Corporate Governance
In this article general concepts of corporate governance is defined. Although corporate governance mechanisms may differ from country to country, equality, transperancy, accountability and responsibility are universally common governance practices. Corporate governance mechanisms support sustainable competitive advantage of the firm.
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Curie Point Depth and Heat Flow investigations over parts of Bida Basin - implication for Geothermal Potential
This paper investigates Curie point depth and heat flow over parts of Bida Basin Nigeria using Aeromagnetic data. The study area is between Latitudes 8.5oN and 9.5oN and Longitudes 5.5oE and 6.5oE being represented by four aeromagnetic maps in 16 overlapping blocks involving towns like; Pateji, Baro, Bida and Agbaje. Depth Estimations were made using Spectral Analysis from which estimates of Curie point depth, geothermal gradient and heat flow were made. Heat flow estimated from spectral inversion revealed seven geothermally active areas with the following values; 60.45mWm-2 (Pategi), 60.91mWm-2 (Baro), 60.99mWm-2 (Baro), 65.87mWm-2 (Bida), 67.67mWm-2 (Agbaje) and 64.00mWm-2 (Agbaje).These areas (Agbaje for instance) are recommended for further geothermal exploration.
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Development of a microcontroller-based irrigation control system
Irrigation is the artificial application of water to land or soil. It is used to assist in growing of agricultural crops, protection of plant against frost, preventing soil consolidation, maintenance of landscapes, and re-vegetation of distributed soils in dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall. Many of the irrigation systems operated worldwide are used on farms or lands that are located on the outskirts of towns and difficult to monitor. The manual operation of these systems over time has resulted in either under watering or over supply of water. The consequence of which are reduced crop yield and withering of crops respectively. Over irrigation further results in leaching of soil nutrients. The manual approach to practicing irrigation is both cost and resource inefficient. To address these challenges an efficient and cost effective microcontroller based irrigation control system designation is proposed for enhancing food security.
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Diesel engine emission and after treatment-a review
Implementation of straight and stringent legislation of Nox emission requires the new technological development for Nox abatement from exhaust gases. This paper summarizes the current status of Nox abatement strategy. The main focus is put forward on Nox control methods applied in combustion of diesel fuel in CI Engines furthermore the various methods of Nox abatement techniques emphasized.
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Diversified species of Butterflies in Akathiyur Village
Butterfly variety in Akathiyur village, Thrissur, Kerala, India, was studied in various regular aspects. Species diversity was observed and analyzed. Based on different parameters species richness was analysed. An aggregate of 110 butterfly species under 5 families are listed.The village proves itself as a home for myriads of butterflies. Families Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, Hesperidae, Pieridae and Papilionidae, were distinguished. Maximum number of butterflies recorded in this study was in the family Nymphalidae (3587 sightings; 39.14%), followed by Lycaenidae (2326 sightings; 25.38%), Hesperiidae (1557 sightings; 16.99%), Pieridae (1004 sightings; 10.95%) and Papilionidae (690 sightings; 7.52%). The findings unveil that the comparatively small study area constitutes high richness of butterfly species.
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Drugs Regulation in Puducherry : A Overview
Pharmacy is the health profession that links the health science with chemical science and it is charged with ensuring the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs. Drugs Control Department is independent of the Health Department and the Heads of these Departments are reporting to the Government directly. The State of Puducherry has some of the country's most dynamic entrepreneurs who are original and fast-paced in their thinking and focused in their drive for growth and profitability. Puducherry is one of the most industrialised states with 10 Manufacturing units are WHO GMP certified. Puducherry is one of the fastest growing states in the Country and nearly 105 pharma companies are housed in the State. Puducherry is a vibrant pharmaceutical manufacturing hub with skilled human resource available in the state, it provides innovative, quality and affordable health care solution to masses. In this short review author provides some of the glimpses of the pharmacy profession in Puducherry.
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Dufour effect on free convection MHD flow past an impulsively started vertical oscillating plate through porous media with variable temperature and constant mass diffusion
Dufour effect on free convection MHD flow past an impulsively started vertical oscillating plate through porous media with variable temperature and constant mass diffusion is studied here. The Laplace transform technique has been used to find the solutions for the velocity profile, temperature profile and concentration profile. The results obtained are discussed with the help of graphs drawn for different parameters like thermal Grashof number, mass Grashof number, Prandtl number, permeability parameter, the Hartmann number, Schmidt number, Dufour number, time, inclination of magnetic field and phase angle.
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E-commerce and international marketing: benefits, problems and implications to development economics
This paper assesses the benefits, problems and implications of the use E-commerce to developing economy like ours (Nigeria) in the area of international marketing. The position of this paper is that despite the myriad benefits of e-commerce in the international scene, the concept has held African countries under electronic siege. It promises freedom for all but in practice it's under developing Africa faster. The historical evolution of NWICO is responsible for this scenario. The lesson to be learned from the paper is that Africa should join the rest of the world in developing electronically platforms that 'will help our products marketed and competed internationally in the "market space ".
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E-skills for rural development: Insights from rural women in Zimbabwe
This paper was motivated by the need to locate and discuss the role and place of electronic skills to strengthening and expanding the development footprint of women in rural development. The study analyzed the levels of electronic literacy among rural women who attended adult literacy classes in deep remote areas of Zimbabwe. The study revealed that most women lack e-skills. A few were learning basic electronic skills through their electronically literate family networks. Consequently, the study concluded that it is important to empower rural women with electronic skills for community development.
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Effect of rare earth element Erbium and transition element Cobolt on L-Valinium Picrate Single Crystal
L-Valinium Picrate, Rare earth element Erbium doped L-Valinium Picrate and soft transition element Cobolt doped L-Valinium Picrate were synthesized and grown as single crystals by slow evaporation method. The cell dimensions were obtained by single-crystal X-ray diffraction study. Optical properties, such as UV–visible–NIR absorption and second harmonic generation conversion efficiency were investigated to explore the optical characteristics of the grown crystals. Microhardness, Thermal and dielectric studies of the compound were also carried out.
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