Exploring the potential of public-private partnership in provision of basic education to the urban poor in Kenya
The policy of free primary education in Kenya, although highly commendable, has resulted to a baffling phenomenon where parents in urban slums are withdrawing their children from public to private primary schools. This clearly suggests that parents seem to have confidence in private schools than in public schools. The emergence of low fee private schools whose accreditation is in doubt is indeed an interesting phenomenon worth exploring. It is no longer a question of whether private schools exist but rather to what extent private schools supplement the government in providing basic education. While the government bears the sole responsibility of providing education to all children, the findings from three researches discussed in this paper portray a different reality. The number of private schools especially in the slums almost outnumbers government schools despite the fact that public primary schools are free. This trend raises key policy issues regarding the role of the private sector in collaborating with the government in providing quality education to all citizens. Indeed, the emergence of low cost private schools in urban slums presents an unexploited, though potent, opportunity for public-private partnership in the provision of basic education.
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Factors and roots of administrative corruption from Islam point of view
No one has born sinful. Unbalanced social and economical conditions cause corruption. Official corruption is one issue that has been a matter to humans during the history of mankind and today governments, nations and organizations are struggling with it. This destructive issue is the cause of wasting resources and creating problems in systems especially in governmental ones. It is also one reason that prevents countries from development. Some of this corruption is unwanted and nations have different view points toward this problem. Islam, the most complete religion, is basically against any corruption and emphasizes the importance of pureness and right doing. This emphasis has some clear and strict dimensions where it is related to people rights and mentions the necessity of divine limits and people rights. Islam has considers a great necessity for the government officials to be honest and reliable. In the present study it has been tried to recognize the roots of corruption from Islamic point of view and consider ways in order to prevent this corruption from being widespread
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Fractional Calculus of Generalized p-k Wright Function
In this paper we studied fractional calculus properties. Riemann-Liouville fractional integral and derivative of the Generalized p-k Wright function. Certain particular cases of the derived results are considered and indicated to further reduce to some known results.
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FT-IR And FT-Raman Spectral Investigation of 3-Nitropyrrole
Normal coordinate calculations of 3-nitropyrrole have been carried out using Wilson’s FG matrix Valence Force Field (GVFF) for both in-plane and out-of-plane vibrations. The potential energy constants obtained in this study are refined using numerical methods. Keywords: FT-IR, FT-Raman, 3-nitropyrrole, Normal coordinate analysis, potential energy distribution.
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Georesistivity, Aquifer hydraulic characteristics and Groundwater potential zones of Mpu town and environs, Enugu state, Nigeria.
This work employs geoelectrical method to evaluate the resistivity of subsurface materials, characterize the aquifer hydraulic properties and delineate potential groundwater zones at Mpu town and its environs, Enugu state, Nigeria. Mpu lies within latitudes 050 57’ 0’’ and 060 02’ 0’’ N and longitude 0070 40’ 0’’ and 0070 45’ 0’’E with area extent of 55.37square km. The study area is underlain by Awgu Shale, with its lateral arenaceous facie; Owelli Sandstone outcropping north of Oduma. Fifteen (15) vertical electrical soundings (VES) were carried out within the study area, using the Schlumberger electrode configuration. Interpreted VES data shows predominance of Q and H curve type, indicating a fractured – clay/shale subsurface. Georesistivity layers show a clay/shale - sandy shale - dry shale - fractured shale sequence. Contour maps of resistivity, thickness, overburden depth, transverse resistance, longitudinal conductance, aquifer transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity were constructed. Computed aquifer transmissivity show trends with good signals and recorded transmissivity value of 135m2/day. Thus, indicating moderate yield. Low yield areas correspond to high hydraulic conductivity zone. Low and moderate groundwater potential zones were delineated. Comparisons of georesistivity sections and various contour maps show fairly good match in analysis. The study will serve as a useful guide for groundwater development in the study area.
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Giant cervical solitary Gardner fibroma: A case report and review of the literature.
Gardner's fibroma is a rare benign soft tissue tumor most commonly occurring between infancy and adolescence. Approximately 70% are associated with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and Gardner’s syndrome which are inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. We report the observation of a young 16-year-old patient who underwent surgical resection of a large right lateral cervical mass, whose anatomopathological analysis of the operative specimen confirmed the diagnosis of Gardner's fibroma. Considering the association between this histological type and the FAP, a family survey and an endoscopic digestive exploration in search of a recto-colic polyposis coming back negative. The diagnosis is an isolated sporadic Gardner's fibroma.
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Graduates Tracer Study: Tracking, Profiling and Evaluating Employable Skills and Competencies among Information Technology Graduates using Decision Tree Algorithm
Human resources are one of the vital assets for the success of every organization. In similar manner, in universities, each student’s performance in every schools determines the sustenance or depletion of the institution’s competitive edge towards its competitors. Hence this tracer studies was conducted to determine the present personal and professional profile as well as the IT skills and competencies possessed by the Information Technology (IT) graduates in the Philippines to evaluate the relevance and quality of the programs the universities offered and to prescribe the IT skills and competencies that are sought-after by the labor industries nowadays in the IT field.
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Growth and Yield of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) as influenced by Nitrogen and Intra row spacing in Lafia, Nasarawa State of Nigeria
Field trial was conducted during the rainy seasons of 2009 and 2010 to study the effects of nitrogen and intra row spacing on the growth and yield of sesame. The experiment consisted of three levels of nitrogen in the form of urea (0, 50, and 100 kg N ha-1) and three intra row spacing (7.5, 15 and 22.5cm). The nine treatment combinations were laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Plant height, leaf area index, number of branches per plant, total dry matter per plant and days to 50% flowering were optimized at 100 kg N ha-1 and 22.5cm intra row spacing. Numbers of capsules per plant, capsule weight per plant, grain yield per plant and grain yield per hectare were optimized at 50 kg ha-1 of nitrogen. Maximum number capsules per plant, capsule weight per plant, grain yield per plant were recorded at 22.5cm intra row spacing while, maximum grain yield per hectare was recorded at 15cm intra row spacing. Application of 50 kg N ha-1 and planting at 15cm intra row spacing is therefore recommended for higher sesame yield in this area.
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Growth, Spectral, Optical, Thermal, Structural Properties of Urea Thiourea Potassium Sulphate Crystal
The present paper reports the growth of Urea Thiourea Potassium Sulphate crystal (UTKS) by slow evaporation method at 30 °C. A Single and Powder X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that UTKS crystals belong to orthorhombic structure at various diffracting planes of the grown crystal were identified. In various functional groups of the grown UTKS crystal were identified by FT-IR spectral analysis. Optical transmittance and energy band gap of grown crystal have been measured from UV-Vis studies. Second harmonic generation was investigated to confirm the non-linear optical properties. The thermal behavior has been examined by TG/DTA analysis and the SEM images of the crystal reveal the well formation of the faces of the crystal. Keywords FT-IR, SHG, SEM analysis, Single and Powder XRD, TG/DTA and UV-Vis.
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Heart disease of refugees in Morocco (Retrospective study from January 2016 to December 2018 about 400 patients)
The growing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) presented new challenges for medical humanitarian aid and little was known about primary health care approaches for these diseases in humanitarian response. We aimed to evaluate UNHCR’s use of total CVD risk based prevention strategies amongst refugees in Morocco to identify opportunities to improve total CVD risk based guidance for humanitarian settings. We evaluated CVD risk assessment and management in two outpatient NCD clinics in Morocco using a mixed methods design with qualitative and quantitative strands of equal priority, Integrate during data collection and interpretation during three years. We reviewed the clinical records of 400 patients. The number of consultations has increased by half between 2016 and 2018. The average age of the patients was 48 +/- 12.6 with a predominance of patients in the age group between 40 and 50. The sex ratio was 1,7 of men, the majority of patients consulted once time, the country of origin was Syria in 40% of cases, the most risk factor founded was hypertension in almost 70% of case, a history of coronary artery disease was present in almost 6% of cases, chest pain was the most frequent reason for consultation followed by headache, and the diagnosis was arterial hypertension in 58% of cases followed by ischemic heart disease In 26% of cases. All patients underwent a complete clinical examination, with an electrocardiogram based on the indications; echocardiography was performed in 37% of patients and coronarography in 10% with surgery in 1.5% and catheter intervention in 1.5% of cases. Most patients had at least one medical treatment to take. The high prevalence of unhealthy behaviors and risk factors for Heart disease in refugee groups might be a lifestyle remnant from their country of birth or might be brought about by a stressful migration and acculturation into a new social and cultural environment. Nevertheless, it is important in primary healthcare to be aware of a possible preventable increased risk of unhealthy behaviors and risk factors for heart disease in some immigrants.
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