Hepatic artey pseudoaneurysm : A case report
Hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm is a rare complication of traumatism of the bile duct. The objective of this work is to be able to suspect this complication in case of hemobilia or hepatic colic and to make the diagnosis by hepatic Computed tomography angiography. Endovascular treatment is the least invasive method and should be considered urgently.We report a case of a young boy whose diagnosis was established by computed tomographic angiography of the hepatic artery after having presented Quincke’s triad.
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Histopathological on kidney of male mice orally intoxicated with nickel chloride
Kidneys play an important role in control and regulation of homeostasis. It is also known that many heavy metals are nephrotoxic as kidney concentrates them before excretion. In order to assess the nephrotoxic effects of nickel chloride, the present work was under taken to observe histopathological changes in kidney of mice by oral administration of different doses of three nickel salts (NiCl2). Histopathological studies with light microscopy were made on the kidney of control and experimental groups of mice. Histopathologically, the density of Bowman’s capsules and tubules decreased as compared to control. The Bowman’s capsules were damaged and contracted badly. The pacts (Proximal convoluted tubules) showed more necrosis than dcts (Distal convoluted tubules) necrosis.
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Homology modeling and docking analysis of Prodigiosin from Serratia marcescens
Prodigiosin is a powerful red pyrrole pigment produced by several bacteria, especially in Serratia marcescens. Prodigiosin has a wide biological activity profile with antifungal, immunosuppressive and anti-proliferative activity. Investigations were made in the present study to identify the activity of Prodigiosin against virus and bacteria related affected diseases. 3D modeling of HBV, HIV, HCV, Pl.vivax, and H1N1proteins were performed by comparative modeling approach using PDB ID’s:1QGT, 1ESX, 1CU1, 1V0B, 2WR3 as template in MODELLER program. The best models were chosen based on Procheck analysis, energy minimized and applied for active site description in QsiteFinder. The Ligand-Protein interactions were calculated by autodock tool to monitor the probable drug targets and their applications.
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Identifying mathematics themes perceived difficult by secondary school students
This paper examines the ‘O’ level mathematics themes specifically to identify the most difficult content areas in order to improve students’ achievement in mathematics. In this study, questionnaire made up of the content areas in ‘O’ level mathematics were administered in classrooms using random sample technique. The sample consists of 214 students; 102 males and 112 females of some selected Secondary schools in Nasarawa State. The respondents are all SS III students of 2012/2013 academic session. The data collected was analysed using simple arithmetic percentages. It was established that a great number of the respondents perceived Plane Geometry as the most difficult content area in “O” level mathematics and this constitute 80 (37.4%) of the 214 respondents. This is followed by 55 (25.7%) of the respondents who are of the view that Algebraic Processes is the most difficult.
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Impact of Soil Mulches and Garlic Extract Spraying on Growth of Cucumber Cucumis sativus L. Grown in Plastic Houses at Najaf Desert
ABSTRACT The experiment was conducted during the growth season of 2013- 2014 autumn and spring at the desert of Najaf Governorate of plant cucumbers Toshika. The aim was to study the effect of soil mulches and garlic extract spray on the growth of cucumbers grown in a greenhouse. The experiment included 16 treatment interaction between soil mulches such as (without mulches , black polyethylene, transparent polyethylene and rice residues) and garlic extract spray at different rates (0.0 , 2.5 , 5.0, and 7.5 ml. L-1) on vegetative growth plants were sprayed. Then spray was adopted at two weeks internals that means two times plant were sprayed during the growing season. Design of the study was split Plot Design within Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicate. The means were compared at the probability of 0.05 by least Significant Differences (LSD). Results showed as follow. Plants grown under black polyethylene were higher in most vegetative growth Characteristics (leaves number , leaf dry matter percentage and leaf contents of nitrogen) which is Produced the highest values of the vegetative growth characteristics season as compared with control treatment (spray with distilled water only). Interaction effects between soil mulches and garlic extract spray were significant on studying vegetative growth characteristics for the two seasons. The interaction of black polyethylene with 5 ml.L-1 gave the highest means of vegetative growth as compared with the interaction of control that gave the least means for the above studied characteristics of the first and second season.
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Implementation of zoom FFT in ultrasonic blood flow analysis using VLSI technology
An adequate blood flow supply is necessary for all organs of the body. Analysis of the blood flow finds its importance in the diagnoses of diseases. There are many techniques for analyzing the blood flow. These techniques are not affordable by the poor people because of their high expense. So we have implemented a technique called Zoom-FFT. This technique is simple and affordable to detect the blood clots and other diseases. Here a specific application will be dealt i.e., ultrasonic blood flow analyzer using ZOOM FFT. The implementation must be achieved with a single VLSI chip in order for the system to be both cost-effective and power efficient and thus widely accepted.
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Incorporation of agrosilica in concrete-a review
The experimental study has been made to utilize natural agrosilica (agrowaste) as a pozzolana by partial replacement of cement. The agrowastes that are rich in silica namely sugarcane bagasse ash, rice husk ash, wood ash are being taken for the study. The study is done for compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural stength. Optimum percentage of replacement of different agro waste is determined. Thus utilization of agro waste in concrete and accounts for green concrete.
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Influence of perceived quality of a jersey on customer satisfaction of a football team among female fans in public universities in Kenya
The increasing competition in the business sector requires that teams that are involved in developing the brands come up with brands that consumers can easily differentiate from those of the competitors to make their brand stand out. Football teams rely on fans for their success, providing income through ticket sales, television viewing from proceeds of advertisement and purchasing team branded products. Yet this area remains unexplored in Kenya hence the researchers desire to assess the influence of brand equity on customer satisfaction of football team among universities female fans in Public Universities in Kenya. The specific objective was to examine the influence of perceived quality of a team jersey on customer satisfaction of a football team among female fans in public universities in Kenya. The Ministry of Sports will recognize how the female fans benefit sports and justify higher budgetary allocations for female league. The research study was anchored on the economic theory of discrimination which stipulates that groups are collectively against each other. In this theory men hold a taste for discrimination meaning that there is a disamenity value to women watching football. Hence female fans feel inferior in stadiums to their male counterparts. The study adopted explanatory research design to determine the influence of brand equity on customer satisfaction of a football team. A target population of 1846 respondent was investigated. A sample of 319 was then used for the study. Stratified and snowball sampling techniques were employed. Semi-structured questionnaire was used as instrument of data collection. Content validity was measured through expert judgment while reliability was measured by use of Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient method at p<0.05. The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics comprising of chi-statistic, multiple regression analysis and Anova. The first objective sought to examine the influence of perceived quality of a team jersey on customer satisfaction of a football team among female fans in public universities in Kenya. A hypothesis was formulated with the assumption of no significant effect. The result shows that the value of test statistic is 21.339. The p-value of the test statistic is p=0.046 since the p-value is less that the chosen level of significance (0.05) null hypothesis was rejected.
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Influence of Some Local Spices on Chemical and Antioxidant properties of Hot-Smoked African Catfish (Clariasgariepinus)
Fish constitutes a very important component in the diets ofboth man and animals as it provides the much needed protein and other nutrients for a healthy living however, it is prone to rapid putrefaction and spoilage. In this study, local spices were applied on hot-smoked African catfish for its preservative tendencies using Response Surface Methodology of Design Expert 6.0.8.Five independent variables consisting of soaking times of 0.0, 7.50, 15.00, 22.50 and 30.0 min; soaking temperatures(30, 35, 40, 45, 50oC); garlic, ginger and turmeric with concentrations of 0.0, 2.50, 5.00, 7.50 and 10.0 g/100ml respectively were investigated. Predictive models for the response variables were developed as a function of process variables. A second-order polynomials obtained to predict the response variables were all significant (p<0.05) with good correlation coefficients (R2) between 0.869 and 0.999 showing that the models can be used to navigate the design space. Selection of the best (optimum) combination of garlic, ginger and turmeric concentrations, extraction temperature and extraction time of 7.29 g/100ml, 7.50 g/100ml, 2.5 g/100ml, 38.65 oC and 7.51 min respectively produced optimized responses in spiced smoked catfish with CP, ash, TP, FRAP, MC, fat and FFA of 65.20%, 8.59%, 2.45 mg/100 g, 20.24 mg/100 g, 2.20%, 11.17% and 0.72% respectively. This successfully established the synergistic effect of local spices on the chemical and antioxidant properties of the hot-smoked catfish
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Internet Addiction among Adolescents
The Internet is a widely used tool known to foster addictive behavior, and Internet addiction threatens to develop into a major public health issue in the near future in a rapidly developing country like India. Internet addiction in adolescence can have a negative impact on identity formation and may negatively affect cognitive functioning, lead to poor academic performance and engagement in risky activities, and inculcate poor dietary habits. Recent reports indicated that some online users were becoming addicted to the Internet in much that same way that others became addicted to drugs or alcohol, which resulted in academic, social, and occupational impairment. The aim of the study is to examine the prevalence of internet addiction among adolescents.For the purpose of the study 272 adolescent’s students (176 male, 96 female) from formal schools and colleges at Chhattisgarh. The sampling was based on random sampling method. The age range of the students is 14yrs-19yrs. The tools, demographic data sheet designed for the purpose of this study and Internet Addiction Test (IAT) by Dr. Kimberly Young to measure the levels of internet addiction were used. The results revealed that prevalence of average internet addiction was 57%, problematic addiction was 41.9% and severe addiction was 0.7%. The gender difference was found on internet addiction that males were more addicted to the internet than female. It was also found that the duration of internet surfing and time spent for internet usage of the students were significant for internet addiction. Based on the results, internet addiction should be considered as a serious problem in adolescents and young adults. So, it is necessary that proper use of internet to be educated to adolescents and young adults to prevent the risk of internet addiction.
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