Developing leadership practices of head nurses
Leadership development is a new initiative that has no precedents upon which to draw. While leadership has been recognized for centuries as essential prerequisite to society’s development, there is no “school” for leadership development. Head nurse/ ward- in – charge have been an established part of the nursing structure and are expected to facilitate staff nurses in their roles as patient caregivers. Nurse leaders have a responsibility to create effective properly functioning units to support the work of nurses. This paper presents an initiative in this direction, by developing the leadership practices of head nurses using a leadership development package. A quasi experimental pretest- post test control group design was used. The findings of the study revealed that the leadership development package could bring in significant improvement in the leadership practices of the head nurses.
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Development of sustainable concrete by using paper industry waste
To develop a sustainable concrete using new supplementary cementitious material (SCM) like Lime sludge which is produced in paper industry while producing paper. It was replaced partially with Ordinary Portland cement (OPC). The properties of concrete investigated include compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength and sorptivity keeping optimum percentage of Lime sludge supposedly supplementary cementitious material (SCM). Also compared the cost of sludge based concrete with conventional concrete. In this work, M25 grade was developed and test results indicate that the use of Lime sludge with cement in the concrete has improved the performance of concrete on mechanical properties and cost economical.
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Distribution of some heavy metals in water bodies and water sediments of the Tamirabarani river at Eral, Tamil Nadu, South India
Heavy metals contamination in river is one of the major quality issues in developing countries and metals enter these aquatic systems mainly through natural inputs such as weathering and erosion of rocks and anthropogenic sources including urban, industrial and agricultural activities, terrestrial runoff and sewage disposal. In the month of March CF > 6 in Copper indicated extremely contaminated as 9.333 in the water bodies. In the water bodies the month of March indicated that it is very high extremely polluted emphasized as 10.62 pollution load index. In the water sediments regarding in the month of March pointed out the pollution load index that it is very high extremely polluted as 17.28. The highest copper concentration was noticed in the water bodies during the month of March as 420±2.40 mg/l and the zinc as 260±3.04 mg/l which exceeded the shale value. The highest copper concentration was noticed in the water sediments during the month of March as 750±2.40mg/l and the zinc as 380±3.20 mg/l which exceeded the shale value. The Lead metal concentration was observed as 10 mg/l during all the months.
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Diversity of Noctuid moths (Lepidoptera: noctuidae) in TamilNadu part of Western Ghats (Nilgiris biosphere and Kodaikanal hills), India
The diversity of Noctuid moths of the Nilgiri, an important International Biosphere in the Western Ghats of South India, was studied in four different places namely Coonoor, Doddabedda, Kothagiri and Ooty in the Nilgiri Biosphere and Kodaikanal. The data obtained between January 2009 (140 species) and December 2010 revealed the presence of 154 species of Noctuid moths classified under 85 genera and 23 subfamilies. Total number of taxa and individuals of Noctuid moths were found maximum in the year 2010.
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Dynamics and performance characteristics of a 5hp induction machine
Regulation and controllability have been an important aspect of the industrial motor drives. The three-phase induction machine has been the motor of choice in industrial settings for about the past decade due to its easy speed and torque controllability. Its ruggedness and low cost cum other inherent features thus necessitated the quest to study its operating behavior. This work highlighted the mathematical modeling of an induction motor specifically in the stationary reference frame. The induction motor parameters and the generated equations were used to form the embedded MATLAB function which in turn was used to generate graphs that illustrate the performance of a 5HP motor. The torque –speed response among other characteristics were fully simulated thus resulting to a sound study of the performance characteristics of a three phase 5HP induction motor using MATLAB/Simulink.
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Effect of a Typical Organo-Mineral Fertilization and of the Green Carpet Cultivation System with Acacia Auriculoformis Cunn ex Benth and Pennisetum purpureum K. Schum on Biomass Production of Forage Crops in the Hinterlands of Kisangani, Tshopo (DRC)
In the present study, we tested the possibility of developing an appropriate technical itinerary for the green carpet crop system (ATV) involving pruning of grass hedges, composting of their clippings, direct seeding and fertiliser application that would ensure high overall productivity and major agroecological benefits. Compost with NPK 17- 17- 17 was applied to some plots of degraded soil in the ATV production system, while other plots were either treated with pig manure with NPK 17- 17- 17 on the side of the Slash and Burn production system. All treated plots are then used for maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation. A split-plot design was used with five replications per treatment. The study showed that the large amount of both forage and soil biomass was observed on the plots that received composts and chemical fertilizers in the ATV production system. These different results show that the ATV production system combined with organo-mineral fertilisation is a good source of mineral elements and make it possible to envisage its use in programmes to restore degraded soils.
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Effect of chemical solution on some of the mechanical properties of the polymer composites reinforced
This work has been done with using of polyproplyen (pp) as a matrix, which reinforced with fibers glass (glass fiber short , glass fiber woving roving , and glass fiber short +, glass fiber woving roving ). The research also studies the Mechanical properties (Creep- Impact ) of the Samples with the same volume fraction (30%) and comparing the results.These tests are carried out on samples under the influence of normal conditions room temperature (23+3oC) and after immersion of all samples in the chemical solutions (KOH-HCL- NaCO3). The normality for all these chemical solutions is 0.5. The results showed when time immersion increase these properties are decreased, which indicates the negative effects of these chemical solutions on the mechanical properties. Tests showed that the results of the values of each of the creep resistance and impact increases after immersion in chemical solutions, and that the solution KOH is more influential. Results show that samples of blend reinforced [PP + f.g (w.r+r)] possess better creep resistance, and sample of [PP+f.g (w-r)] possess better impact resistance at all conditions tests (room temperature and after immersion in chemical solutions).
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Effect of curing distance on depth of cure of composite resin using different light curing units of different intensities
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of altering the distance between the light source and the surface of the restorative material (DLR) on the depth of composite cure with a range of low to high light intensity with different types of light cure units. This in vitro study compared the depth of cure obtained with five quartz tungsten halogen and light-emitting diode curing units at different exposure times and light tip-resin composite distances. Resin composite specimens (Tetric Ceram, A3; diameter 4 mm, height 6 mm) were exposed from 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5- mm distance. The depth of cure determined using the scrape test ISO 4049. Light intensity was also measured at each separation distance for each light. The depth of cure was generally found to decrease as the separation distance increased for all lights at the various cure times. the effect of increasing the separation distance was less than anticipated. The depth of cure was also related to the light output. Depth of composite cure was directly related to intensity and duration of light exposure and inversely related to distance of the light source from the surface for halogen and plasma lights. However, the effect of increasing the separation distance up to 15 mm was less than expected. Altering the separation distance in order to modify the polymerisation characteristics is unlikely to be effective.
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Effective Management and Application of ICT towards the Accessibility to Learning Development in Higher Education
An effective management and application of ICT is very important in education nowadays. ICT and e-learning platform plays an important part in the successful implementation of distance, collaborative and e learning for the higher education learners. This approach in the teaching and learning process with the application of ICT culture would create intelligence, academic excellence and quality work life of working adult learners. A good higher education system is required for overall prosperity of a nation. A tremendous growth in the higher education sector had made the administration of higher education institutions complex. Many researches reveal that the integration of ICT helps to reduce the complexity and enhance the overall administration of higher education. This study has been undertaken to identify the various functional areas to which ICT is deployed for information administration in higher education institutions and to find the current extent of usage of ICT in all these functional areas pertaining to information administration. The various factors that contribute to these functional areas were identified. A theoretical model was derived and validated.
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Effects of climate variability on foraging behaviour of bees, A case study of Marigat and Ratat locations in Baringo County, Kenya
Beekeeping is among the livelihood diversification strategies likely affected by climate variability. The variation in temperature and rainfall influence forage phenology impacting on honey production in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) in Kenya. The study focused on the relationship between rainfall variability on honey production among the pastoral communities. Rainfall variability was exhibited in the study area in some circumstances drought was experienced annually. On average, 19 plant species were recorded that the bees prefer in the study area. Rainfall variability has significant positive correlation (r=0.423;p=0.00) on the effect on plant phenology thus altering flowering periods of many of the forage plants, changing the foraging behaviour of bees resulting to decrease in honey production. The findings of this study indicate that variation in rainfall has had an adverse effect on honey production and therefore there is need to incorporate land management strategies that will improve honey production in ASALs for sustainable livelihoods among pastoral communities in the context of climate variability.
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