The Influence of Stakeholder Involvement on the Implementation of Urban Strategic Development Plan in Kapsabet town, Nandi County, Kenya
Development planning in the urban areas in Kenya has taken a paradigm shift over the past decade and more so after the enactment of the new constitution in 2010. This study sought to investigate the influence of stakeholder involvement on the implementation of urban strategic development plans (USDP) in Kenya. The study was carried out in Kapsabet town, Nandi County. A sample size of 118 respondents was obtained from a population of 170 using Krejcie and Morgan method. They mainly came from the county Departments of Planning Infrastructure Development, Devolved Units & Special Programmes. Others were professionals and stakeholders in the town. Proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to select the respondents. Questionnaires were used to collect data and the return rate was 95.8%. This study used both quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis. The study also adopted a descriptive analysis where descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation were used to describe the basic features of the data and to provide simple summaries about the sample and the measures. The study found out that majority (58.4%) of respondents believed that stakeholder communication has got a positive influence on the implementation of USDP. In addition, majority (55.8%) of the respondents support stakeholder training as a way of achieving success in the implementation of USDP. Similarly, it is important to be accountable to the stakeholders in the implementation of the strategic development plan as 61% of the respondents attested to its importance.. The research findings and recommendations are useful in assisting the town managers, the Nandi County Government and all the stakeholders to take measures geared towards enhancing the implementation of urban strategic development plan and the realization of the vision and mission statements of the town.
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The pollination template in Jasminum
The study was done to know the retention of flower template in night flowering Jasmine of Central India (Durg) Chattisgarh. The time of antheses were recorded .The Study was done to locate the arrival time of pollinators. The pollinators of these flowers are in shadow, thus the pollinators were identified with the arrival time and the probable reason of arrival of these insects was investigated. Sucrose tests were done with flowers at anthesis time and the insect arrival time. Thus studying their correlation and whole pollinator invitation mechanism or the flower template (Darwin 1877). After detailed study one insect was identified as pollinator. Though this plant never produced viable seeds and its propogation is by vegetative means only. Still it has retained all the invitation machinery for pollinators. Pollination by insects was also confirmed in the experiments.
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The Role of FDI and HCD in Indian Economic Growth
Human Capital Development (HCD) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) are the key drivers of economic growth in India. Despite HCD and FDI separately affect economic growth, but they also strengthen each other through complementary effects. This study tries to find out whether HCD has significant effect on FDI as an important factor of Indian economic growth. In this study researcher used Eviews 8, IBM SPSS 21 and Microsoft Excel for analyzing data. Also the Linear Regression by Ordinary Least Squared Method for best estimation model and Cronbach’s Alpha for Testing Questionnaire Reliability are used. The results show that, Human capital development has significant effect on foreign direct investment in Indian economic growth.
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Tow Concept of Globalization: Wallerstein and Antony Giddens
This paper sets out to compare Immanuel Emanuel Wallerstein concept of globalization and Anthony Giddens. To believe Wallerstein, capitalism system has result of emergence of the bourgeoisie and expansion it, extension of global trade, innovation of new product methods, mass products, possibility of capital accumulation, and globalization this of process the facilitate for countries but to make dependent of the peripheral societies to core countries and so has continues of colonialism to new form. Giddens’ discuss on the modernity global and him known globalization as an unavoidable alternative for modernism and results of expansionism capitalism has lead to new forms in the different countries of world. The modernism view is along with a cultural sub-structure, and aims at creating fundamental economic, social and political changes in developing countries. Giddens says’ that globalization is colonialism reverse and is necessary for development and growth of the global societies. Both they are special look of nation-state role in the process of globalization particularly it’s of effects on life aspects and so quality of life for people of societies.
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Tracing the origin of Nation-state and the Westphalian Myth
International law is applicable on the members of international community which are states, international organisations and individuals. The term ‘state’ is a political expression which is a means to rule over certain territory. However the kind of state we visualize today did not exist in the ancient times. Besides, international and political thinkers call the present system of nation-states as Westphalian system. Therefore the researcher feels it worthy to make a historical research to trace the origin of nation-state being a prime subject of the international law and to highlight the myth involved. The paper begins with the Greek city-states which existed before Christ and travels through Roman kingdom, feudal system, the Holy Roman Empire and the Peace of Westphalia. The paper brings to light the Westphailian myth regarding the origin of nation-state and reveals how it originated during the Holy Roman Empire.
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Transformation in Hausa Northern Nigeria Traditional Residential Architecture
This study assesses the Hausa traditional residential houses with a view to identify transformations in Hausa Traditional residential architecture and to investigate reasons and for the transformation. A minimum of 16-40 houses on each ward were purposely selected for the survey. A total of fifty-three (53) wards from (8) eight Local Governments in Kano Metropolitan making a total 1010 houses were studied. Result revealed that, the foundation in the traditional Hausa Architecture was excavated at 300-400 meters depth, roofing system were exposed to single or double pitch and made of timber rafters purlin. Finishes in the Hausa traditional Architecture was made of cement plaster. Furthermore, the open spaces area ranges from 15%-35% of the total land area.
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Utilization of agro-industrial waste for polyhydroxyalkonates and exopolysaccharide production from Bacillus sp. 2-11
Currently many bacteria have been exploited for production of biopolymers for various industrial applications. The need for biopolymers has been increasing constantly along with increase in human needs. In the present study two important biopolymers- edo polymer (PHA) and exopolymer (EPS) was extracted and characterized from the Bacillus sp. 2-11. The ability of Bacillus sp.2-11 to produce PHA was identified by simple and rapid Sudan black B staining method. Similarly the presence of exopolysaccharides was identified by Alcian Blue staining method. The ability of the organism to utilize cheap substrates as carbon source for polyhydroxyalkonates (PHA) and exopolysaccharide (EPS) production was determined. Rice bran, wheat bran, molasses and sago liquid wastes were supplemented as carbon substrate in nitrogen free production medium. The most suitable carbon source was sago liquid waste as it showed 42.15% and 50.80% PHA and EPS yield respectively. It was also observed that PHA yield was growth associated whereas EPS production was observed at the late exponential phase. Both FT-IR and GC-MS analysis confirmed the presence of PHA and EPS in Bacillus sp.2-11
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ZENKER DIVERTICULE: case report and review of the literature
we report a clinical case of a rare entity, the zenker's diverticulum, discovered in a young man, we present the clinical dilemma and the management challange.
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“Laryngomalacia”- embryological basis and its clinical significance
Laryngomalacia is the most common cause of stridor in infants-strider results from upper airway obstruction due to supraglottic tissue collapse. Most causes of laryngomalacia are mild and self solve investigation and intervention required in severe causes. There is a strong association with gastroesophgeal reflux disease in patients with laryngomalacia and thus medical treatment with antireflux medications surgical treatment is preferred, while it indicate supraglottoplasty, severe cases are reserved. Proper identification of those patients when requires medical and surgical invention is key to providing with successful outcomes.
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A Comparative Study of the Epiphyton and Phytoplankton Biomass in Yewa Lagoon at Iragbo in Relation to Environmental Characteristics
A comparative study of the phytoplankton and epiphyton biomass in relation to environmental characteristics at the Iragbo part of Yewa Lagoon were undertaken for six months (December, 2012- May, 2013). Water temperature (?32.20C), air temperature (? 48.50C), transparency (? 48.5cm), pH (? 8.16), were higher in dry months while in the wet months total suspended solids (? 1.3mg/L) and total dissolved solids (? 49.0mg/L) values were higher. Dissolved oxygen values (? 2.8mg/L ? 7.6mg/L) were moderate in the Lagoon while biochemical oxygen demand varied between 7.0mg/L and 16.0mg/L, chemical oxygen demand also varied between 21.0mg/L and 40.0mg/L. Reactive silicates ranged between 0.002mg/L and 0.004mg/L throughout the sampling months. The heavy metal values; Copper (?0.03mg/L), Lead (? 0.017mg/L), Zinc (? 0.62mg/L) and Iron (? 0.34mg/L) remained low throughout the sampling period.. Both the phytoplankton and epiphyton biomass were higher in the dry months. Phytoplankton chlorophyll-a values were highest in January while epiphyton chlorophyll-a value was highest in February. The pinnate diatoms dominated the epiphyton community while the centrales diatoms dominated the phytpplankton community. A total of 4885 individuals of 76 phytoplankton species belonging to 6 divisions were identified while a total of 2505 individuals of 39 epiphyton species belonging to 4 divisions were identified. For the phytoplankton community, a total of 1565 individuals (31.80%) represent bacillariophyta division while 635 (12.90%), 2535 (51.52%), 115 (2.33%), 15 (0.5%), and 20 (0.85%) represent chlorophyta, euglenophyta, chrysophyta and pyrophyta respectively. For the epiphyton community, a total of 2525 individuals (87.37%) represents bacillariophyta division while 105 (3.69%), 195(6.74%), and 65(2.24%) individuals represent chlorophyta, cyanophyta and euglenophyta respectively. Species used elsewhere for biomonitoring were observed in the lagoon, they include (Euglenoid) Euglena and Phacus species, Trachelomonas hispida, (Diatoms) Gomphonema parvulum, Synedra ovate, Pinnularia major and (Green algae) Chlorella sp.
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