List of articles published in the month of November 2021
Table of contents for the month of November 2021
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Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications: A Review
This paper will discuss about Machine Learning technology, its algorithms and its applications. In the new era of automations, business intelligence and the growing datacenters capacity, machine learning is a key component. Through literature review this paper demonstrates this new field and its characteristics. Different algorithms exist for various types of works, making it possible for average business to use the one that suits its needs the best. Machine Learning has come to stay for many years, providing added value to data and predictive mechanisms that will make our world a better place.
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Malleus Head Fixation- A case report
Malleus head fixation is a rare but not exceptional pathology. It may be apparently congenital or acquired, and can be associated with stapes fixation. In the acquired secondary process two histological types of malleus head fixation were found: the first corresponded to non-tympanosclerotic bone remodeling and the second to localized tympanosclerosis.
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Mediating role of Stakeholder Influence Capacity in Corporate Social Responsibility and Non - Financial Performance relationship
To test the model of stakeholder influence capacity mediator, with the reference to the textile sector, relating the corporate social responsibility independent variable with non- financial performance dependent variable. The sampling approach used was non-probability type convenience sampling. The data was collected from the registered textile mills in APTMA (All Pakistan Textile Mills Association) from Faisalabad region. The questionnaires were filled by the managers working in different divisions of textile mills including Sitara textile mill, AMTEX, Interloop, Masood textile mills, Itehad textile mill, Sarfraz textile mill, Five Star textile mill, Dawood Export (Pvt) Ltd, Nishat textile mill, National textile mill (Pvt) ltd. The questionnaire was based on five point Likert scale. An instrument was supported for internal consistency and reliability. The results concluded that there are significant and positive relationships between corporate social responsibility and stakeholder influence capacity directly, corporate social responsibility and non-financial performance and relationship between corporate social responsibility and non-financial performance with the mediating variable stakeholder influence capacity. Though initially, CSR dimensions are distinguished into philanthropic, economical, ethical, social and environmental. NFP can be measured with respect to customers, employees and suppliers. Stakeholder influence capacity can be evaluated with respect to social and environmental. The future research should apply the proposed model in this study and the results to other service sectors and geographic locations in order to develop its generalizability. In order to manage swift change and worldwide competition in business environments companies should center on the adopting strategies which strategy can affect the stakeholder influence capacity in array to improve the non-financial performance that marks the future indication of survival of the firm. The previous researches did not appraise the relationship of corporate social responsibility and non-financial performance with the mediating variable stakeholder influence capacity of the firms. The present study also demonstrates the different dimensions of the CSR and stakeholder influence capacity with the non-financial performance of the firms.
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Medical Image Fusion using Undecimated Discrete Wavelet Transform for Analysis and Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease
A novel algorithm for effectively fusing Alzheimer’s effected medical images is proposed in this paper. Fusing is done in the Undecimated Discrete Wavelet Transform (UDWT) domain. Firstly, the RGB images are converted in to NTSC images and then UDWT is applied. In UDWT domain, Low frequency subbands are fused using maximum selection rule and high frequency subbands are fused according to the Modified Spatial Frequency (MSF). Lastly, fused image is obtained by inverse UDWT. The fused NTSC is again converted in to RGB image for fused RGB image. Superiority of the proposed method is presented and justified. Fused image quality is verified with various quality metrics i.e., Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Entropy, Spatial Frequency (SF) etc.,
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Metastatic giant adrenocortical tumor in the liver
Adrenocortical tumor is a rare tumor of the adrenal developing depending on the adrenal cortex; most often responsible for an endocrine syndrome. We report a case of a 41-year-old woman who presented with treatment-resistant chorionic low back pain, whose radiological exploration revealed a retroperitoneal mass dependent on the adrenal gland measuring 108 x 84 x 88 mm (APxTxH) metastatic of the liver of segment VII and segment VII, the management of which was surgical in two stages.
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Metastatic melanoma revealed by a gastro-intestinal bleeding : A rare case report
An elderly patient with a history of localized cutaneous melanoma cured by surgical skin resection, no longer followed by his dermatologist, presented to the emergency departement with an acute gastro-intestinal (GI) bleeding. Oesogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) showed a protuberant and ulcerated lesion, in the duodenal bulb, with pigmented spots in its center, very evocative of a melanoma. Histological results confirmed this hypothesis. CT scan identified multiple secondary locations. Latent metastasic melanomas revealed by GI bleeding after years of remission are rare and their outcome is severe. We highlight, in this paper, the importance of a regular lifelong monitoring patient with history of cutaneous melanoma, even localized, looking for any clinical sign that could suggest a recurrence or a digestive metastasis of his melanoma, in order to carry out the necessary examinations and treat the patient without delay.
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Microbial degradation of textile industry effluent
In the present study bacterial species isolated from textile industry effluent were evaluated for their decolourization and degradation abilities. The textile waste has a high number of organic as well as inorganic pollutants which would be harmful to aquatic flora and faunas well as cause health problems if the industrial effluent is directly discharged into water bodies. Seven microbial strains were isolated and from them two strains identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus cereus were evaluated for their capability to degrade different dyes. Further the various condition for maximum dye degradation were analysed and Pseudomonas fluorescens was seen to give 95-98 % dye degradation under aerobic and agitated conditions at neutral pH.
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Mineralogy and Geochemistry of a Marble Deposit, Owan-East, Southwestern Nigeria: Implications for Protolith and Industrial Uses
This research investigates and reports the mineralogy, geochemistry, industrial implications and protolith of a marble deposit in the basement complex of Owan-East, Edo-State, Southwestern Nigeria. Field geology revealed the marble is interbedded with calc-silicate gneiss, quartz-biotite schist, polygenetic metaconglomerate, mica schist and quartzite. The marble occurs as lenses within the gneiss and overlain by a thin gritty tropical soil. The fine-grained marble occurs in three colour varieties (white, grey, and banded). The banded type exhibits strong axial foliation which is concordant with NNE-SSW regional strike with westerly dip ranging between 68° and 82°. Petrographic investigation revealed that calcite and dolomite account for over 85% of the marble. X-ray diffraction showed the marble is composed of calcite (52%), dolomite (35%), accessory quartz (6%), biotite (4%) and feldspar (2%). Optical and X-ray results indicate the bands in the banded variety represents clay impurities in the original limestone protolith.The marble is calcitic (CaO, 51.7-60.76%; MgO, 1.42 – 2.57%) with average Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio of 3:100. Average alkali (Na2O + K2O) contents (1.13%) suggest deep water, low saline (estuarine, brackish to paralic) environment of deposition for the ancient limestone. Alumina content of the marble (white, 0.5 %; grey 0.35 % and foliated 3.49 %) (total average: 1.45 %) and that of Fe2O3 (white, 0.19 %; grey 0.5 % and foliated 1.78) (total average: 0.82 %) exceed those of other marble deposits in southwestern Nigeria. Silica Ratio (SR) (1.28), Alumina Ratio (AR) (3.54), and Lime Saturation Factor (LSF) (537.75) suggest the marble is useful in the manufacture of cement. The marble also meets industrial specifications for fertilizer production and as refractory lime.
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Mobility of human capital in middle management- Autoparts company
Mexico has one of the highest job desertion rates in Latin America and worldwide. This desertion causes that the companies that suffer from it to experience a decrease in workforce and therefore, that the accomplishment of their organizational objectives is not achieved. This situation is exacerbated when those who desert are those who command the middle management of the companies. Here are examined some of the most representative internal and external factors that cause talent instability in a company that is part of an auto parts manufacturer industrial group in the municipality of Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico; identifying the causes that led to medium- or long-term abandonment of it. Strategies to detect and track this talent mobility are also evaluated.
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