A cystic form of a pancreatic adenocarcinoma mimicking a false cyst: Diagnosis trap
The detection rate of pancreatic cystic lesions has increased since the current use of high resolution imaging. CT-scan, MRI and echo-endoscopy are diagnostic modalities. The pseudocyst is the most common lesion. It is benign and can be managed by endoscopic treatment. Pancreatic cancer accounts for 2% of all tumors, yet it is the fifth leading cause of cancer death. The surgical treatment of these lesions should be discussed within a multidisciplinary team. The interest of this observation lies in the rarity of the published case, both in terms of the location of the tumor and the clinical and radiological presentation leading to a benign tumor of the pancreas which sometimes poses diagnostic difficulties and justifies a discussion multidisciplinary.
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A Novel and Modern Comprehensive Theory to Create an Anthropocentric Architecture Based on Laws of Chaos (Part III): Optimization
As explained in the chaos chapter, in strange attractor of chaotic systems, creation of information takes place in the diverging trajectories while destruction of information happens in converging trajectories. This quality provides the system with an optimization process. In fact, diverging trajectories provide a search space for examination of all the possibilities and probabilities while finding the optimum general solution to the matter at hand takes place in converging trajectories. In the process starting from the subject and ending with the architectural design, the mind constantly converges and diverges in order to create new information and destroy the redundant information. At the stage of idea-finding, as the parasite and often redundant information increase, our mental system’s trajectories diverged in order to acquire information and develop the search space. Now, we must consider the actual conditions of the act and the designing priorities and destroy the information by absorbing the redundancies and set aside the improper ideas and through elimination, narrow down our ideas in order to find the best answer so that our final mental pattern takes form out of shapelessness. As if until now, we have prepared the conditions of creating and vitalizing the entity and now we want to deal with its actual essence: what nature does this embryo is supposed to assume in order to be accepted and welcomed by its future audiences and maintainers? In the third stage, the alternatives start their journey to growth and evolution from vague and broad sketches and end when a real design emerges.
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A Novel Crystal and Molecular Structure of 7-(4-Chloro-Phenyl)-5-Phenyl-4-Pyrrolidin-1-yl-7H-Pyrrolo[2,3-d]Pyrimidine
In the title compound, C22H19ClN4, the pyrrole and pyrimidine rings form a dihetrocyclic fused pyrrolo-pyrimidine ring system which is almost co-planar; dihedral angle between two ring planes is 6.2º, to which five membered pyrrolidine ring is substituted, which is puckered to attain half chair conformation. Two other rings chloro-phenyl and phenyl are substituted at the 7 and 9 positions respectively in the fused ring system. Chloro-phenyl ring also shares the plane of fused ring system. (Dihedral angle between two ring system is 12.4º.) Crystal packing is stabilized due to ?-? interaction observed between pyrrole and chloro-phenyl ring of its symmetry related molecules (centroid-centroid distance: 3.8641 Å). Intramolecular C-H…N hydrogen bond is also observed in the molecular structure.
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A rare association of Takayasu vasculitis and pyoderma gangrenosum in children: About a case.
Takayasu's disease is an inflammatory arteritis particularly rare in children and is often difficult to diagnose due to the large clinical polymorphism and the absence of specific biological criteria. We report a rare case of takayassu disease revealed by pyoderma gangrenosum in a child. The diagnosis was confirmed by imaging, which showed multifocal arterial damage suggestive of vasculitis.
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A Real Time Vehicle Accident Detection, Ambulance Rescue and Hospital Management System
Now-a-days the lots of accidents happen on highways due to increase in traffic and also due to a rash driving of the drivers. In many situations the family members or the ambulance and police authority is not informed in time. This result in delaying the help reached to the person suffered due to accident. The purpose of this paper is to find the vehicle where it is and locate the vehicle by means of sending a message using a system which is placed inside of vehicle system .Most of the times we may not be able to find accident location because we don’t know where accident will happen. Real Time Vehicle Accident Detection, Ambulance Rescue and Hospital Management System is designed to avoid such situations. This is an intension to implement an innovative solution for this problem.
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Acquisition of language through integrative computer assisted language learning (CALL)
In this era of information technology, computer has become indispensable in all fields, including Teaching of English as a Second Language. In India, the TESL has passed through various phases and methods involving technologies, though outdated today were popular then. This shows that throughout the ages, there was a constant search for a new method to realize the needs of the ESL learners. Recently, the concept of Second Language Acquisition has gained significance and linguists try various techniques to minimize the difference between First Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. Once such method which makes the best use of scientific advancements in TESL research is Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL).
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An Approach to Automatic Road Detection on High Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery
In this paper, the application of the fully automated road detection for high resolution panchromatic images is proposed. This approach includes image binarization, boundary tracing algorithm and mathematical morphology reconstruction in order to retrieve main regions which have high potential to be regarded as road. Fuzzy C-means clustering is used for image binarization. Moore-Neighbour tracing algorithm modified by Jacob's stopping criteria is applied for tracking and labelling regions then flood-fill algorithm is exerted on regions in order to fill holes. Afterwards, four main shape-factors are introduced which can effectively discriminate between road and other terrain features. The R, H, Q and C factors that are relevant to shape of road are defined in this research. K-means cluster is then utilized to separate the roads from others, based on mentioned shape-factors. The algorithm has been tested with PANchromic (PAN) image of Worldview2 sensor. The results demonstrated development in road detection based on shape-factor clustering.
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An impact of organizational culture on Employee’s productivity
Organization culture is a set of values that defines what the organization stands for, how it works and what things or activities it considers important. The primary aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of organizational culture on employee satisfaction with respective to Pearl Beverages Limited, Guntur. . Percentage score analysis has been applied to meet the primary aim of this study. The paper argues that organizational culture significantly influences employee satisfaction and performance
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An investigative study on relative volatility in spot and futures market in selected stock indices in India
This study attempts to investigate the change, if any, in the volatility observed in the Indian stock market due to the introduction of futures trading. The change in the volatility is compared in terms of the structure of the volatility. This is done to give insights into the way the futures market is influencing the Indian spot market’s volatility. The main objective of the study is to investigate whether there has been significant change in relative volatility of the underlying spot return and futures return. The period of study is from 1st January 2000 to 31st December 2010 for the spot prices. The study used three stock indices of NSE namely Nifty, CNX IT and CNX Bank. The index futures time series analyzed here uses data on the near month contract as they are most heavily traded. The study has used four measures of volatility. The study finds that for the three NSE indices, the study rejects the null hypothesis of ‘no significant change in relative inter-day volatility between spot prices and futures prices’ over the entire period 2000-2010, but cannot reject the hypothesis fully for all the individual years. There is significant change in relative intra-day volatility between spot prices and futures prices for all the three NSE indices.
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Analytical method development and validation of HPLC method for the determination of omeprazole in capsule dosage form
Omeprazole is chemically 5-methoxy-2-[[(4-methoxy-3,5-dimethyl-2-pyridinyl) methyl] sulfinyl ]-1H benzimidazole. It works by blocking acid production in the stomach. This medication is known as a proton pump inhibitor (PPI). It is used to treat acid-related stomach and throat (esophagus) problems and also used in the treatment of dyspepsia, peptic ulcer disease (PUD), Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GORD/GERD), and Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) and Zollinger–Ellison syndrome. From the literature survey conducted there is no simple method reported for the determination of Omeprazole in capsule dosage form. Hence an attempt has been made to develop a HPLC method for the determination of Omeprazole is capsule dosage form and validate the developed method. The method was validated with respect to linearity, precision, system suitability, and specificity. The response was linear in concentration range of 9.6µg/ml to15.6µg/ml. The value of correlation coefficient found to be 0.9992. The R.S.D% value for repeatability precision studies was 0.8500. For system suitability it is essential for the assurance of the quality performance of chromatographic system so five injections of standard drug solution were given to the system. The %RSD value for system suitability was 0.1645.
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