Bowenoid papulosis: About a case with review of the literature
Described for the first time by Wade and Kopf in 1978, The Bowenoid papulosis is a vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia of high grade, due to an infection of oncogenic HPV. This affection affects essentially the young adult with a mean age of 30 years. The classic clinical aspect is a pigmented or pinkish papule, but it can also be polymorphic, often multifocal, which could affect the perineal and perianal areas.The evolution is often mild with a possibility of spontaneous regression, but there is a probability of a transformation into an invasive carcinoma especially by the immunosuppressed. The treatment is essentially conservative by local destruction of the lesions.We report the case of a female patient of 31 years, without pathological individual history, and who presented papular isolated vulvar lesions for which she presented for consultation of Maternity Souissi, University Hospital Ibn Sina, Rabat.
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Cervical cancer complicating pelvic organ prolapse: A case report
The cervical cancer is the most common gynecological malignancy in the world, its incidence is greatly reduced thanks to screening methods. The Pelvic organ prolapse increases with age, obesity, and parity. The Cervical cancer complicating uterine procidence is a rare event and requires a multidisciplinary approach
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Challenges facing procurement committees in implementing the procurement act, a case of secondary schools procurement committees in Kisii County, Kenya
This paper presents the challenges facing procurement committees in secondary schools in Kisii County in the implementation of the public procurement Act of 2005 in the procurement of goods and services used in secondary schools in Kenya, in response to both domestic and international pressures, the secondary schools committees have recently undertaken important initiatives to make their public procurement systems more efficient and transparent in line with the public procurement and disposal Act of 2005. A cross-sectional survey was used, with the sampling frame comprising members of the secondary Procurement committees in Kisii County. Sets of both pre-tested structured and unstructured questionnaires were used to interview a random sample (82) of the Procurement committee members derived using the formula of Israel (1992) of known target population, N. The data was analyzed with the aid of the SPSS (Version 11.5) computer software and presented in form of descriptive tabular summaries. The study finding indicated that the experience with the reforms has been quite varied. There is an urgent need for strengthening institutions involved in public procurement, as these institutions tend to lack technical capabilities and experience external influences. The paper concludes by emphasizing that there are certain imperatives for the development of an effective procurement system. These are: strengthening the democratic political process, and public accountability; creating real market conditions; and improving work ethics in which public good is valued more than individual.
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Characteristics of Farms Undergoing Conversion to Organic as Affected by Organic Fertilizer and Fish Emulsion Application
The application of 20t/ha OF in each treatment supplemented with FE, in different frequencies of application resulted to higher yield as compared with control. Also, continued application of solid organic fertilizer in the soil, markedly improved all the soil properties after each cropping. Labor cost in land preparation and weeding were also reduced in different treatments with 20 t/ha + FE frequency. FE supplementation to organic solid fertilizer relatively reduced insect pest population and incidence of diseases
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Clinical and Bacteriological Profile of Diabetic Foot Infections in Pattukkottai area Hospitals, Tamilnadu, India
A diabetic foot ulcer is one of the leading causes of the hospitalization among diabetic patients. This study was conducted to know the clinical and sensitivity profile of diabetic foot ulcer patients. Total 134 pus samples were collected from patients having diabetic foot ulcer. Samples were processed as per standard guidelines. All the pus samples yielded growth of organisms making total of 148 isolates. Out of 148 bacterial isolates, 85 were gram negative bacilli and 58 were gram positive cocci. In gram positive organism Staphylococcus aureus (17%) was the predominant isolate followed by CONS (12%), while Escherichia coli (20%) was the predominant isolate followed by Pseudomonas spp., (18%) in gram negative organism. The Gram negative bacteria showed good activity against amikacin, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, gentamicin and imipenem. E. coli, Klebsiella spp., and Proteus spp., showed 55.5% to 100% resistance to amoxyclav and ampicillin. Pseudomonas spp., showed 100% resistance to ampicillin and 96.2% to amoxyclav. All the Gram-positive bacteria showed good sensitivity to most of the antibiotics. It showed good sensitivity for amikacin, gentamycin, amoxyclav, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and vancomycin. E. coli, Pseudomonas spp., and Staphylococcus aureus were the most common cause of infections. Most isolates were multi-drug resistance.
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Cloud architecture for the logistics business
In this paper, we design a cloud computing supported logistics tracking information management system to support whole-ranged and real-time logistics tracking services. The logistics cloud provides customers with a way to tap into - anywhere, anytime - the power needed to more efficiently run their businesses. The logistics cloud helps in making efficient and easy processes of global supply chains. The information about shipments with suppliers, transportation providers, and end users is quicker using the cloud. One of the greatest advantages of the logistics cloud is that there is a complete balance of sharing the resources among all the business companies.
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Commercial Quantities of Cytochalasin D and 5-carboxymellein from Static Cultures of Endophytic Fungi
Cytochalasin D is a cytotoxic compound used in cellular research and drug development. Cytochalasin D is produced from molds, often in mixtures which are difficult to purify. Yields from the synthesis of the compound are poor, hence the high cost of the cytotoxic compound. Static cultures of a group of endophytic fungi: were sub-cultured in 250 ml conical flask each for three weeks. Each of the endophyte culture was transferred into ten 2.0 dm3 Thompson bottles and allowed to grow for 8 weeks. TLC studies of the individual crude extracts indicated that the four mangrove endophytes produced the same compounds. The crude extract obtained from RAR 5-6 was dissolved in warm ethyl acetate and left overnight. A white solid (0.90 g) precipitated from the solution. The solid was removed by filtration and recrystallized from the same solvent to give pure cytochalasin D. The resulting filtrate was chromatographed on silica gel. Fraction 5 yielded a yellow viscous liquid (270 mg). This was triturated with alcohol and left to stand for 48 h to give white crystals, Spectroscopic analysis indicated that the compound was 5-carboxymellein. The production of pure cytochalasin D from these endophytic fungi could be a source of commercial production of this important cytotoxic compound.
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Comparison of Delphi and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) techniques in locating flood spreading
A main part of Iran is considered as arid and semi-arid regions as well as water is one of the limited factors for these areas. Controlling the destructive floods is an important activity due to destructive floods and water shortages. In this regard, flood spreading is an effective strategy to control and use floods. To determine suitable areas for flood spreading and direct water into a permeable formation is one of the most important factors in determining the success of flood spreading projects. The present study was conducted to combine and compare the Delphi and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for flood spreading in Ivar watershed, NE Iran. For this purpose, 4 main criteria, 8 sub-criteria and 24 indices were selected. Percentage and degree of importance for criteria, sub-criteria and indices of flood spreading was determined by AHP in Expert Choice. Questionnaire forms were filled in by experts so that those which have high degree and percentage of importance are more important. After that, the maps were prepared by geographic information system (GIS). Based on the results of AHP and Expert Choice, the highest and lowest relative importance was recorded for sediment volume and Unemployment rate, respectively. According to Delphi technique, indices of soil permeability, flood quality, soil texture, slope, aqueduct, and sub-criteria of water, aquifer, topography, as well as criteria of permeability and flood are important in order in locating flood spreading for Ivar watershed. According to the results of the techniques used in this study, it is revealed that criteria, sub-criteria and indices in Delphi and AHP have approximate results. Hence, using these techniques interchangeably in location of flood spreading can be effective and practical.
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Computational Chemistry
Computational chemistry is rapidly emerging as a new branch of chemistry. It is basically the application of chemical, mathematical, and information technology principles to the solution of complex chemical problems. It uses computers to the 3-dimensional structures and key properties of molecules and materials. This information can provide critical insight and better mechanistic understanding of complex chemical systems, leading to discovery and development new materials with superior properties. Computational chemistry is widely used in many multidisciplinary fields with applications in chemistry, biology, and material science. This paper provides a brief introduction to computational chemistry.
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Congenital cystic dilatation of main bile ducts: A case report
Cystic dilatation of the bile ducts is a rare congenital malformation. It’s due to an abnormality of the biliopancreatic junction involving the extra and intrahepatic bile ducts. It’s the second leading cause of congenital disabilities of the bile ducts after atresia. According to Todani, several types depending on the site, shape, and distribution of the malformation. It’s evoked in front of the inconstant clinical triad: pain, jaundice, and mass. Ultrasound and better sectional imaging confirm the diagnosis. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice to prevent malignant degeneration of the cyst wall and bile ducts.
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