 10 days is “Oscillators”. The name itself expresses the oscillating character of price movement from low level to high level. The investor can get the merits of oscillators and be benefited in short term duration. The present study only micro level analysis. Key words: short term, investment, oscillators, securities, investors. Introduction: The word investment has many interpretations as it means different things to different persons. For a person who has lent money to another, it may be an investment for a return. Similarly, if a person purchases shares of a company for the purpose of price appreciation, it is also an investment for him. Investment is a commitment of funds for earning additional income. Security analysis calls for collection of vast information relating to company and market. The market for securities can be regarded as perfect when demand and supply forces determine the prices of securities. Besides the market price, the investors are interested in knowing the intrinsic value of shares. It is the value of net assets available per equity share of the company. It always revolves around the market price. When the intrinsic value is less than the market price, it is advisable to sell the shares. On the other hand, investors intend to buy securities when the intrinsic value of shares held is more than the market price. Thus, the market analysis and estimate of intrinsic value require collection of information from the appropriate sources.
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Simulating memory function in the human brain using ant
Simulating is an effective method to identify and comprehend the abstract and complex phenomena. In order to find the point of penetration of memory in the human brain, we put forward an idea to simulate memory function using ant action by their similarities. By analysis of their structure and action, we discuss the brain functional memory complex network like the ant network, the results imply that it is feasible to make research on brain functional memory complex network with the theory of ant action and colony optimization.
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Sociological Analysis of the School Climate
The study was aimed at to analyze the social aspect of school climate. The objectives of the study were to highlight the public relations associated with school and to identify the factors that affect the social climate of a school. The population of the study was comprised of the sixty six boys’ high and higher secondary school in public sector at district Charsadda. Out of the target population, twenty two schools were taken as a sample through random sampling technique. The data was collected through questionnaire administered to principals and teachers of selected schools as well as through non-participant observation checklist. The data was screened for errors and cleaned thereof, and then tabulated and analyzed. The findings of study revealed that most of the school had no regular co-curricular activities. Grouping exists among teachers. The relationship between school and community was quite poor and the Parents Teachers Councils were ineffective. Teachers participate in making school base decisions but their criticism is not welcomed by most of the principals. In the schools there are political interventions. Most of the teachers like to have long discussion on politics. Use of abusive language in schools is also observed. There is no proper procedure for social education of the students. It is recommended that the deficiencies might be overcome by strengthening Parents Teachers Councils, discouraging politics and grouping among teachers. Organization of co-curricular activities and social education and use of cultured language should be encouraged.
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Some contributions in quasi symmetric 2 – designs with three intersection numbers
Some construction methods of quasi - symmetric 2- designs with no repeated blocks and three intersection numbers x = 0 , y and z between the blocks are proposed with illustrations.
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Sorption dynamics and equilibrium uptake of reactive red 2 using activated carbon prepared from agricultural waste
The feasibility of activated carbon prepared from Moringa Oleifera fruit shell waste to remove Reactive Red 2 from aqueous solutions was investigated through batch mode contact time process. The effects of various experimental parameters, such as initial concentration, pH, adsorbent dosage and temperature were investigated in a batch-adsorption technique. The optimum conditions for removal of the basic dye were found to be pH 6.5. The equilibrium data were best represented by the Langmuir isotherm model, with maximum mono layer adsorption capacity. The kinetic data were fitted to pseudo first order, pseudo second order and intra particle diffusion models and it was found to follow closely the pseudo first order kinetic model.
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Status of teacher adequacy in public Early Childhood Development Education Centres in Nandi County, Kenya
The purpose of this study was to examine the Status of teacher adequacy in public Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) centres in Nandi County, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey design using mixed methodology and pragmatism paradigm. The target population comprised of 1387 pre-school teachers, 1 county Director of ECDE, 6 Sub-County ECDE Directors and 651 primary school head teachers. A sample size of 301 teachers and 208 head teachers was obtained. Stratified and simple random sampling was used to select teachers and headteachers while purposive sampling was used in selecting the county director of ECDE and 6 Sub-County ECDE Directors. Questionnaire and interview schedules were used for collecting data for the study. Validity and reliability of the instruments were determined before data collection. Quantitative data was analyzed using frequencies and percentages while content analysis was used to analyze qualitative information. The study found out that majority of the pre-schools in the study area lacked adequate pre-school teachers, textbooks and play materials. Majority (72.0%) of the employed pre-school teachers had undergone pre-school teacher training courses therefore they had adequate and current pedagogical skills which allowed them to effectively handle pre-school learners. Majority of the pre-schools lacked adequate teaching and learning materials. The study recommended that there is need for employment of more trained pre-school teachers by the county government to improve learning. This is attributed to the fact that there were inadequate trained pre-school teachers employed by the county government yet early childhood education is a devolved function.
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Study of ultrasonic, volumetric and transport properties of Anisic aldehyde - acetate mixtures at different temperatures
Densities, viscosities and ultrasonic velocities have been measured for the binary mixtures of anisic aldehyde with methyl acetate, ethyl acetate and n- butyl acetate over the entire composition range at 303.15,308.15,313.15 and 318.15K .The excess values were correlated using Redlich – Kister polynomial equation. The excess values were examined in order to have an insight into the inter molecular interactions among the components of the binary mixtures that lead to the possible dipole- dipole interactions or hydrogen bond formation between unlike molecules. Excess molar volumes, deviation in adiabatic compressibilities, deviation in viscosity and excess free length are negative in the whole composition range for all the systems at all temperatures.
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Study on Variation of Ferroelectric Parameters of Dielectric Materials ZrTiO4 +Al with Quality Factor and Resonant Frequency
The variation of dielectric constant with temperature of mixed compound of Zirconium titanate with aluminium and other dielectric parameters have been measured between the temperatures 35°C to 300°C using the capacitance bridge model ZENITH-M92A and Q meter at the frequency of 2000 Hz in which percentage of Al is from 20 to 35. The solid solution of mixed compound of Zirconium titanate with aluminium has excellent dielectric property such as dielectric constant of nearly ? = 7000, quality factor Qf = 25000GHz and temperature coefficient of resonant frequency ?f = 75 ppm/ºC which is very much useful in ceramics engineering and communication system. In the measurement, it have been observed that the compound has lower value of dielectric constant (? = 1580) below 36ºC, which rises upto a value of 5500 at the moderate temperature of 76ºC. After this temperature the dielectric constant of compound decreases upto the value of nearly 1500 at the temperature of 88ºC and a high peak is obtained at the temperature of 150°C (? = 10000) in the heating cycle curve with some fluctuations. When the variation of dielectric constant was studied in cooling cycle the peak was observed at 140ºC(? = 10000), above and below this temperature, dielectric constant decreases with some intermediate fluctuations. The cooling cycle curve does not follow heating curve because of the temperature relaxation of the compound. Annealing Zirconium titanate with aluminium increases the order parameter and improves the dielectric quality factor. Many investigation showed as the mixed compound as a useful temperature-stable dielectric ceramic device and by increasing aluminium content in the mother compound, its quality factor also increases with a little effect on dielectric constant. One of the advantages of ZrTiO4 with aluminium is that by varying the aluminium content, we can control temperature coefficient of resonant frequency ?f without drastically affecting the other properties.
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