CT angiographically demonstrated variation in origin of inferior phrenic arteries in asian population and its clinical implication with review of literature
The lack of ample amount of literature, limited size of the study group in the available studies and relating the potential clinical applications of variation of origin of inferior phrenic artery has validated the study so that additional information could be added to the present literature. Objective: Few dedicated studies have been available demonstrating variations in the origin of inferior phrenic in the present growing era of intervention radiology. The cause has been satisfied by studying a group of 100 patients and reviewing the available literature. Methods: A group of 100 patients that were the potential liver and renal donors were studied in a 40 slice CT scanner as pre transplant evaluation in the Department of Radiology, Institute of nuclear medicine and allied sciences ,Timarpur ,New Delhi. Results: The right inferior phrenic arteries arise from abdominal aorta in 41(42%) of cases, celiac axis 50(50%) ,right renal artery 7(7%) and from left gastric in 2(2%) of cases. The left inferior phrenic arise from aorta in 38(38%) of cases, celiac axis in 55(52%) of cases, left renal artery 4(4%),left gastric artery in 3(3%) of cases. Conclusion: The importance of the IPA is not limited to the arterial supply to the diaphragm . Practically any hepatic neoplasm (including metastatic disease to the liver) may receive blood supply from the IPA. Literature have been reviewed regarding variation in origin of inferior phrenic artery and its implication in surgical intervention. KEYWORDS: Inferior phrenic artery, diaphragm
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Cultivating Strategies of Humanistic Literacy for College Physics Undergraduates
Humanistic education can build students’ humanistic literacy which including freedom of thought, moral autonomy and personal authenticity. In higher physics education, both science literacy and humanistic literacy should be developed. The higher physics education can enhance the blend of scientific education and humanistic education, and promote the harmonious development between scientific literacy and humanistic literacy.
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Design & Analysis of a Experimental 4 Channel Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
The ever fast growing information technology is enabling a re-definition of the early stages of aircraft design which has been restricted to mostly statistical and empirical approaches because of lengthy and costly simulation times .The paper basically deals with designing a UAV by considering various parameters such as aspect ratio, taper ratio, power loading etc. During design, electronic components are to be considered and number of channels to be used is taken into account. Based on the above parameters a rough sketch of our aircraft is designed, later detailed calculations for each part of the aircraft is done keeping in mind of our objectives. In basic analysis, the main focus is on how various parameters such as lift, drag, co-efficient of lift v/s angle of attack etc behave on the wing. The basic analysis is performed using design foil software, analysis is done in order to check the theoretical calculated value matches with the nearest value obtained in the software and also to place the wing at desired angle of attack for the aircraft to achieve stable flight, it is also corrected for errors if any. Finally our own prototype manufactured is displayed & tested practically.
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Design of bio-implantable acoustic power transmitter using comsol 3. 5
Acoustic power transmi-tter was introduced using comsol multiphysics. They can provide electronic energy to other implanted devices by receiving an external acoustic wave generated from the skin surface of the subcutaneous tissue. Piezoelectric ceramics make the internal devices of the receiver, and they are directly charged, converting pressure into an extractable electrical energy. Moreover, the less weight material such as aluminium is used to design the internal devices. Additionally, the designs of transducer which can efficiently absorb the generated charges were also designed using comsol. The actuator which can efficiently generate the required acoustic waves are analysed. The shear bender model generates the required acoustic waves, they were used here to generate the required charges .The material properties for different elements were chosen to maximize the output power .The output power developed is analysed for the different tissue properties such as fatty tissue or muscular tissue .The charge developed is maximum at the top surface of transducer which are easy to extract it to other devices.
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Design of Compact Horn Antenna Excited by Microstrip Patch in C-Band
A high gain microstrip patch fed horn antenna operating in C-band at 6 GHz is presented. The proposed antenna uses H-shaped microstrip excited patch in FR4 and a surface mounted horn integrated on metal. The peak antenna gain is 8.6dBi and directivity is 8.9dBi. VSWR bandwidth is 24%. The proposed design is simulated with Zeland Program Manager IE3D 9.0 version software.
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Designing model risk assessment of tourism by using of multistage combination techniques ANFIS and Dematel
This study by using of fuzzy approach has attempted to model for predicting the risk of tourism in a fuzzy environment developed for this purpose , at first , the effective parameters of the process of determining the number of tourism in metropolises are recognized , then the variables are classified in 11 categories and according to experts’ opinions , their importance is identified by DEMATEL technique that it is reduced to 14 variables and classified to 4 groups, and considered as an input. Following the classification each with by using membership functions of linguistic variables were transformed into qualitative variables. Each variable in the fuzzy sign in fuzzy networks finally, each of the output variables of the fuzzy system derived. After the Create 11-fuzzy network, each output results as an affecting factor on main risk associated with specific weight and then the weight relation each of the small risks, the main risks was obtain. The end Tehran city as a case study assessment Tehran, with a 50.503% (average) tourism risk whit human-induced has been calculated. It should be noted that these rhythms were in various cities and countries, is different.
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Determination of major elemental contents of some bentonitic clay in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
Clay as a mineral resource remains an important material for most industries. They are varied in composition and as a result serve a multitude of purposes. To ascertain the industrial application of each clay type, knowledge of the elemental contents of the clay is important. For clays with montmorillonitic content, they are used in oil and gas industries mostly as drilling fluid viscosifiers. In this study, five clay samples obtained from clay deposits at Ibiono, Ini, Itu, Ikono and Uyo in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria were characterized elementally to evaluate their montmorillonite content potential for use as drilling mud viscosifiers. X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) coupled with samples dilution method and standard calibration of samples was used. The elemental analyses portray montmorillonite as the dominant clay mineral in the Ini, Itu Ibiono and Uyo clays. Abundance of major elements showed that SiO2 (10.4 - 42.4%) and Al2O3 (4.4 -15.4%) constitute over 70% of the bulk chemical compositions. Other constituents included Fe2O3, K2O, CaO, Na2O, MgO among others. Additionally, notable disparities exist in the SiO2 and Al2O3 contents of the clays, the Itu clay was the most siliceous while the Ikono clay was the least aluminous compared to the others. Furthermore, the XRF analysis of the clays showed that the Al2O3/SiO2 ratio was higher than 0.38; as expected for montmorillonite content of clays. Therefore, the elemental characteristics of the studied clays revealed that they are suitable for use as drilling mud viscosifiers provided appropriate beneficiation is carried out on them to activate their Calcium-based to Sodium-based bentonitic clays.
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Development of Saravallai (Trianthema portulacastrum) dhal powder and acceptability of SDP incorporated Indian breakfast foods and snacks
ABSTRACT:Iron deficiency anemia is highly prevalent. Dietary improvement by including iron-rich green leafy vegetables is one of the best options for increasing the iron content of the diet. Saravallai (Trianthema portulacastrum linn was used to formulate Saravallai dhal powder (SDP) and incorporated at three, six and ten percent in traditional Indian recipes. The energy, protein, fat ,calcium and iron content of SDP was 450.64±17.78 kcal. 23.74±0.53, 7.94±2.52 g percent. 589.33±8.14 and 27.16±0.76 mg. Ten percent incorporation of SDP did not alter the sensory qualities of rice, murukku, galagala, onion chutney, tomato thokku, potato fry and dhal sambar © 2014 Elixir All rights reserved
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Digesting Vocabulary: Email vs. Context
From the first stages of learning a new language we were told the best way to learn and memorize vocabulary is through context. However, the way education is taking advantage of technology has made the conventional methods in question. This study is provided to investigate the effect of Email and Context on vocabulary learning in a comparative way. To this end, 16 first-year University students having French as their second language –divided into two groups of eight- were chosen. During 4 weeks of treatment one group was provided with two short stories, each containing 35 unfamiliar French vocabularies from the pre-test, and the same vocabularies were sent to the other group everyday by Email. The results were collected through post-test and a recall test, in addition with an interview for the Email receiving group to learn the participants’ opinions about their learning experience. The post test results did not show any significant difference between the two groups, however the recall test ten days after the experiment showed that the context receiving group was much better in recalling the studied vocabularies than the Email receiving group–although the Email participants were more interested in their learning method. It could be concluded that learning vocabulary through context is still a better help for language learners to store the learnt vocabularies in their memory.
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Effect of Agrochemicals on Environment, Health, and Safety: Assessment from Smallholder Farmers Standpoint
Since the era of the Green Revolution, Agricultural production worldwide experienced much efficiency with a remarkable aim to eradicate threats of food insecurity. This breakthrough was anchored on science and technology. Among the interventions this era saw to date were the use of fertilizers and pesticides in our day-to-day farming activity to boost yield and control pests/diseases. The study assessed farmers’ knowledge in the use of Agrochemicals given their environmental effects such as on water bodies, occupational hazard and safety, disposal, and storage regarding product use. Questionnaires were administered to farmers cultivating vegetables, food, and cash crops under Open-field and Greenhouse managements in respective Production Specification; Organic and Inorganic productions. The study revealed that 85% of respondents who cultivated cash crops such as Cocoa and Rubber heavily relied on the use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. 35.40%, 32.74%, and 19.47% of respondents disposed of Agrochemical containers using Pit burial, Burn/Incinerate, and Indiscriminate methods, respectively, while 12.39% used ecological (biodegradable) materials. 92.7% of the respondents had knowledge about perilous consequence and yet didn't garment recommended protective apparels during application. It was concluded and recommended that the necessity of Agrochemical for pest, disease and weed control were unavoidable in the smallholder farming business in Ghana, despite the gradual rise of inorganic fertilizer and Integrated Pest Management control products. However, needful actions such as Government policy on educational campaign/programs must be intensified. to help appropriately redress misapplications and chemical residue on fresh food produce.
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