Insurance Contract of Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual property insurance is a contract that covers occurred risks to intellectual entities inducing damage to their owners and users or the third person and compensates those damages. Now, since the subject of this secure coverage is different from other kinds of commercial insurances, it is essential to formulate and analyze elements of intellectual property insurance contract. Now, according to the fact that this is a new kind of insurance policy particularly if it is to cover all risks of intellectual property, it seems that identifying elements of this kind of insurance policy and investigating its certain related problems is of significance importance and interest considering the specific nature of intellectual creations and different concept of risk in the insurable interest. In this paper, these issues have been put under investigation. Key words: risk (sinister), insurable interest, offensive insurance, defensive insurance.
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Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of ethyl- 2 - chloropropionate with potassium perm agnate in acidic medium
The Kinetics of oxidation of ethyl 2-chloropropionate was carried out with oxidising agent KMnO4 in acidic medium the reaction was found in first order with respectto the concentration of substrate and its pseudo first order with respect to concentration of oxidant. Temperature also affect the rate of reaction as the temperature increase rate of reaction increase as well as concentration of acid affect the rate of reaction as the concentration of acid increases rate of reaction also increases and the study of mechanism show the formation of compound weather it is slow or fast.
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Kinetics Stimulate Microwave Radiation Acylation Reaction of Diethylamine M-Toluic Acid in the Presence of Zn-B-P/Al2o3/Al Catalyst
In the article presents the results of a study of kinetic regularities stimulated by microwave electromagnetic radiation acylation of diethylamine m-toluic acid in the presence of intense microwave absorbing Zn-B-P/Al2O3/?1- catalyst. Mounted parallel series circuit of the target formation (N, N-diethyl-m-toluic acid) and the reaction byproducts and the observed kinetic model proposed transformations. With the use of optimization software for chemical engineering processes calculated the kinetic parameters of total and partial transformations of m-toluic acid and diethylamine.
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Levels of temperature and electrical conductivity of ground water in Sapele local government area of delta state, Nigeria
This study is to know the levels of temperature and electrical conductivity of Groundwater. Temperature increase was recently considered as a serious water pollutant. The known sources that modestly increase the temperature of groundwater are municipal wastes, industrial effluents and biochemical activities. Electrical conductivity which is the ability of water to conduct electricity is also related to the concentration of ionized substance in water. The ions that have major influence on the conductivity of groundwater are H+, Na+, Mg2+. Ca2+., Cl.-. SO42-. Samples of borehole water were collected around Sapele L.G.A and were analytically assessed to ascertain the physicochemical characteristics. Results obtained shows that Temperature range between 14oC – 30oC and electrical conductivity range of 23.00 – 400.00 us/cm and were found to be within the world health organization (WHO) desirable and maximum levels.
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List of articles published in the month of April 2020
Table of contents for the month of April 2020
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List of articles published in the month of August 2020
Table of contents for the month of August 2020
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M-payments: a study of customer’s perspective
Mobile commerce has emerged as an innovative and consequential improved method of business over e-commerce. Mobile payment service is a modern innovation in this direction. M-Payment popularly known as ‘Pay with your mobile’ is a revolutionary, easy, convenient, and secure mobile payment service. According to Capgemini report 2008, there are approximately 30 million users of m-payments all over the world. Though it accounts for merely 1 percent of the value of gross global non-cash payments, the mobile payments market is growing very fast. In the background of these developments and changing scenario, the study examined the attitude of respondents about the new revolutionary M-payment technique. The study found that more than three fourth of the respondents have awareness and requisite know-how about introduction of M-payments facility. Retail purchases and bill payments have emerged as the two top preferences for M-payments. The survey conducted on the basis of gender of the respondents observed no significant difference in their motives and attitudes regarding the applicability and the concerns of this most far-reaching M-payments mode. It is found that the success of M-payment in principle depends on the wider acceptability of m-payments by merchants, clear picture about the settlement platform, and enactments of legislation and rules governing M-payments.
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Mapping the Cohesion and Synergy in Clinical Research Sites
Clinical research competencies are enhanced when there is synergy and strong internal cohesion, with the appropriate level of clinical expertise in recruitment of participants and undertaking a study from initial stages, to conclusion. When a study sponsor approaches a site to conduct a clinical trial, the site must convey accurately that it has the resources and capability to undertake a study. The clinical research site should be able to demonstrate competencies in meeting minimum clinical and research capabilities in conducting a study. Explicit and optimal utilization of available resources and capabilities to meet clinical, regulatory, ethical, and other mandates will reflect this capability. The United States Food and Drug Administration regulatory process is demanding, exacting, time consuming and complicated. Clinical research sites must conform to regulatory clinical research standards. The interaction and collaboration of researchers in different roles and functions in a clinical research study may necessitate studying the factors that promote or constrain inter-professional synergy. The complex human interplay of many diverse and dedicated professionals, comprising clinical site coordinators, researchers, physicians, and research subjects, engaged in clinical research is not fully understood and merits further study. The aim of this scientific paper is to present research to map and assess human dynamics in a clinical research site, so that the results may contribute to reducing the human factors which constrain clinical research. Clinical research sites must cope with intense scrutiny and copious FDA and other regulations, which often limits clinical discovery, lowers financial success and often impedes successful research execution. The exploratory outlook of a future and recommended research study may be deemed important, to examine the positive and negative factors that may facilitate, or impede internal team cohesion within clinical research sites, using a quantitative method and a descriptive design. A comprehensive description of a research plan and data collection methodology is detailed herewith. A study is recommended herewith, based on a research method and design founded on extensive experience in organizational management, review of pertinent literature, and the best practices in clinical research study management.
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Marketing and entrepreneurship: implications, perspectives, and opportunities for marketers
Entrepreneurship is a growing phenomenon in the competitive markets. In the past, marketing and entrepreneurship have been regarded as two distinct fields of study. A growing awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation to marketing, and of marketing to successful entrepreneurship, has recently led to attempts to combine the two disciplines as “entrepreneurial marketing”. The purpose of this paper is to address entrepreneurship perspectives, differences between small firms and entrepreneurial firms, entrepreneurial marketing processes, determinants of entrepreneurship and its implications for marketing, and finally, opportunities for marketers.
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Micropapillary Variant of Urothelial Carcinoma of the bladder: Four case reports and a review of the literature
Micropapillary carcinoma (MPC) of urinary tract is an uncommon histological variant of urothelial carcinoma. It is characterized by an aggressive clinical course, an advanced stage at first presentation and a high metastatic potential. Though MPC shows characteristic microscopic features, there exists interobserver variability and controversies concerning certain aspects of this rare tumor. The aim of our study is to present four cases of MPC treated by radical cystectomy in the Department of Urology, at the University Hospital Center of Rabat Morocco, during the period from January 2014 to December 2017. The clinical and morphological features of this rare and aggressive variant of urinary badder carcinoma, as well as a brief review of the literature are all presented.
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