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       721. List of articles published in the month of November 2021
Abstract | Pdf Category : Table of Contents    |   Sub Category : 2021
       722. Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications: A Review
Foteini Emmanouilidou
Abstract | Pdf Category : Computing and Informatics    |   Sub Category : Information Technology
       723. Malleus Head Fixation- A case report
Mahiou Noureddine, Bolzer Adrien, Stringini Robert and Essakalli Leilla
Abstract | Pdf Category : Medical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Physiology and Anatomy
       724. Mediating role of Stakeholder Influence Capacity in Corporate Social Responsibility and Non - Financial Performance relationship
Rifat Humayun and Muhammad Ishfaq
Abstract | Pdf Category : Management    |   Sub Category : Finance
       725. Medical Image Fusion using Undecimated Discrete Wavelet Transform for Analysis and Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease
T.Tirupal, T.K.Naga Vaishnavi, K.Anitha, K.Lavanya and E.H.Sandhya
Abstract | Pdf Category : Computing and Informatics    |   Sub Category : Computer Engineering
       726. Metastatic giant adrenocortical tumor in the liver
Yassine El Bouazizi , Amine Maazouz , Sabriallah Echiguer , Amine Benkabbou , Mohammed Anass majbar , Raouf Mohsine and Amine Souadka
Abstract | Pdf Category : Medical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Physiology and Anatomy
       727. Metastatic melanoma revealed by a gastro-intestinal bleeding : A rare case report
H. Tahiri , F. Chemanedji, M. Hameche and O.Kechen
Abstract | Pdf Category : Medical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Physiology and Anatomy
       728. Microbial degradation of textile industry effluent
I.Bhatnagar, F.K.Pandey, S. Kumar and T.Bhatnagar
Abstract | Pdf Category : Life Sciences    |   Sub Category : Biosciences
       729. Mineralogy and Geochemistry of a Marble Deposit, Owan-East, Southwestern Nigeria: Implications for Protolith and Industrial Uses
Akinola Oluwatoyin O and Adebayo Olajide Femi
Abstract | Pdf Category : Environmental Sciences    |   Sub Category : Earth Science
       730. Mobility of human capital in middle management- Autoparts company
Mario Jesús Aguilar Camacho, Eduardo Barrera Arias and José Enrique Luna Correa
Abstract | Pdf Category : Management    |   Sub Category : Organizational Behaviour