Identification and content of the founding texts and organizers of the congolese system of promotion and protection of human rights
Congolese law of human rights is a digest of moral, philosophical or religious principles or a series of values, testimonies and actions in favor of human rights, legal sources of human rights are legal documents, better legal acts in force adopted by the States or by their organs, at the national or international level, which are intended to recognize and guarantee to all human beings (or to certain categories of persons) the enjoyment and exercise of the rights inherent in their nature or their life in society. As legal instruments, the direct sources of human rights have the necessary legal authority, which gives them the status of reference sources before the jurisdictional and other bodies for the protection of human rights . It is no longer just a question of proclaiming that man has rights or that the perpetrators of serious violations of these rights commit crimes before all of humanity. From now on, international, regional or national legal instruments aim to combat human rights violations and facilitate the prosecution of their perpetrators in order to build peace and guarantee good governance in the field of human rights. the promotion and protection of these so-called human rights.In the name of the principle of universality of human rights, all modern states have their own legal arsenal for the recognition, promotion and protection of human rights. This arsenal derives either from international instruments, treaties and conventions, regional instruments, or national texts. But the proliferation of general and specific instruments has lengthened the list of these rights and made them more precise. The contents. This profusion sometimes makes it difficult to inventory and classify all of these rights, which are very diverse in their wording and content, and whose methods of exercise are also very varied, in particular because some of them can the object of development . Despite this diversity, writes Didier Rouget, there is a fundamental principle that enshrines and is inseparable from the universality of rights. No one can be discriminated against in the enjoyment and exercise of human rights. But this diversity of legal instruments also allows States to implement several legal mechanisms to enshrine, in their internal legal order, the existence, recognition, promotion and protection of these rights: it can be either of the Constitution, either of the law, of the regulations, or of jurisprudence or even of doctrine. Despite the number of mechanisms and human rights to be protected, they must be treated in a global, equitable and balanced manner, on the same footing and with the same importance: there is no a human right that is less or more important than the other, there is not one that is superior to the other. They are all on the same footing . This is clearly expressed in the Vienna Declaration adopted on 25 June 1993 at the World Conference on Human Rights which proclaims that: All human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. The international community must treat human rights globally in a fair and balanced manner, on the same footing and with the same importance. While the importance of national and regional particularities and historical, cultural and religious diversity must be borne in mind, it is the duty of States, irrespective of the political, economic and cultural system, to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms . African states have not remained on the sidelines of this general movement, especially since, as far as they are concerned, the recognition, protection and progress achieved in this area constitute one of the conditionality’s for development aid or good governance imposed. Developed countries and the Bretton Woods institutions (the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund).For its part, the Democratic Republic of Congo has, particularly since 1960 - the year of its accession to independence - and even a little more.Before - a significant legal arsenal for the promotion and protection of human rights. Its various Constitutions, its numerous laws and its set of implementing regulations constitute undeniable direct sources of human rights .
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Identify the Factors Affecting the Empowerment of Human Resources in Government Communication and Media Organizations
The main purpose of this descriptive-survey study is, the identification of factors affecting the empowerment of human resources in media organizations and public relations in order to identify the factors that prevent adequate human resources in producing products according to their demand and their satisfaction. The population of this study is the experts of the ministry of communication and information technology in Iran and broadcasting organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this study, in order to refine the components to identify the dimensions of each element, the Delphi technique was applied in three steps. Convergent validity and discriminant validity were used to determine validity of the model from formal and content validity and its reliability was calculated based on the analysis of principal components, Cronbach's alpha, ? Dillon Goldstein, and stability of reagents. The findings show a significant relation between the strategic component with the individual component, the strategic component with the organizational component, the economic component with the individual component, the organizational component with the human resource empowerment component and ultimately individual component with the human resource empowerment component. The model investigated 98.6 percent of the variance of human resource empowerment, 99.9 percent of the variance of the individual component and 96.4 percent of the variance of organizational component.
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Ileocaecal intussusception on a lipoma, a case report.
Contrary to the primitive forms of the infant Acute intestinal intussusception is a rare entity in children. Adult, showing 10% of all intussusceptions and 4% of intestinal obstructions in adults. And an organic lesion is often found at the point of weakness of the intussusception in 80% of the cases at the adult. Malignant tumors represent the first etiology of intussusceptions, especially in the colon, whereas they are secondary to a benign lesion (especially in the hail) in 25% of cases. Treatment is always surgical in adults and leaves no room for reduction by hyperpressure under radiological control.
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Impact of Senior Team Shared Vision on Managerial Ambidexterity: Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership, in Banking Sector Lahore, Pakistan.
Senior team members reconcile conflicting demands and facilitate, encourage, motivate the managers to achieve organizational goals. This study investigated the role of the senior team shared vision, middle-level manager’s exploration and exploitation activities and behavior of transformational leadership as a moderator in resolving conflicting interests among senior team members and middle-level managers for achieving managerial ambidexterity. Pearson’s Correlation and Hierarichal Regression have been employed to find the results. Findings indicate that a senior team shared vision are related with manager’s ability to combine the activities of exploration and exploitation while the role of transformational leadership behavior does not increase the effectiveness of senior team shared vision.
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Impact of Spiritual Intelligence on Organisational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Employees in Banking Sector
The study is designed to examine the relationship among spiritual intelligence, organizational commitment and job satisfaction of employees in banking sector. Further, the study also intends to analyze the impact of spiritual intelligence on organizational commitment and job satisfaction of the employees. The study employed survey method of data collection using structured questionnaire. According to Krejcie and Morgan (1970), the minimum number of sample size was determined as 320 employees. David B. King’s the spiritual intelligence self-report inventory (SISRI) scale is used to measure spiritual intelligence and six dimensions of job satisfaction developed by Stamps and Piedmont is used to measure job satisfaction. Organizational commitment is measured by using its three dimensions namely affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment. Relationship among spiritual intelligence, organizational commitment and job satisfaction of employees in banking sector is ascertained using Karl Pearson’s correlation and the impact of spiritual intelligence on organizational commitment and job satisfaction of the employees is ascertained and analyzed using Multiple Regression analysis.
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Imperative Strategies to Create an Efficient Supply Chain Process.
This paper addressed supply chain management from another angle of view, which is explored the importance of leadership style in the supply chain process. The first part of this paper presents an overview of supply chain management and the definitions stated by researchers for decades. Furthermore, this paper reveals the dilemmas in supply chain management and some barriers facing the organizations' leaders to overcome these obstacles. Therefore, the second part of this paper presents and develops the two theories of cultural intelligence and strategic flexibility that helps managers to overcome these dilemmas. This part will present the theories background and the importance of the application of these concepts on supply chain management in general and in the healthcare industry in specific. Finally, we provide some suggestions for future researchers to consider these two variables as the main factors in their studies due to the importance of the culture in today's businesses and du to globalization. Moreover, researchers must pay attention to the role of planning in supply chain management in the future.
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Implementation of Essbase application using oracle Hyperion
Essbase is multidimensional database software that is optimized for planning, analysis, and management-reporting applications. Essbase uniquely blends an innovative technical design with an open, client-server architecture. The product enables you to extend decision support systems beyond ad hoc queries and reports on historical performance to dynamic, operational systems that combine historical analysis and future planning .Oracle Hyperion Essbase is the industry-leading multi-dimensional online analytical processing server, providing a rich environment for effectively developing custom analytic and enterprise performance management applications. By leveraging its self-managed, rapid application development capabilities, business users can quickly model complex business scenarios. In this paper we see how Oracle Hyperion Essbase supports extremely fast query response times for vast numbers of users, large data sets, and complex business models.
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In vitro and ex vitro germination of Phyllanthus niruri L., an anti-plasmodial plant
Three accessions of Phyllanthus niruri L., from three different localities were assessed for their fruit or seed germination in vitro and ex vitro. Dried fruits (undehisced seeds) of P. niruri accessions collected from Greater Accra (Kwabenya), Central (Kasoa) and Eastern (Aburi) regions of Ghana did not germinate when nursed both in vitro and ex vitro. However, seeds from 3, 5 or 7 days dehisced fruits germinated with 7 days dehisced seeds having the highest percentage (68.8%) germination when nursed (ex vitro) in the same soil substrate suggesting that there was fruit wall imposed dormancy. To improve percentage germination, dehisced seeds were cultured on Murashige and skoog (1962) (MS) medium supplemented with 0-1.2 mg/l BAP or kinetin. At these treatments, dehisced seeds cultured on MS medium supplemented with 1.2 mg/l BAP had the highest percentage (61.1%) of germination with poor germination of seeds occurring in MS medium supplemented with kinetin. Data were also taken on root and shoot proliferation as well.
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Indian traditional and modern culture - An overview
India is a famous country all over the world for its culture and tradition. It is the land of various culture and tradition. It is the country of oldest civilizations in the world. The vital components of the Indian culture are good manners, etiquette, civilized communication, rituals, beliefs, values, etc. Even after the life styles of everyone has been modernized, Indian people have not changed their traditions and values. The property of togetherness among people of various cultures and traditions has made India, a unique country. People here live peacefully in India by following their own culture and traditions. Indian cultural history has been derived by the absorbing customs, traditions, and rituals from both invaders and immigrants. Many Indian customs, cultural practices and languages are examples of this co-mingling over centuries. It was the birthplace of many religious systems like Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism which influenced not only this country but also the neighboring countries. With the following invasion of the Islamic rulers the culture of India was heavily influenced by Persian, Arabic, Turkish cultures. The 5000 years old Indian culture is both ancient and varied. But unity in diversity which is the main mantra of Indian civilization can be seen if any one monitors its various art forms and traditional diversity. With this context, the researcher has studied this topic to anlayse the Indian Traditional and Modern Culture.
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Industrial Waste Water Treatment by Membrane Bioreactor System
The development and application of a membrane bioreactor (MBR) for full-scale Municipal wastewater treatment is the most important recent technological advance in terms of biological wastewater treatment. The MBR is a suspended growth-activated sludge system which combines the use of biological processes and membrane technology to treat wastewater and provide organic and suspended solids removal instead of secondary clarifiers. Use of MBR offers the possibility to overcome a lot of problems in activated sludge processes which are mostly due to tertiary treatment. It represents a decisive step forward concerning effluent quality by delivering a hygienically pure effluent and by exhibiting a very high operational reliability. Advanced MBR wastewater treatment technology is being successfully applied at an ever-increasing number of locations around the world. This review article has covered several aspects of MBR. The membrane separation of microorganisms from the treated wastewater is discussed in detail. Problems of membrane fouling and membrane washing and regeneration, linked to activated sludge characteristics, are examined. Finally, advantages and disadvantages of MBR over conventional activated sludge are concerned.
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