Analyze the Correlation Between Family Relationship and Health Promoting Lifestyle Among Seniors in the Community
Objective: To understand the personal background factors of study subjects, their current status of family relationship and health promoting lifestyle. To explore the relationship of personal background factors, family relationship of study subjects with their health promoting lifestyle. Design: The population included 176 samples of the older people above 65 in Ren-Ai district, Keelung City, Taiwan. A self-designed structured questionnaire was used as our research tool. Our data were collected through both questionnaire and one-on-one interview, and then processed and analyzed by package software - IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0. Results: The personal background factors that influenced the seniors’ family relationship are age, gender, education degree, marriage, living status. The personal background factors that influenced the seniors’ health promoting lifestyle are gender, living status. Family relationship has a significantly positive correlation with health promoting lifestyle.. Conclusions: A health promoting lifestyle will help prevent diseases and promote health, and can improve the quality of life. From the results of this study, it can be seen that the relationship between the elderly and their families will affect the health promoting lifestyle. The older the elderly, the more they need to care about their family relationships. We need to pay more attention to the family relationships of illiterate elderly people, divorced or widowed elderly people and elderly people living alone. We need to encourage more male elderly people, elderly people living with spouse and elderly people living alone to implement health-promoting lifestyles.
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Analyzing a Supplier’s Decision under the Combination of Long-Term and Penalty Contracts
Game-theoretic approach is common in supply chain management to analyze the effect of controllable factors on the decision parameters. This study examines a combination of a long-term contract and a penalty contract for multiple periods between a single supplier and a retailer. Demand is stochastic but uniformly distributed over the selling seasons of periods. Supplier’s capacity decision is required to be taken at the beginning of period before the retailer placing the order. The supply chain performance is observed by analyzing committed order quantity and the sole total profits of supplier and retailer.
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Anthelmintic activity of ethanolic seed extract of abrus precatorius linn
Abrus precatorius Linn. (Fabaceae) is a climbing shrub widely distributed in most of the districts of the country in hedges and among bushes on open lands. The objective of this work is to evaluate and compare anthelmintic activity of ethanolic extract of red seeds of Abrus precatorius. Earth worms were used for anthelmintic activity. Albendazole was used as standard drug. Time required for paralysis and death of animals were noted for each sample.
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Assessment of desertification using MEDALUS model, with emphasis on wind and water indices: "case study Sistan province, Iran"
Desertification is a phenomenon that happens in arid, semi arid and sub-humid areas. Iran is an arid and semi arid country and has two deserts: Lut desert and Kavir plain. Sistan plain is a part of Lut desert and has a very dry territory which impress by driest situation. In Sistan plain, desertification is considered as the main cause of soil lose and biomass decreasing and cause to a fragile environment. The MEDALUS1 model is one of the most important projects that were provided by European commission for desertification assessment. One of the advantages of this model is its high precision. More over particular weighing of layers and usage of geographic information system (GIS) in overlying of indices maps are the other superiorities of this model that increase subtlety and speed of evaluation and preparation of desertification map as well as reducing expert's mistakes. In this research, the MEDALUS methodology was used to assess desertification rate in GHORGHORI region of Sistan plain. In first step, main indices and parameters in desertification process identified. Then, two main indices according to local conditions were selected: wind and water erosions. In second step, considering the main indicators in wind and water erosions, every indicator was quantified according to its quality and was given a weighting based on MEDALUS methodology. In next step, the quality maps of wind and water erosions were prepared using geometric mean of indicators using ArcGIS software. Ultimately, the final desertification map was developed by integration of wind and water erosion quality maps using GIS. Results shows that wind erosion index with average value of 2.84 and water erosion index with average of 1.86 take the high and medium class of desertification. Among main indicators of indices, land use with average of 3.25, percent of plant crown cover with 3.16, dusty days indicator with 2.98 and wind erosion intensity with 2.93 have the highest effects. Water erosion intensity with average of 1.01 has the lowest effect on desertification process. Desertification intensity for studied area was 2.3 that show the critical class (C3).
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Assessment of the Current status , Utilization, income contribution and marketing constraints of Cactus Pear (Opuntia spp.) in Bale Zone, South-Eastern, Ethiopia
The cactus plant (Beles) grows profusely in Ethiopia and has adapted perfectly to the arid zones of the country characterized by droughty conditions, erratic rainfall, and poor soils subject to erosion. Cactus can be used for several purposes like sources of food, feed, as wind break, fence for crop and soil conservation for the people of the area. Although it is an important fruit and forage plant, there is no clear cut information about its current status, utilization, income contribution and marketing constraints in Bale Zone, South Eastern Ethiopia. To this end, the objective of this research was to assess the Current status, utilization, income contribution and marketing constraints of Cactus pear (Opuntia spp.) in selected districts of Bale Zone. In this study, three districts, namely, Sinana, Agarfa and Gasera were purposively selected based on their potential in cactus production and utilization. In addition, two kebeles from each district were selected purposefully based on their potential in cactus production. A total of 400 Cactus Grower and Non grower Households were selected to achieve the objectives of the study. Both qualitative and quantitative types of data were collected from sampled households. The quantitative type of data gathered from the respondents was analyzed using SPSS 20 versions whereas the data generated from group discussion and key informant interview were narrated and interpreted in the form of word. The descriptive result of the study indicated that Cactus feeding management includes the practices of cutting, scrubbing and chopping of young cladodes from branches of the stand for their animals and grazing. Regarding Cactus utilization in the study districts, farmers uses cactus pear for consumption (18.4%), live fence for crop field (13.7%), soil conservation (13.2%), and backyard live fence, (10.8%), for food security motive (9.9%), for forage (9.4%) and for wind break (8.5%) in the entire cactus growing areas of the study districts. Despite the fact that the vast majority of the respondents which accounts 61.3. % of the cactus growers reports they get unreasonable price from the sale of cactus due to lack access to potential market and low quality Cactus production, they obtained an average of 1007.9 Ethiopian Birr per annum. The study revealed that the income obtained from Cactus production was benefited 30.7% of farmers to cover their domestic consumables and purchase closes for their children. Also about 15.6% and 11.3% of the respondents were used the income obtained from the sale of cactus to cover costs of sending children to school and purchase improved crop varieties respectively. Regarding marketing constraints, the farmers indicated that Absence of Transportation facilities (20.3%), absence of market place (12.3%), low bargaining power (15.1%), perishability problem (17%), fluctuation of market price (9.4%) and availability of illegal brokers (14.2%) are the major problems they faces while selling their produce to the market. Regarding the income share of cactus grower and non grower Households it was found that the annual average income earned by cactus owner households were 13,910.6 birr whereas 12,371.3 birr for non cactus grower households with maximum earnings of up to Birr 30, 900 for non cactus grower and 35,960 for cactus grower households. Econometric result also reveals that the “average treatment effect on the treated” (ATT) for household income suggested, due to pure effect of cactus, the cactus owners obtain 1433.2049 birr of total income higher than non-owners; among which the mean difference of income between these two group is statistically significant at 5% probability level after matching. Considering the above mentioned fact, local government and other development partners should improve Access to market for cactus fruit so that farmers can get the best benefits from the cultivation of the crop.
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Assessment of water quality by evaluating the pollution potential of Hazratbal basin of Dal lake, Kashmir, India
Dal Lake, situated in the heart of Srinagar city in India is under tremendous anthropogenic pressure. This study was conducted to determine physico-chemical water quality parameters for the Hazaratbal basin of the Dal lake. Water quality was surveyed from May 2013 to August 2013 at three different sites which were located on the Hazaratbal basin. There were two types of data obtained from the lake water quality sampling exercise, i.e in-situ and laboratory analyses data. A total of seven water quality parameters namely pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC),Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Turbidity, Air temperature and Water temperature were measured at the sampling sites. While for laboratory analysis, there were fourteen parameters namely Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Dissolved Salts (TDS), Free Carbon-dioxide, Acidity, Nitrite, Phosphate, Sulphate, Colour, Total Hardness, Alkalinity, Chloride, Calcium and Magnesium ion concentration. Monthly changes in various physical and chemical parameters were analyzed.
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Benign myoepithelioma of the hard palate: a diagnostic challenge. Case and review of the literature.
Myoepithelioma is a rare benign tumor of the salivary glands, considered a variety of pleomorphic adenoma, the palatal location of which is most common in the oral cavity. Our work reports a case of a myoepithelioma of the accessory palatine salivary glands in a 63-year-old man, clinically he presented a lobulated, firm palatal swelling covered with a healthy mucosa. The diagnosis was based on clinical and pathological arguments. The interest of imaging lies in the appreciation of the extension of the tumor process to the mucosa and to deep tissues. Tumor excision must be large to avoid the risk of recurrence and malignant transformation. Through this observation and in the light of the literature we will focus on the anatomo-clinical aspects.
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Bioactivity and GS-MS Profiling of Extracts from Static Cultures of Endophytic Fungi from Black Mangroves.
Mangrove plants and their associated micro fauna have been a rich source of bioactive secondary metabolites, though only limited antimicrobial screening of this chemo-diversity source has been reported. In this study, unidentified endophytic fungi BBMS and BBMAV were isolate from the bark of black mangroves obtained from the coastal forest of Ayensu estuary. The endophytes were cultured in static medium made of 3%(w/v) malt concentrate and 6%(w/v) glucose in distilled water. The fungi were cultured for 8 weeks and harvested. Ethyl acetate extraction of the filtrate followed by drying on a rotary evaporator afforded 1.20 g and 1.05 g of BBMS and BBMAS respectively. TLC studies and GC-MS analysis indicated that the extracts contained interesting secondary metabolites. A bioassay of the extracts was carried out on human pathogen and cocoa infesting microbes. The bioassay results indicated that the extracts were active against all the test organisms. ABTS and DDPH free radicals scavenging activities were also tested with the extracts. The results indicate that the extracts of the fungal isolates exhibited high potency of antioxidant activity.
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Biostratigraphy of the Campano-Maastrichtian Uzeeba Shale deposit, Dahomey Basin Southwestern Nigeria
Uzeeba Shale is investigated for the first time for palynological content in order to determine its geological age and suggest its lithological equivalent. This is based on the recovery of miospores through laboratory processes that involved digestion, maceral floatation and mounting of the organic matter on slides for analysis under the microscope. However, the occurrences of index fossils that are stratigraphically important were used for dating of the Uzeeba sequence. The shale is generally light to dark grey in color and fissile in nature. An informal zone Milfordia jardinei/Foveotriletes margaritae assemblage zone is established for the studied section. The lower part of the outcrop section is dated Campanian based on the co-occurrence of Milfordia jardinei, Milfordia sp, Cupanieidites reticularis, Tetradites sp and quantitative occurrence of monocolpate pollen; while the upper lithofacies segment is assigned Lowermost Maastrichtian age based on the co-occurrence of Proteacidites sp, Retidiporites magdalenensis, low frequency of Monocolpites marginatus, Ctenolophonidites costatus, Longapertites marginatus, Periretisyncolpiyes sp, Syncolporites sp, Proxapertites cursus, and Constructipollenites ineffectus. Some of the forms that are diagnostic of Maastrichtian are found to have evolved in Campanian time. The Uzeeba Shale is laterally equivalent to Nkporo Shale lying in the adjacent Anambra Basin based on lithology, palynofacies and age. Thus, the Uzeeba Shale is here dated Campanian–Lowermost Maastrichtian age. The paleoenvironment of deposition of the Uzeeba Shale is mainly marginal marine characterized by co-occurrence of dinoflagellate cysts such as Phelodinium bolonienae, Senegalinium sp, Paleocysttodinium golzownse, microforaminiferal wall lining and Botryococcus braunii which are known to be environmentally significant for transitional environment.
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Bone metastases from cervical cancer: a case report and review of the literature.
Bone metastases from cervical cancer are rarely seen, their frequency is rarely observed, their frequency is estimated to average 3-4% of bone metastases. The most common locations of these metastases are in the spine and pelvis. We report the observation of a 51-year-old patient treated in 2015 for stage IIIa cervical cancer with chemo-radiotherapy combination. Six years later, she was admitted for low back pain. A thoracoabdomino-pelvic CT scan was performed objectifying a lytic tissue mass of the vertebral body and posterior arch of 3rd lumbar vertebra with endocanal extension. The patient underwent a bone biopsy, the histological study of which confirmed the epidermoid nature of a carcinomatous proliferation of cervico-uterine origin given the context. The originality of this observation lies in the bone location of these metastases and the interest of the CT scan in the diagnosis, as well as in the delay between the complete remission and the appearance of the bone lesion. The occurrence of bone metastases during cervical cancer has a very poor prognosis.
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