Effect of Ceria on the properties of Ceria Stabilized Zirconia/Alumina /Ceria (ZTA/Ce) composites
Ceria stabilized zirconia toughened alumina (ZTA) /ceria composites for industrial ceramic applications have been studied. Five samples were prepared, ceria was added to ceria stabilized zirconia/alumina composites by various amounts of (0-20 wt. %). The fabricated samples were sintered at 1600 - 1700oC. The sintered samples were characterized for their physical properties such as bulk density and apparent porosity. The samples were characterized by XRD, SEM and TEM and mechanical tests. It was observed that the formation of cerium hexaaluminate and cerium zirconate in the studied bodies deteriorates the Vicker hardness and fracture toughness of the ceria stabilized ZTA bodies.
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Effect of change in aerosol concentration and temperature over Indian region on rainfall variability in SW monsoon season
In this paper, to see the climate change on monsoon variability, the analysis of aerosol concentration, Global and surface air temperature over central Indian region and South West (SW) Monsoon season rainfall (June-September) variability have been study. For the study different set of data have been consider. The trend analysis of aerosol concentration and rainfall over different regions of India has been carried out for recent period 1981 to 2002. The analysis reveals that there is decreasing trend in aerosols concentrations and decreasing trend in West central monsoon rainfall goes hand in hand. To see the temperature effect in pre-monsoon months on monsoon variability the Principal component Analysis (PCA) technique is used. By using PCA the monthly temperature gradient series have been prepared. For analysis, the grid (1°*1°) point surface air temperature data taken from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia is used. The analysis is carried out for 105 years 1901-2006. From the analysis it seen that the North South surface air temperature gradient in month of May over the central India can be useful for seasonal prediction of monsoon rainfall over the North East India. To see the global warming effect on rainfall, the analysis of global surface air temperature 125 (1880-2004) years of data have been used. It is found that during warming or cooling episodes, there is a general below-normal rainfall activity over almost all the homogeneous regions expects the CNEI and NEI.
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Effect of supplementary materials on settlement cracking of concrete
The major sources for cracking in the bridge decks are the settlement cracking. As these cracks continued growth due to the factors effect on the durability of the structures such as chloride and sulfates attacks, corrosion if the reinforcement, freeze-thaw damage and others. So these cracks considered a very severe problem at the life time. The object of this paper is to assess the effect of pozzolanic materials on the settlement cracking of concrete. 85 mixes were cast to explore the aim of this research. The main variables were type of concrete (self-compacted concrete, normal concrete), type of supplementary materials (silica fume, fly ash). 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5% of silica fume as a replacement of cement content was used. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 % of fly ash as a replacement of cement content were used. The results clearly that the supplementary materials enhanced the micro-structure of the mixes by reducing the settlement cracking compared with the control mixes. Fly ash reduces the settlement cracks more than silica fume. Settlement cracking didn't observe for the self-compacting concrete mixes. Out of this research; decreasing the settlement cracks yield to get better the durability of the structures, eliminate the abrasion and corrosion of the reinforcement. This yield to decreases the cost needed for maintenance and increases the life time of the structures.
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Effect of total quality management practices factors on competitiveness
This study investigated the total quality management practices and competitiveness in Saudi Arabia contractors. The effectiveness of total quality management initiatives that result in sustainable competitive advantage and enhanced business performance have been a major subject of interest for business and academia. Total quality management is about continuous organisational success based on customer satisfaction and the contribution of all employees constantly working to enhance organisational processes, services, and products. Thus, a quantitative approach using the survey method was employed. With assistance from the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, survey questionnaires were distributed to selected contractors from across five geographically diverse areas in Saudi Arabia. The collected data were analysed using correlation, multiple regressions. The key findings were the confirmation of significant relationships between all total quality management practices and competitiveness, significant relationships between total quality management practices and quality culture, and a positive relationship between total quality management practices and competitiveness. Furthermore, total quality management practices were found to be able to explain 36.6% of the variance in competitiveness while quality culture explained 12.5% of the variance in competitiveness.
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Effect of water stress on vegetative growth and some physiological aspects of Jojoba [Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider] in newly reclaimed sandy soil
Developing countries face increasing local demand for energy in rural areas, they also have both economic and environmental pressure on agricultural lands. The possibility of growing energy crops such as [Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider] has the potential to enable some smallholder farmers, producers and processors to cope with these pressures. In this concern, A field experiment was carried out at a private farm in Manshyet El Gammal, Tamiah district, Fayum Governorate to study the effect of foliar application with tap water (control), zinc (300 ppm Zn-EDTA), potassium (2.0% KNO3) or ascorbic acid (200 ppm) on vegetative growth and some physiological aspects of Jojoba [Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider] under three drip irrigation treatments ( irrigation every 3,5 and 7 days ( represent optimum, moderate and severe water stress. Increasing irrigation interval significantly decreased all the studied growth characters, as well as the content of potassium and zinc. While it increased the content of chlorophyll a+b , proline, soluble carbohydrates as well as the value of succulence and osmotic potential. Foliar application with potassium, zinc or ascorbic acid positively affected all the growth and physiological criteria of the tested plants compared with (control treatment). Foliar application with potassium surpasses the other foliar application treatments especially by prolonging the irrigation interval period.
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Effects of macroeconomic determinants on KSE-100 index: An Empirical study in Pakistan
This paper is to examine the relationship between the KSE100 index and some of economic variables namely interest rate, inflation rate, CPI and foreign exchange rate. For analysis purpose secondary data were used for the period of 1991 to 2005. Multiple Regressions and Pearson,s correlation model were applied to the data to find the relationship between KSE100 index and macroeconomic variables. Model was good fit and was strong relationship between dependent and independent variables. The tests show that there is 83% variation in the stock prices by variation in independent variables. The results also suggest that the impact of independent variables is positive on KSE-100 index except interest rate.
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Efficacy of Urotensin II in Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including coronary arter disease, cerebrovascular events, rheumatic heart disease and arter diseases, remain the most common cause of death in the world. Changes in the regulation of vasoactive peptides in abnormal conditions, cardiovascular diseases; Endothelial dysfunction, which is the critical processes underlying vascular damage, results in vascular repair and inflammation. Studies with specific receptor antagonists; It will be very important to understand the physiological role of urotensin II and its receptor and to reveal its therapeutic potential. The aim of this study is to know the pathophysiological role of U-II following the development of UT receptor antagonists and to give an insight into the design of new drugs and to give a current perspective. The development of urotensin receptor antagonists may provide a useful diagnosis tool as well as a new treatment for cardiovascular diseases.
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Epilepsy in children and imaging: About thirty cases
Epilepsy is a chronic condition that often begins in childhood and is characterized by the occurrence of spontaneous and recurrent epileptic seizures. The aim of our study is to identify the different etiologies of epilepsy in children and to highlight the importance of imaging in the etiological diagnosis, in the extension assessment and in the therapeutic management of epilepsy. Our study was carried out over a 5-year period from January 2014 and 2019, and involved 30 cases in the pediatric radiology department of the Rabat Children's Hospital. Seizures and loss of consciousness dominated the clinical picture. The etiological diagnosis in the majority of our series was based on CT scan and brain magnetic resonance imaging. The evolution under treatment was favourable for all our patients.
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Ethiopian Competition and Consumer Protection Law: Appraisal of the Enforcement Organs and Its Functions
Enforcement of competition and consumer protection regime and ensuring fair competition and consumer interest in a free market economy depends, among others, upon the effectiveness of competition and consumer protection organ, which is responsible for enforcing. Existing studies reveal that establishment of competition and consumer protection authorities are the most effective way to implement competition and consumer protection law. Despite Ethiopia’s effort to legislate three times in a decade and improve the structure of competition and consumer protection authority, still, the competition and consumer protection legal regime have gaps that will negatively affect enforcement of competition and consumer protection law. This article mainly focuses on identifying authorities and institutional designs for consumer protection and competition, which have, in one way or another, the powers on competition and the consumer protection regime under Ethiopian trade competition and consumer protection laws. Moreover, it will assess and evaluate the autonomy and main functions of the existing enforcement organ of competition and consumer protection law based on the pertinent provisions of the current legislation of the country. Finally, the article ends up with a short conclusion and recommendations on the matters discussed under the main body of the article.
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Evaluation of physicochemical properties and soda pulping of Nypa fruticans frond and petiole
The physicochemical parameters of the Nypa fruticans ( Nypa palm) frond and petiole have been determined. The fibre dimensions determined were: fibre length, fibre diameter, cell wall thickness, lumen diameter, slenderness ratio, flexibility ratio and Runkel ratio. Chemical composition determined were lignin contents, cellulose contents and the ash contents. Soluble contents were also determined. Petiole contained more water soluble than the frond but the frond contained more 1% NaOH soluble. The solubles in 1:2 ethanol-benzene were of the same order for both samples. Soda pulps were produced at the pulping temperature of 120oC using 8% and 12% NaOH as cooking liquors at the pulping time of 30 and 60min. The pulps obtained were characterized by determining the pulp yield and residual Klason lignin. Pulp yield and residual Klason lignin decreased with increase in the concentration of the pulping liquor and the cooking time. These results obtained indicate that Nypa fruticans frond and petiole left as waste in Nigeria can be exploited for the production of commercial pulps for several industrial applications.
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