Exploration of the Adoption of Digital Technology in Education Among Indigenous People in Guyana
Educational capabilities vary in diverse geographical regions. Training is critical to standardize and optimize educational practices for desired outcomes. In Guyana, indigenous Amerindian preservice teachers need to acquire the skills and overcome the technological barriers to better prepare learners beyond the classroom. Even though internet access would allow indigenous Amerindians in Guyana to develop technology literacy skills and access educational resources, Indigenous pre-service teachers have a low rate of technology adoption in the classroom. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to discover the perceptions of indigenous Amerindian preservice teachers on the adoption of digital technology in the classroom. Rogers’s diffusion of innovation theory and David and Venkatesh's technology of acceptance model were used to understand indigenous Amerindian preservice teacher perceptions about the use of digital technology, in respect of perceived barriers, and the coping and adopting mechanism throughout their pedagogical practices. Ten Indigenous Amerindian preservice teachers participated in this qualitative study. Semi-structured, interviews were the primary data collection tool. Open coding was used to generate themes and analyzed emergent coding. The findings from this study indicated that the rate of adoption of digital technology could accelerate if (a) training is strategic, (b) there is a reduction of institutional barriers, and (c) professional practices are aligned for educational growth. This study potentially contributes knowledge to education and leverage and adoption of digital technology, to advance understanding of learning and pedagogical best practices. The findings may contribute to positive social change in that professional development centers can improve skills that provide flexible learning for improving access to psychological therapies to integrate digital technology beyond the classroom. and serve as a catalyst to promote growth by capacity building.
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Fabrication, Electrical characterisation and modelling of iron –clay composite resistor
Iron-clay based composite resistor of varying iron content and aspect ratio have been fabricated using a pressure of about (2.04x108) Nm-2 for all the resistor moulded, expect in the case where the pressure was varied with four different pressures of about 1.28x108Nm-2, 0.66x108Nm-2, 2.04x108 NM-2 and 2.41x108Nm-2 with composition of 70% iron, length of 15mm and particle size of 0-25µm. The effect of clay particle size was also investigated using particle size ranging from 0-250µm, 250-400µm, 400-500µm and 500-850µm. Iron powder was used as the conductive element while the clay powder served as insulating and binding element. The fabricated resistor all have an average diameter of 3mm; for those moulded with particle size of 0-25irm, the length are varied between 5mm and 25mm increasing in 5mm and composition of 95%, 90%, 85%, 80% and 75% iron content. The resistors were investigated for influence of composition, firing time, firing temperature, length particle size and moulding pressure on their electrical properties. The results show that the electrical resistance increases with increasing resistors length and increasing the diameter of the clay particle size. However, the electrical resistance falls rapidly with increasing firing temperature, firing time, moulding pressure and also with increasing functional composition (iron composition). The modeled results also shows that polynomial of the 2nd order best describes the results obtained.
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Foreign Body at the Root of the Verge at a Young Man of 27 Years
We report the case of a young man aged 23, victim of an accident to type up falling penetration with thorns wood at the side of the inner right thigh. A scrotal ultrasound scan with erectile body objectified a strong allure foreign body straight. A mini-incision made at the level of the symphysis pubis allowed the removal of the foreign body.
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Granulometric and Petrographic studies of Agbani Sandstone outcrops within Ihuokpara and environs, Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria
Detailed Granulometric and petrographic analysis of the Agbani Sandstone outcrops were carried out within Ihuokpara, Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria. The aim was geared towards deciphering provenance and reconstructing the paleo-environment of deposition. The study area is underlain by Agbani Sandstone and Awgu Shale. They are Coniacian in age. A total of twelve (12) sandstone samples were collected and used for analysis. Out of the twelve sandstone samples, two (2) was deployed for thin section petrographic analysis, while ten (10) was deployed for grain size analysis. The petrographic results from two (2) sandstone samples from different locations reveal dominance in quartz (60% – 65%), feldspar (10%-13%), mica (10%-10%), limonite (15%-8%) with clay matrix and rock fragment less than 3% framework components of the sandstones respectively. These sandstones are mineralogically and texturally sub-mature and have been classified as lithic arkose on the basis of QFR diagram. Quartz in these sandstone samples is monocystalline in nature and feldspars are represented mainly as plagioclase. Provenance of the sandstone deposits within the study area was inferred to be from Abakaliki folded belt or Cameroun Basement Complex, due to the amount of detrital clay and degree of sorting. The textural parameters from the ten (10) samples show that the Agbani Sandstone are moderately to well sorted, medium grained, very negatively skewed and very leptokurtic grains in nature and suggest that the sand was deposited in a fluvial environment.
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Growth Performance and Carcass characteristics of Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Raised on Deep Litter System in South Western Nigeria
Quail is a robust small bodied and easy to keep the bird. They can adapt to any climatic condition. Therefore the growth performance and carcass characteristics of this bird was determined using One hundred and twenty (120) Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were raised on a deep litter system. Two experimental diets (starter diet and layer diet) were given to the birds. The average weight and performance characteristics of the birds were determined. Carcass characteristics of selected birds (five males and five females) were slaughtered when the birds reach six (6) weeks of age. According to the results obtained, sex did not have any significant (P>0.05) effect on the performance characteristic. Also, most of the parameters of the carcass characteristic were not influenced (P>0.05) by sex. Age was found to have significant (P<0.05) effect on the performance characteristics. It was discovered that most of the body measurements were good estimators of each other because of the positive phenotypic correlations existing among them. The increment in body weight was found supportive of the haematological parameter.
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Harold Pinter: Absurdism and farther horizons
The two World Wars and the devastation they bring to the Western mind results in a kind of revision or better to say in abandoning the worldviews and ideologies remained for centuries and the consequently in rebuilding of a new system of thought and rationale in all the aspects of man's life. These profound changes do not leave an stone unturned and also manipulate the field of literature and finally affect the field of Drama and produce a unified body of works categorized by Martin Esslin in 1961 under the title of "the Theatre of Absurd". This Study intends to investigate the quality of the Absurdism of such a kind in the plays of the British Playwright Harold Pinter in hope of dealing with the strategies he applies in his crafting; the strategies that are innovative and as used for the first time take the name of Pintersque.
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High Carbon Monoxide Concentration associated to low lungs Functions: Metrologic study in Sudan 2014 - 2016
Carbon monoxide poisoning an important cause of accidental injury worldwide, and hazards to health, causes many damages in body system. This study was conducted in Al kamleen area where a lot of red brick factories are located along the Blue Nile river bank in the east of the area. The study aimed to investigate PEF at a high CO concentration area. the study area was divided by two lines parallel to the river bank, 500 meters distance from each other into three zones A, B and C from north to south. Also it was divided from east to west by five imaginary lines to give six squires in each zone. The reading for CO concentration was determined for each square. PEF value determined by using PEF fluemeter across summer and winter. CO in air was found to be significantly higher levels of CO concentration in air were detected throughout the year in all zones. PEF values of study group significantly lower than references data and control group; in winter Mean ± SDwere420.4±88.7 and references 552.0±83.1, a reduction to the references was 63.8%. In summer Mean ± SD were 414.0±86.2 and references were 549.0±85, a reduction to the references was 24.6%. The Mean ± SD of control group were 468.4±77.4.The reduction in PEF for study group in winter as compared to the reference were 10.3% and for summer were 11.5% air CO was significantly exceeds the WHO recommended standards. Lower PEF value in study group in winter and summer were associated to high CO concentration which emitted from red brick kilns in Alkamleen area.
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Hydrochemical characteristics of surface waters and their suitability for irrigation in the artisanal mining environment in Ghana
Surface water resources play a crucial role in potable water delivery to many communities in Ghana. They support recreational, agricultural, and industrial water needs. However, several interrelated factors of spatial and temporal variation impact on and control the quality of these water bodies. Due to lack of protection, surface water bodies are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and anthropogenic activities. This study sought to evaluate the main factors influencing the hydrochemistry of the Pra, Ankobra, and Tano rivers of the south-western rivers system using statistical, spatial, and conventional hydrochemical plots. The results revealed high turbidity and TSS levels in the rivers reaching values of 4645 NTU and 3615 mg/l, respectively. Significant levels of Fe exceeding recommended WHO guideline level was also identified. The main hydrochemical facies in the rivers were Ca-HCO3 (47%) and Mg-HCO3 (44%), with relative abundance of the order Ca > Mg > Na > K for the cations and HCO3 > Cl > SO4 for anions. Precipitation, mineral dissolution in the soil zone, and anthropogenic activities, particularly artisanal mining, were identified as the main factors influencing the quality of these rivers. However, irrigation assessment shows that the rivers are of excellent quality for irrigation.
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Hydrothermal Synthesis of Graphene-ZnO Composites for Photodegradarion of Methylene Blue under Sunlight Radiation
Graphene zinc oxide composites have been successfully synthesized via a hydrothermal reaction using graphite zinc chloride as starting materials. These prepared composites with different ratios of graphene and zinc oxides were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman and solid UV-Vis spectroscopies, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The TGA analysis reveals that the intercalation of ZnO into graphene layer expands the d – spacing between graphene sheets and reduces the oxidation temperature. The results from XRD, Raman spectroscopy show that composites possess both characteristics of graphene and ZnO, and there is existence of interaction between ZnO and oxygenated functionalities on graphene sheets. In the photocatalytic reaction, the composite containing 10% in mass of ZnO exhibits the highest photocatalytic efficiency of 97.13% after 13 hours exposing to sun light
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Image Hiding using Range Normalization
This paper proposes an image hiding technique that exhibits good quality with higher embedding capacity. In this technique, both secret and cover images are divided into non overlapping blocks. The secret image is embedded into a cover image block by block using Range Normalization Technique. This technique exhibits advantages of high embedding capacity with less computational complexity. Compared with the existing algorithms, the quality of the stego and reconstructed image is found to be good.
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