Factors Affecting Tourism across Pakistan
Present study aims to provide a thorough analysis of the various factors that are likely to affect tourism. The general perception is that terrorism is directly linked to the tourism industry and a rise in terrorism the security threat in Pakistan has resulted in the decline of the tourism industry. Therefore, it is necessary for the government to deal with the problem. The study analyzes the various factors effecting tourism and takes terrorism into focus. The concept is new and it surfaced initially during the 1970s. Through various research tools and techniques, we shall try to find the reasons behind the current state of affairs regarding the travel and tourism industry in Pakistan. The research aims to critically analyze the factors affecting the situation and to suggest a concrete solution to the problem through thorough analysis. The sample of the research consists of over 70 respondents that include the respondents from Pakistan as well as those from foreign countries. The research aims to provide a domestic as well as an international perspective on the state of tourism in Pakistan.
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Fast parallel DNA algorithm based on adleman-lipton model: the independent dominating set problem
The independent dominating set problem is a classical optimization problem and has been shown to be NP-Complete. This study finds a molecular computing model to solve the independent dominating set problem, based on Adleman-Lipton model. It proves how to apply stickers in the sticker based model to construct the DNA solution space of the independent dominating set problem and how to apply DNA operations in the Adleman-Lipton model to solve that problem from the solution space of stickers. The time complexity of the proposed computational model is O(n + 2m) and to verify this model, a small independent dominating set problem was solved. This proves the capacity of molecular computing for solving the complex independent dominating set problem.
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Free Speech situation is needed between Academia and Industrialists; Is a path way to solve unemployment among the graduates?
This paper explores the level of coordination and cooperation between the academics and industrialists. The data were collected by using in-depth interviews, focus group discussions with different stakeholders of the Management Faculty. This study reveals a lack of coordination and cooperation among the major stakeholders. A lack of trust between the stakeholders, little commitment or heavy workloads among the academics, limited forum for dialogue and unawareness of mutual expectations of each other lead to weak coordination and cooperation between or among them. This low level of coordination and cooperation among the key stakeholders has resulted in low employ-ability among graduates in Universities.
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Gas chromatography analysis of the amino acid composition of proteins from the leaves of Acalypha wilkesiana Muell Arg and Tridax procumbens Linn
The amino acid composition of proteins from leaves of Acalypha wilkesiana and Tridax procumbens was studied using gas chromatography. A. wilkesiana leaf protein had lower total essential, but higher total sulphur containing and aromatic amino acid content than T. procumbens leaf protein. Both proteins had high contents of essential amino acids, histidine, threonine and valine, though deficient in isoleucine. Thus both proteins may serves as good sources for the supplementation of histidine, threonine and valine
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Globalization, its ethos and Indian work organization – an overview
This research will explore conceptual framework of Globalization and subsequently discuss how Globalization affected contemporary work organization in general and Indian work organization located in special economic zones (sezs) in particular.This research is an exploratory qualitative study. It is based on extensive review of literature summing up the findings on the topic in question. Finally an answer to the issues discussed in the systematic literature review has been suggested at the conclusion.
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Green Synthesis, Characterization and Biomedical Applications of Zn and ZnO Nanoparticles
Abstract The development of nanotechnology is making the interest of researchers towards the synthesis of nanoparticles for the bioapplication. Metal oxides such as ZnO have received increasing attention as antibacterial materials in recent years because of their stability under harsh processing conditions, and also because they are generally regarded as safe materials for human beings and animals. Zinc activates 300 enzymes, and it plays a role in many another phenomenons like growth, membrane stability, bone mineralization, tissue growth, and repair, wound healing and cell signaling. Many studies have shown that ZnO nanoparticles have enhanced antibacterial activity. Use of plant and plant materials for the synthesis of Zinc nanoparticles is relatively new and exciting research field. Various plants were used for the synthesis of nanoparticles using green synthesis method
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Habits profile of the university students
Present study was designed to explore the habits profile of university students. Six habits were selected as effective for the students at university such as, Balance, Time management, Optimism, Team work, Understanding and Organization. A random sample of 148 students was collected from various universities of Islamabad among them 66 were males and 82 were females, their age ranged from 20 to 28 years and their family income level ranged from 25000 to 100000. The findings of the study revealed that the most common habits exhibited by the university students are Balance, Organization and Optimism. University students need to learn how to practice habits of Understanding, Teamwork and Time Management. No gender difference was found in practicing the habit of Balance, Time management and optimism, however male university students score higher on Understanding and Organization as compared to female students. Younger students are more Balance and Organized as compared to the older students, on the other hand older students have the habit of Optimism and understanding as compared to younger ones.
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Haematological Parameters of Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Raised on Deep Litter System in South Western Nigeria
This study aimed to determine the haematological values as well as the phenotypic correlation among the parameters of haematology. One hundred and twenty (120) Japanese quails were raised on a deep litter system. Two experimental diets (starter diet and layers diet) were given to the birds. Blood samples were taken from the birds at six (6) weeks for haematological analysis. According to the result obtained, sex did not have any significant (P> 0.05) effect on any of the haematological parameter. Meanwhile, it was also observed that increment in body weight was found supportive of the haematological parameters.
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Handwritten English character recognition using neural network
Neural Networks are being used for character recognition from last many years. This paper presents creating the Character Recognition System, in which Creating a Character Matrix and a corresponding Suitable Network Structure is key. The Feed Forward Algorithm gives insight into the enter workings of a neural network; followed by the Back Propagation Algorithm which compromises Training, Calculating Error, and Modifying Weights. We have made an attempt to recognize handwritten English characters by using a multilayer perceptron with one hidden layer. In addition, an analysis has been carried out to determine the number of hidden nodes to achieve high performance of back propagation network in the recognition of handwritten English characters. The results showed that the MLP networks trained by the error back propagation algorithm are superior in recognition accuracy and memory usage. The result indicates that the back propagation network provides good recognition accuracy of more than 70% of Handwritten English characters.
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Homestay tourism and pro-poor tourism strategy in banghuris selangor, Malaysia
For the last two decades, the government strategy in most developing countries has been focusing on the development policy of rural areas. This is caused by the slower socioeconomic development in these areas compared to that of the urban areas. The flaw in the previous development policy, which concentrated more on the development of rural areas, has resulted in the regression of the rural areas. For that reason, rural development concept has become the government strategy in improving the standard of living and socio-economic of the rural community, particularly for the poor people. Most of the rural community members are less active and hardly become involved in the government development programmes. Moreover, their economic activities are concentrated on agricultural based activities which provide low proceeds and unprofitable. Therefore, new policy has been legislated to ensure that the rural community will be free from poverty and regression through active involvement in the development of the rural tourism sector. The government anticipates that the development in the rural tourism sector particularly in homestay tourism will be able to boost the socioeconomic development of the community in the areas involved. It is for the reason that, the homestay tourism is able to make the most of nature’s beauty as well as the community’s idyllic customs and cultures as appealing strategies to attract tourists to come to their village, which in turn will heighten the tourism activities in the area. Ever since it was introduced, the homestay tourism has gained encouraging responses that it is utilized as the strategy to overcome poverty in rural areas. Since then, the homestay tourism has attracted tourists, particularly international tourists. Through homestay tourism, participants are given the opportunity to experience the difference in the way of living and customs of the local community as well as given accommodation package throughout their stay in the chosen village. The implementation of the homestay programme offers opportunity to the tourists to be aware of and understand the cultures and the way of life of the local community as they, themselves will be experiencing the village life. This research uses questionnaire distributed to 70 homestay proprietors in Banghuris, Selangor. Based on the fieldwork carried out in Banghuris, it is evident that the homestay tourism has been able to bring in socio-economic changes ever since it was implemented. Therefore, this research proves that the homestay tourism is able to be a medium of the strategy to overcome poverty in rural areas, and above all in improving the community’s income rate as well as receiving outside influence for the betterment of their lives.
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