Aspects of Motivational Basis for Learning English by Psychology Students
The article analyses the concept of motivation and features some facts on the importance of differentiation between the intrinsic-extrinsic constructs and integrative-instrumental orientation to motivation, as well as the necessity to study students’ actual motivational background to learning English. The article describes a recent study of motivational basis in Psychology students in terms of learning English. The research aims to find out and to assess the presence of a certain motivational type and orientation. The author examines and interprets the results of a written questionnaire concerning definite orientations to motivation in Psychology students of Cherkasy National University.
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Assay of Tranexamic Acid via Coupling with Ascorbic Acid Using Kinetic Methods
A simple, precise and accurate kinetic spectrophotometric method has been developed for determination of tranexamic acid. The method was based on a kinetic investigation of the coupling reaction between tranexamic acid and ascorbic acid after heating to form a purple-pink colored complex. The reaction was followed up spectrophotometrically by measuring the increase in absorbance at 530nm & 390nm as a function of time. The initial rate, rate constant, fixed time and fixed absorption time methods were adopted for constructing the calibration curves and examined for their suitability for the assay of tranexamic acid in pure and capsules forms.
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Assessment of biomass and carbon sequestration of Millettia laurentii De Wild (Wenge) after 76 years in plantation at Yangambi Biosphere Reserve
Deforestation and forest degradation are still occurring at an alarming rate, and are contributing significantly to the current loss of biodiversity. Every year, about 13 million hectares of forest are converted to various uses. Many ecologists attest that sylviculture is one of the remedies to this problem. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of silvicultural techniques on the carbon sequestration potential of Millettia laurentii plantations. A carbon stock estimation study was conducted in 2016 in three silvicultural plots installed in 1940 following the Layon, Blanc etoc and Martineau techniques. Diameter at breast height of 359 M. laurentii individuals and wood density were used in an allometric equation to estimate biomass and sequestered carbon. In the Layonnage plot, biomass and carbon stored were 914.39 t/ha and 457.19 t/ha respectively; 695.47t/ha and 347.74t/ha in the Blanc Etoc plot; 767.67 t/ha and 383.8 t/ha in the Martineau plot. After 76 years in plantation, the Layon technique proved to be more favorable to biomass production and carbon stock by M. laurentii.
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Association between plasma and urine glucose measured using a dry chemistry test strip
Testing the presence of sugar in urine will serve as an additional diagnostic tool to verify and correlate with the glucose level in plasma. The earliest test was done by using benedict’s reagent and the reports were given ranging from nil to several positives depending upon colour changes. Dry Chemistry is now emerging as the latest technology for detecting sugar in urine, both qualitative and quantitative and some companies have developed instruments to read the intensity of colour obtained using reflectance principle and to report the urine sugar results quantitatively. Several commercial brand of test strips are available for urine sugar testing and many studies have been done in evaluating their merits and demeirts. This research paper is an attempt to find out the correlation between plasma and urine glucose both estimated quantitatively. Good correlation was found between plasma and urine glucose (P<0.00001). While dialab reagents and DIRUI CS 1300B analyser were used to measure plasma glucose, DIRURI H 100 reflectance analyser and multistix marketed by the same company was used to measure urine glucose. This research work suggests that every lab using quantitative urine glucose measurement based on dry chemistry test strips should evaluate its performance.
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Bilateral J Curves between Iran and its selected European Partners
Empirical studies on the short run and long run effects of the exchange rates on trade balance are classified in two groups. First group have used the overall level of foreign trade data between one country and the world, and second one (including this study and recent studies) have employed bilateral trade data between a country and its major trading partners. The present paper by using Auto Regressive Distribution Lags (ARDL) and annually data during time period 1979-2006 has analyzed the presence of J curve between Iran and selected European trading partners including France, Germany and Switzerland. The results obtained shows that the bilateral J curve hypothesis is confirmed in the short run but there is no evidence to support for the hypothesis in the long run. So, based on the results, the hypothesis is not completely confirmed. It’s mentionable that regarding to and tests, all coefficients are stable.
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Biochemical Values of the fresh water fishes Channa punctatus and Channa striatus (Bloch)
Alive freshwater fishes Channa punctatus and C. striatus were collected from freshwater bodies of Cauvery delta and their s parameters were thoroughly studied. RBC and WBC count, haemoglobin content and haematocrit were showed slight fluctuation. The range of different in biochemical parameter of these species are RBC 3.29 ? 106 to 3.42 ? 106/cumm; WBC 4.3 ? 103 to 4.6 ?103/cumm; Hb 9.37 to 10.84 g/dl; PVC 34.42 to 36.14 %/dl; MCV 104.62 to 105.67 ?m3, MCH 24.09 to 28.48 Pg/dl; MCHC 27.22 to 29.99 g/dl. The serum protein, albumin and cholesterol were found to be slightly higher value in C. punctatus than C. striatus. The globulin and triglycerides showed elevated level in C. striatus. The average values of protein content showed higher value when compared to cholesterol and glucose. The present study suggested that these fishes are important sources of animal protein and good for human health.
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Breastfeeding knowledge and practice in the Canton Sarajevo
Mother's milk is ideal for infants, it is safe and contains all the necessary nutrients, antibodies that protect the baby from common children illnesses. Exclusively breastfeeding of infants and continuing the breastfeeding until the second year of life provides the child with quality nutrition and can prevent the lack of nutrients, malnutrition and their consequences. We can see the need for education on breastfeeding and promotion of breastfeeding, which gives importance to healthcare workers for education and prevention of early stopping of breastfeeding. The study included 100 respondents in the Canton, 50 primiparea (pregnant women expecting the first child) and 50 respondents who were multiparas. The study was designed as an observation – transient study and lasted from April to July 2016. It was done using a CDC questionnaire. The research was conducted in the Public Health Institute for the Health Protection of Women and Maternity of Sarajevo Canton at Vogosca. There is a statistically significant difference in the knowledge of primipara and multiparas about the length of breastfeeding according to WHO recommendations, ?2=13,827; p=0.001. Multipare have better knowledge. The most frequent sources of information about breastfeeding in both examined groups were the experiences of other mothers, ?2=0.186; p=0.666. After the research we have found that there is a certain number of subjects who do not have enough breastfeeding education. The fact that the majority of respondents considered the most reliable source of information on breastfeeding the experience of other mothers and family members emphasized the need to create new promotional projects on the importance of breastfeeding by health professionals.
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Calculus of variations in physical problem
Variation is an important mathematical physics method in mathematical physics problem. Many physical problems are always concerned with variation, and they can be solved by extremum of functional. We can obtain physical laws by way of variation calculus, such as the solution of problems of central field and electromagnetic field. By application of calculus of variation, the motion of matter can be unified.
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Central America maquiladoras and their impact on economic growth and employment
The objective of this paper is to analyze the different perspectives of the roles played by the maquiladora in Central America as a lever of economic growth and social development in the region. Maquiladoras are industries that import materials and equipment, perform assembly or manufacturing processes, then re-export the finished goods to other countries. After a brief historical review of the maquiladoras emergence in the Central America region, the context is analyzed to underline the legal regime of temporal import and legal regime of managerial oriented free zone or fiscal precinct. Afterwards, the impacts that the maquiladoras have had in the regional economic growth and employment generation under the variable of the Asian competence is analyzed. After the discussion, prospective scenarios are analyzed and several strategies are recommended, including the promoting and creation of maquiladoras that go beyond the competitive advantage of cheap human labor. The Central America countries must design and implement strategies of diversification of the maquiladora development process in industrial sectors that require greater added value and technological innovation.
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Chemical constituents of leaf essential oils of two varieties of Caesalpinia pulcherrima Linn growing in north central Nigeria
Pulverized leaves of red and yellow varieties of Caesalpina pulcherrima yielded 0.50 and 0.52% v/w of essential oils on hydrodistillation. GC and GC-MS analyses of the oils revealed the presence of fifty eight and fifty three compounds in the oil of red and yellow varieties respectively. Percentage compositions of oxygenated monoterpenes in the oil of red and yellow varieties were 70.4 and 85.1%. Sesquiterpenes constituted 28.8% of the leaf oil of red variety, while 5.1% of the oil of yellow variety was sesquiterpenes. The principal constituents of the oil of red variety were; ?-terpinene (44.4%), germacrene B (14.3%), myrcene (5.6%), allo-ocimene (5.9%), ?-caryophylene (5.1%) and ?-pinene (4.2%). Major compounds identified in the oil of yellow variety were; citronellal (58.0%), geranial (17.5%), ?-caryophylene (5.1%), linalool (2.5%) and ?-terpineol (2.3%). With the abundance of ?-terpinene and citronellal in the oils of red and yellow varieties, the oils are of ?-terpinene and citronellal chemotypes respectively.
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