Representations of Nigerian Political Unity and Dynamisms in Achebe and Chimamanda
This study is based on the dynamics of Nigerian politics as portrayed in the two select post-colonial works of Chinua Achebe and Chimamanda Adichie. The paper considers the role of identity in the post-colonial era and narrows it down to the Nigerian/Biafran civil war of 1967-1970. It sets out to reveal the problem of identity that was prevalent in Nigeria during the civil war and the state of Nigeria's politics during the period of the war. The study is based on different research materials such as internet sources, journals, textbooks and interviews. Achebe's book is the most accurate, recent and comprehensive prose that has discussed the past, present and the possible future of Nigerian politics. Adichie, though never experienced the war, skillfully constructs a tragic story that depicts accurately the events of the civil war, The findings of this research is based on the fact that, if the political leaders of the country will be able to compromise their diverse identities and the ethnic groups in the country come together to believe in a common identity, then the strife and disagreement will be in its barest minimum. Finally, conclusions are drawn on how to address the problems of national disunity and selfish politics in Nigeria.
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Role of WTO subsidy policies on ASEAN agricultural production
WTO brings several important benefits to the members and its agreements helping in better market access and better policy implications. These agreements cannot tackle problems originating in developing countries due to poor domestic supply response, terms of trade changes or exogenous shocks, but opens up new markets for the member countries, efficiency gains, and growth of trade and inflow of foreign products. WTO assists commodity-producing Southeast Asian countries to improve their capacity for increasing the worth of their commodities through processing and manufacturing as well as marketing. At the same time, developing countries should press developed countries to reduce subsidy escalation and allow better market access for processed and commodity-based manufactured products, and thus help commodity producers reap better benefits from the trading system. Therefore WTO policies impact on Southeast Asian countries is positive as well as negative in some aspects. Improvement in production/marketing technology, provision or strengthening of basic infrastructural facilities such as those of packaging, transportation, storage, marketing information etc. and assured factor supplies which improve the comparative advantage can be helpful in increasing the export supply of major agricultural products i.e. coffee and tobacco. Policies and programmes which aim at reducing the yield risk in coffee and tea production will be helpful in increasing the export supply. These agreements significantly improve the stability of market access. WTO has also played a positive role in strengthening domestic policies for better management of agricultural sector crisis of Southeast Asian countries by making the healthy investment atmosphere over a longer period of time.
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Sarcomatoid variant of urothelial carcinoma of the bladder: Five case reports and a review of the literature
Sarcomatoid variant of urothelial carcinoma (SVUC) is an uncommon histological variant of urothelial carcinoma. Sarcomatoid carcinomas are aggressive malignancies with poor prognosis, which by definition are biphasic neoplasms with both an epithelial and a mesenchymal component. There is no consensus opinion on the best treatment modalities for this tumor. Herein on are reported 5 cases of SVUC with a brief review of the literature. The data was collected from the medical records in the Department of Urology, at the University Hospital Center of Rabat Morocco during the period from January 2014 to December 2017.
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Semantics of ‘Rabb’ as an Attribute of God in the Framework of Quranic Teachings
The term rabb as an attribute of God is repeated frequently in the Quran. It assumes a significant role in comprehension of other attributes of God as well as some Quranic teachings. Comprehension of this term requires methodological consideration of Quranic verses, traditions, and other evidence in a semantic framework. Accordingly, the only definition that can be presented for this term is malik mudabbir. Other definitions including murabbi (instructor/trainer/cultivator) are insufficient. In the definition, Malik may be rendered as Master/Owner/Lord meaning that He holds complete possession and absolute authority over all of creation. In addition, mudabbir (director/ordainer) is an attribute involving the absolute knowledge, wisdom, power, and mercy of God as well as other divine attributes. Thus, the term rabb comprehends various divine attributes and can have a wide range of implications. Polytheism in lordship (and following that, in divinity) emerges when an entity other than God is associated with some aspect of lordship (e.g. believing in a god that intercedes or forgives). If such beliefs did not exist, polytheism would never originate.
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Semi-quantitative analyses and Paleoecology of Palynomorphs from Kuri-1, Western Niger Delta Nigeria
Fifty-two ditch cutting samples between 6138m and 7717m in Kuri-1 Well, western Niger Delta were collected and processed for sedimentological and palynological analyses. Basically two lithologic units were identified which are sandstones and shaly sandstone. A total of Twenty seven species of palynomorphs were recovered, photographed and identified. The diagnostic palynomorphs recovered were used in the zonation and dating of the analyzed section. Two major palynological zones were established: P700 and P800 zones. The P700 zone contains only P780 subzone with the top placed at 6806m and its base at 7717m; this is marked by the top regular occurrence of Racemonocolpites hians. The P800 zone contains two subzones of P820 and P830, the top of P820 is placed at 6400m defined by the quantitative base occurrence of Stereiosporites spp. and its base is placed at 6806m marked by the top regular occurrence of Racemonocolpites hians. The top of P830 is placed at 6138m and its base at 6400m defined by the quantitative base occurrence of Stereiosporites spp. Based on the index taxa recorded, these zones correlate with the broad Pan-tropical zone of Echitricolporites spinosus. The flora recovered suggests Middle to Late Miocene age and a littoral to inner neritic environment of deposition.
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Separation cordial labeling of graphs
This paper introduces a new type of labeling called separation cordial labeling. A separation cordial labeling of graph G is a bijection f from V to {1,2,… ,|V|} such that each edge uv is assigned the label 1 if f(u) + f(v) is an odd number and label 0 if f(u) + f(v) is an even number. Then the number of edges labeled 0 and the number of edges labeled 1 differ by at most 1. If a graph has a separation cordial labeling, then it is called separation cordial graph. Here, the class? Pl?_n ( n ? 5), ?Pl?_(m,n) (m,n ? 3) of planar graphs, full binary tree, the star graph? K?_(1,q), the complete bipartite graph K_(m ,n), path P_n, the cycle? C?_n, are discussed and found to be separation cordial. Also, found that complete graph K_n is not separation cordial for, n ? 4.
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Simulation Concentrator type of Compound Parabolic Trough Solar Collector in the Solar Thermal Power Plant (STPP) for Conditions of Iraq
The mathematical model CFD, presented in this study, which was designed to evaluate the performance and characteristics of STPP in Baghdad city (Iraq) with the compound parabolic concentrator (CPC) as a variant of the solar collector. For the purpose of performance analysis and simulations, many expensive and complex programs are usually used, but these tools are directed to perform initial assessments of performance efficiency and feasibility of the project in terms of the output temperature of the solar field and output power generation. To study the solar stations properly, accurate information about the weather, climate and work environment should be available, as well as extensive data on the solar radiation values of the geographical area on which the project will be set up.
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Simulation of laminar flow heat transfer in oil coolers
A CFD analysis was done to numerically study the heat transfer characteristics of an oil cooler under laminar flow conditions with varying Reynolds number from 250 to 2400 with ISOVG46 Turbinol on tube side and water on shell side for different flow rates. Simulated results of Nusselt number and friction factor are in good agreement with the available experimental results and with the Sieder and Tate equation for plain tube. Results show that the strip inserts led to a higher heat transfer rates over the plain tube with increase in Nusselt number, friction factor and over all enhancement ratios.
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Single Network structure for Stuck-at and bridging fault Analysis and Diagnosis for Exclusive-OR Sum of Products in Reed-Muller Canonical Circuits
In this paper, a testable design with good fault identification capability is used for analysis and diagnosis of stuck-at and bridging faults in Exclusive-OR Sum of Product Reed-Muller canonical circuits, independent of the function for a given number of inputs. Factors of identifiability and distinguishability have been defined and determined. Further, a compact method of representing the circuit outputs has been adopted for ease of tabulation and comparison. Simulations of Single stuck-at, Double stuck-at, OR-bridging and AND-bridging faults for a few random functions have been carried out through MATLAB coding. From the test results, it was found that the fault detection for the set of random functions was more than 95% for most of the functions except few cases, with just n+5 test vectors compared to 2n test vectors required for conventional testing. The location of the fault can also be diagnosed through the output sets.
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Smart Grid: nurture new dimensions to conventional grid
The conventional electric grid is continuously shifted towards technological transformation of Smart Grid. The gradually increasing electricity cost, inadequate infrastructure, electricity losses at various stages, carbon footprint and climate changes are some of the major player for paradigm shift towards smart grid. The smart grid is next generation grid network that promises advantage such as decentralized control, digitalization, flexibility, intelligence, resilience, sustainability, and customization. In this article, we are put forth some of pioneer development and challenges faced in the smart grid environment. This article also discusses the smart grid development regarding with Indian perspectives.
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