Introducing reading and cloze tasks as panaceas for Iranian EFL learners’ loss of memory: a case of collocation retrieval
The present study aims at examining the influence of receptive (reading three glossed sentences) and productive (completing a cloze task) tasks on retrieving the knowledge of English verb-noun collocations in an Iranian English as a foreign language (EFL) learning context. To do so, ninety four EFL university learners were divided into two experimental (reading and cloze) groups and one control group. To examine the effects of the tasks, the students in all three groups were given receptive and productive collocation pretests aiming at measuring their existing knowledge of collocation and posttests to measure the learners' gained knowledge of collocation after being exposed to the treatments. Two weeks after completing the treatments, the students were given delayed posttests examining the participants’ ability to retrieve the receptive and productive gained of the collocations. The results of Paired Sample t-tests revealed that the tasks were highly effective in helping the students retrieve the already gained knowledge of verb-noun collocations.
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Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) countering DDOS attack in internetworks
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks remain a major security problem, the mitigation of which is very hard especially when it comes to highly distributed botnet-based attacks. The early discovery of these attacks, although challenging, is necessary to protect end-users as well as the expensive network infrastructure resources. Here, we address the problem of DDoS attacks and present the theoretical foundation, architecture, and algorithms of FireCol. The core of FireCol is composed of Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs) located at the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) level. The IPSs form virtual protection rings around the hosts to defend and collaborate by exchanging selected traffic information. The evaluation of FireCol using extensive simulations and a real dataset is presented, showing FireCol effectiveness and low overhead, as well as its support for incremental deployment in real network.
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Investigation of different methods of biological Ema (effective microorganism active) use on quality and quantity production and water use efficiency in two cultivars of corn
A field experiment was conducted at Firozabad region of Iran to study the effect of Effective Microorganisms Activate (EMa), EMa levels on growth, yield, Yield Components and Water Usage Efficiency of two Maize cultivars (Ns640 and Back cross 666). The experiment consisted of 10 treatments which were the combinations between two factors: two cultivars and five EMa levels.Ns640 cultivar significantly exceeded Back cross 666 in more growth characters, yield and its components. The result indicates that EMa increases growth and grain yield and water usage efficiency of Maize.
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List of articles published in the month of December 2019
Table of contents for the month of December 2019
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List of articles published in the month of December 2020
Table of contents for the month of December 2020
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List of articles published in the month of March 2020
Table of contents for the month of March 2020
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Managing downturn in the turbulent time innovatively – a case study of selected Indian IT companies
The Indian IT companies have devised various innovative measures to face Global financial meltdown which has left its adverse impact on bottom-line of companies across the globe. Innovative strategies have helped IT majors to give improved results. IT sector has to use this downturn as an opportunity to learn, study the market carefully and design strategies accordingly. The IT players should look for servicing customers in new ways; offer them better solutions at affordable price. The paper looks into few critical areas of managerial concern such as Business Resource Planning, Towards Effective Pricing, Better customer Orientation in particular at the time of crisis, Enhancing average revenue per customer, Building long term relations with clients, Innovative initiative to engage bench employees, etc.
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Mechanism of tooth eruption & its clinical significance - A systematic review of literature
Tooth eruption is an important, complex and highly regulated process. It involves signaling from a large number of genes and molecules. This review outlines the possible mechanism of tooth eruption right from its development in the bony crypt to its eruption till the occlusal level. Active tooth eruption starts from intra-osseous stage when there is formation of eruption pathway. Colony stimulating factor (CSF-I)and monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP) plays an important role in osteo- clastogenesis. Inhibition of osteoproteigrin (OPG) transcription and enhancement of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL) is important . Paracrine signaling by parathyroid hormone-related protein(PTHrP) and Interleukin-1?produced in stellate reticulum may also play a role in regulating eruption. Wnt/?-catenin signaling plays a critical role in bone formation and regeneration and thus tooth eruption. Correct understanding of this important event is needed to diagnose and treat disorders of tooth eruption.
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Molecular structure, vibrational spectroscopic studies and HOMO-LUMO analysis of 2-bromo-4, 6-dinitroaniline
The molecular vibrations of 2-bromo-4,6-dinitroaniline (BDNA) were investigated in solid phase, at room temperature by FT-IR and FT-Raman spectroscopy. The molecular geometry and vibrational frequencies of BDNA in the ground state were calculated by using the Hartree-Fock (HF) and density functional theory (DFT) methods (B3LYP) with 6-311++G** as basis set. Comparison of the observed fundamental vibrational frequencies of BDNA with calculated results by HF and density functional methods indicates that B3LYP is superior to HF method for molecular vibrational problems. The Mulliken atomic charges have also been computed at HF/6-311++G** and B3LYP/6-311++G** level. Finally the calculated HOMO and LUMO energies show that charge transfer occur in the molecule.
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Molecular structure, vibrational spectroscopic, natural bond orbital analysis, frontier molecular orbital analysis and thermodynamic properties of 3-hydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxylicacid
The understanding of optimized molecular geometry, vibrational analysis of the heterocyclic organic compounds plays a vital role in the process of drug discovery. The present work provides geometrical parameters, vibrational assignments for pharmaceutical intermediate 3-hydroxynaphthalene-2-carboxylicacid (3HN2CA). Moreover, the present study aims to illustrate how intermolecular interactions appear within the molecule on account of HOMO-LUMO studies. In addition to these, Mullikan’s Atomic charges associated with each atom are also reported. Entire vibrational, geometrical parameters, Mullikan’s Atomic charges and HOMO-LUMO Energy gap of 3HN2CA were predicted with the aid of B3LYP level of theory with cc/PVDZ and 6-31+G(d) basis sets on a quantum chemical software Gaussian 09W. In view of visual inspection, 60 normal modes of vibrations contributed to 3HN2CA were found out. Furthermore, the molecular orbital calculations such as natural bond orbital’s (NBOs) and Mapped molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) surfaces were also performed with the same level of DFT. The thermal flexibility of molecule in associated with vibrational temperature was also illustrated on the basis of correlation graphs. The detailed interpretation of the vibrational spectra has been carried out with the aid of potential energy distribution (PED) results obtained quantum chemical calculations. The delocalization of electron density of various constituents of the molecule has been discussed with the aid of NBO analysis.
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