Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Malaysian banking industry: an analysis through website of six banking institutions
Corporate social responsibility encompasses a wide range of issues ranging from business ethics, corporate governance, and socially responsible business practice to environmental sustainability and community engagement. CSR is an idea whereby companies integrate their social and environmental commitment in line with their economic development within an interaction with stakeholders. Company committed on improving the quality of life of its workforce as well as local community and society in general. The issue of CSR is gaining interest around the world since 1950’s, where academicians and practitioners have been consolidating the research in this area. In Malaysia, CSR issues recently begin applied and measured by companies. This paper analyzes the evolution of the CSR concept and presenting various definitions from literature together with Malaysian banking institutions definitions. This article aims to shed some light on the how banking institution in Malaysia defines CSR and perform their CSR activities.
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Corrosion Inhibition of Tin by Alkaloid Extract of Aerial Part of Phyllanthus niruri in HCl and H2SO4 Solutions
The corrosion inhibition of tin by Phyllanthus niruri extract in different solutions of HCl (1N, 2N, 3N) and H2SO4 (1N, 2N, 3N) was investigated by weight loss and thermometric methods at 301K temperature. From the study it was found that the inhibition efficiency increases with the increase in the concentration of extract in HCl and H2SO4 solutions. Results indicate that Phyllanthus niruri extract was an efficient natural corrosion inhibitor in acidic media. The stem extract of the Phyllanthus niruri is better than leave extract of the plant. Absorption of Phyllanthus niruri depends on its chemical compositions which showed the presence of various compounds like alkaloids, flavanoids, steroids, tannins etc. which has O, N and S atoms with lone pair electrons to form co-ordinate bonding with metal.
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Dedifferentiated liposarcoma of the epididymis: Case report and literature review
The dedifferentiated liposarcoma of the spermatic cord is a rare tumor, and the epididymal localization is even rarer. The treatment is based on inguinal orchi-epididymectomy, with resection of adjacent structures if invaded. Adjuvant radiotherapy may be an attractive approach, given the high rate of local recurrence. Metastatic patients and dedifferentiated subtypes constitute the main indications of chemotherapy, even if her role is still debated. We describe the case of a 58-year-old man who underwent surgery for a dedifferentiated liposarcoma of the epididymis. A review of the literature for the various facets of this condition is also provided.
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Design and simulation of folded printed dipole antenna with PBG structure for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) applications
In this paper folded printed dipole antenna with PBG operating for Ultra wide band applications ,The geometry of the antenna is very simple for fabrication and printed circuit board integration that is only 42*36 mm, the proposed antenna are simplified structure with 50 ? feed line .the PBG structure antenna working in the frequency at 3.2 GHz and 3.9GHz with the bandwidth 68% and 50 % respectively ,In this proposed antenna has maximum gain 4.664 dBi and 3.8 dBi at 3.2 GHz and 3.9 GHz respectively .The proposed radiation pattern is omnidirectional in the E-plane and H-plane due to the orthogonal configuration of the dipole strips. The folded printed dipole antenna with PBG structure antenna should be useful for the UWB applications, The radiation characteristics examined in further sections.
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Detection of misbehaving and selfish node in optimized link state routing (OLSR) in mobile adhoc network
Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) is the self organizing collection of mobile nodes. The Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol was designed to improve scalability of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs). OLSR protocol implements Multipoint Relay (MPR) nodes as a flooding mechanism for distributing control information. Nevertheless, OLSR was designed without security measures. There-fore, a misbehaving node can affect the topology map acquisition process by interrupting the flooding of control information or disturbing the MPR selection process.
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Detection of Online Phishing Attacks Using a Transparent Proxy System
The Internet has increasingly become a valuable tool. Despite the benefit, the Internet can often represent an insecure channel for exchange of information. Among the challenges that have now affected the Internet user is phishing. This study propose a secure Anti-Phishing system using a Transparent Proxy System. The proposed system is a middleware that is located between the clients and a content provider. The proposed system was able to detects, alerts novice and experienced users of potential phishing content.
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Determination of suitable date for wheat culture by data of climate: Case study Eghlid region
Water deficit is common stress in arid and semi-arid lands, also yield of wheat reduced by another environmental stresses such as heat and cold. The main causes of these changes are due to poor distribution of rainfall, and poor agronomy calendar. According to this fact that rainfall is one of the most important factors for agronomy in dry land, we calculated time of first effective rainfall with probabilities of 50% and 75% by using meteorological data (1994 to 2011) of Synoptic station at Eghlid region, The growing degree days (GDD) of wheat growth phenological stages were obtained by using 4 ° C as physiological Zero. Based on the results, the first effective rainfall happen in the November 19th and December 8th, by probability levels of 50% and 75% also the germination of wheat seeds happen in the March12th and March31th and the ended of phenological stages happen in the August18th and August25th by probability levels of 50% and 75% respectively. We suggest this planting calendar to obtain the best wheat yield.
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Development and performance evaluation of multilayered Nanoparticles for delivery of Docetaxel
Liposomes are an important colloidal carrier system for controlled drug delivery. However some highly hydrophilic small molecules are difficult to entrap into liposomes and store stably, resulting in poor encapsulation efficiency and fast leakage. In present study, Docetaxel was used as a model drug that was loaded into chitosan nanoparticles and the encapsulated into liposomes by ethanol injection method (EIM). The vesicular systems were characterized for particle size, zeta potential, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and evaluated for encapsulation efficiency and in vitro release. The Lip-Np was composed of Hydrogenated Soya phosphatidylcholine, Cholesterol, EPG and Chitosan with average diameter of 207.8nm and zeta potential of +21.7mv. The entrapment efficiency was above 90% in Chitosan coated (Lip-Np). The release rate of docetaxel from Chitosan coated Lip-Np was more than 90% after 72h.
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Development of Activities Model for promoting healthy of Aging in Thailand and Japan
The Objectives of this research were : (1) to study the current situation and problems of organizing activities of healthy promotion for aging in Thailand and Japan(2) to study a types of the activities which promotes for aging in Thailand and Japan and (3) to develop activities model for promoting healthy of aging in Thailand by the public participation approach, The methodology was used research and development (R&D). Mixed methodologies are mainly with the qualitative approaches and a supported quantitative approach used in the study comprised the focus group discussion, the meeting for group brainstorming, in-depth interviews and participating observation. About qualitative research, the study used the questionnaire. The target group in Thailand included aging in the community as those who are good in – interaction and being able to participate with the proposed activities, the leader of the community, public healthy volunteers. In Japan included aging in the community, caregivers, academicians and executives in the agency concerned. The results of the research were as follows: The study of the current situation and problems of organizing activities of healthy promotion for aging in Thailand found that the village still did have any aging healthy promotion model with the whole dimensions of aging development. Actually, there were some activities that people with any ages could participate but those activities had been stopped. In Japan found that the activities were healthy activity and social activities. The problem are there were no enough participants , no clear plan ed activities and no budget and stopped when the budget ran out.
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Development of solar dryer with thermal energy storage for drying
Drying is one of the most practical and traditional methods of preserving the quality of agricultural products. Solar dryer is the application of solar energy and numerous types of solar dryers have been designed and developed in various parts of the world, yielding varying degrees of technical performance. The problem with the solar energy is that it is intermittent and has a period of shinning. This problem makes most solar dryer ineffective and leads to moisture re-absorption and also prolong the period of drying, thereby affect the properties of the dried product. To solve this problem, granite stone painted black to absorb heat from the solar collector was provided to increase the drying period and improve product quality. This was placed immediately below the flat plate collector for storing the heat from the absorber. The heat stored by the rock was used later for drying when the solar energy is not available. The dryer was tested loaded and unloaded and the temperature of the cabinet and solar collector was measured with the help of k-type thermocouple connected to 12 channel temperature recorder at every hour. Tomatoes, sliced into 2mm thick were used when the dryer was loaded and the weight was measured at every one hour. Drying time was extended by 3 h and thereby reduces the drying period. Physical observation of dried tomatoes looks attractive. The drying chamber efficiency and overall system efficiency are 50.37% and 51.40% respectively.
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