Dyslipidemia in hemodialysis patients: Can it be a factor associated with ventricular hypertrophy?
Lipid abnormalities are common in hemodialysis patients, they are potentially atherogenic. The aim of our work is to study the quantitative changes in lipid parameters and find a correlation between dyslipidemia and the occurrence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in chronic hemodialysis patients followed in our training. We conducted a prospective study in 36 chronic hemodialysis patients for at least one year, non-diabetic, non-smoking. The dialysis membrane used was helixone. Dyslipidemia was defined by a TG levels > 1.5 g / l and / or a rate of CT> 2g / l. The mean age was 45.53 ± 13.42 years , 30.5 % were overweight. Causal nephropathy was undetermined in 55.6 % of cases. The quality of the dialysis was characterized by a KT / V Average 1.12 ± 0.21. Dyslipidemia was present in 66.5 % of our patients. Sixty-seven percent of patients had LVH. An analytical study was carried out between the group of patients with LVH (group I) and those who had not (group II). We found a significant increase of TG (p = 0.001) (2.14 ± 0.76 vs 1.19 ± 0.21) , the rate of CT ( p = 0.001) (2.31 ± 0.66 vs 1.20 ± 0.32) , the rate of LDL-C (p = 0.001) (1.83 ± 0.38 vs 0.89 ± 0.23) and CLDL / CHLD ratio (p = 0.001) ( 5.41 ± 1.98 vs 2.09 ± 0.83 ) and a significant decrease in the rate of HDL-C (0.36 ± 0.11 vs 0.47 ± 0.16 ) in group I by compared to group II. Nineteen percent of patients were on statin. No complication of rhabdomyolysis was observed. Assessment of lipid profile should be integrated into the strategy for the management of chronic hemodialysis since cardiovascular risks they are exposed.
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Effect of political uncertainty and corporate investment cycles in Nepal
The present study investigates the relationship between corporate governance profile of acquiring firms and operating performance changes associated with merger and acquisitions in political uncertainty in Nepal. The financial sector mergers and acquisitions have been selected as sample transactions for the period of 2008 to 2011 and two years pre- and post-merger analysis has been conducted by using OLS regression. The estimated results indicated that post-merger operating performance of acquiring firms is positively related to its pre-merger level. Moreover, board size and CEO duality are negatively while board independence, outside dominated boards, and presence of large independent block holder are positively related to change in post-merger operating performance of acquiring firms in Nepal. The results were also robust with an alternative dependent variable of change in market value of acquiring firms. The results from replaced dependent variable were found to be more strong and cohesive with corporate governance profile of acquiring firms. Aligned with the existing literature, the study concluded that effective corporate governance mechanism does play its role in aligning the interests of managers with shareholders and enhances value for firms, particularly in large scale transactions of mergers and acquisition.
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Enhanced Radio Signal Loss Prediction with Correction Factors for Urban Streets in the IMT-2000 Band
In mobile communications, the need to improve the quality of service and to predict the minimum signal power required for transmission has attracted a great deal of research attention. In this paper, the ITU-R adopted Walfisch-Bertoni (W/B) pathloss model for IMT-2000 third generation (3G) mobile networks standard, is enhanced based on experimental campaigns conducted in two CDMA2000 networks transmitting at 800MHz frequency band in South-South, Nigeria. In this enhancement method, W/B is modified to incorporate secondary knife edge diffraction and multipath reflection loss due to the buildings and objects nearest the mobile down the street. The proposed pathloss models indicate improved prediction accuracy compared to the original W/B model in terms of root mean square and relative error analysis.
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Ensuring fairness of high-stakes tests' score-based consequences using an argument-based approach
The study of test fairness is of crucial importance in the context of standardized high-stakes tests used to make selection decisions at different levels, for different purposes and across different groups of test takers. Fairness must be ensured in every stage of test development: from test design stage through the research stage (Kunnan, 2008). Researchers are particularly concerned about the possibility that standardized high-stakes tests may be used inappropriately to make score-based interpretations and decisions, which may introduce unfair consequences to different groups of test takers. These concerns have increased social and educational demands, subjecting these tests to rigorous validation research. This paper seeks to expand research in the area of test fairness. To this end, an argument-based approach to test fairness, developed by Xi (2010), is adopted to investigate the degree of fairness of standardized high-stakes tests of IELTS based on the inference of Domain definition. This article is derived from a larger study and reports the second phase of that investigation.
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Estimation of Population Proportion of a Sensitive Attribute Using Bayesian Approach: Theory and Application
In this paper, Bayesian estimators of the population proportion of a sensitive attribute were developed when real life data were gathered through the administration of survey questionnaires on an induced abortion on 300 matured women in some selected hospitals in the metropolis. Using both the Kumaraswamy (KUMA) and the Generalised (GLS) beta distributions as alternative beta priors, efficiency of the proposed Bayesian estimators was established for a wide interval of the values of the population proportion. We observed that for small, medium as well as large sample sizes, the proposed Bayesian estimators were better than the conventional Bayesian estimator proposed by Hussain and Shabbir [10] when a simple beta prior was used.
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Experimental and numerical realization of simple 4d – hyperchaotic circuit with “Cubic-Like” two ideal diodes
The simple 4D- hyperchaotic dynamics of an autonomous oscillator circuit was studied by measuring its responsible in the form of phase-portrait, power spectrum and hyperchaotic time series. The circuit consists of just four linear elements (two capacitors and two inductors), one linear negative conductance and two ideal diodes. The power spectrums are presented to confirm the strong hyperchaotic nature of the oscillations of the circuit. The performance of the circuit is investigated by means of experimental and numerical confirmation of the appropriate differential equations. The features of the obtained results are respected for various engineering system such as chaos based secure communication systems with robustness against various interferences.
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Explicitation and simplification in translation of poetic and prosaic genre from Persian into English: the case of Sadi's Gulistan
This study investigated some cross-linguistic properties of poetic and prosaic genre through the compilation and application of a parallel corpus. To this end, 16 stories from Sa'di's Gulistan (Rose Garden) and three translations of the book by Gladwin, Ross and Rehatsek were compared. Regarding the general contentions in terms of explicit hypotheses about the translations, four hypotheses were formulated to test two translation universals, i.e., simplification and explicitation. The analysis of the data demonstrated significant cross-linguistic differences in the original Persian text and its translations as pertinent to the intended properties.
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Field bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis: A new host plant recorded to Tuta absoluta in Egypt
Although the Solanaceae family leaves (tomato, eggplant, potato,…etc.) is a main host plant for the larvae of tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta; field bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis is recorded as a new host plant to tomato leafminer, T. absoluta as a first time in Egypt. The larvae of T. absoluta were attacked the leaves of C. arvensis completely. This finding confirmed that the tomato leafminer is a polyphagous insect. This allows it to survive in many habitats in the absence of Solanaceae family crops. This result recommended that removing of field bindweed plants from tomato field may be reducing the tomato leafworm population.
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Identify and describe the types of standardized tests for construction and operation of the BLDC motor
Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motors are one of the motor types rapidly gaining popularity. BLDC motors are used in industries such as Appliances, Automotive, Aerospace, Consumer, Medical, Industrial Automation Equipment and Instrumentation. As the name implies, BLDC motors do not use brushes for commutation; Instead, they are electronically commutated. This paper is focused on the various methods of testing and various tests both during construction and after construction is done on BLDC motors. These tests include: measurement of coil resistance, measurement of air gap, vibration testing, magnetic saturation, temperature experiments and etc. For a large number of experiments, The proposed method has been described for the size and various types of BLDC motors that in different conditions the motor is encountered.
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Image Tag Refinement with Ranking based Multicorrelation Tensor Factorization (RMTF) Model
Web 2.0 has become principle tool for accessing information. With Photo sharing websites like Flickr, Picassa, Zoomr images uploaded by user and their tags are available. But Missing tags and Noise problems among image and tag make it difficult to retrieve relevant image based on user’s preference. This requires tags refinement. We propose a model that utilizes Ranking based multicorrelation tensor factorization model for enriching tags pool. This model does it by constructing ternary relation between User, Image and Tag. RMTF does qualitative analysis on available tag set and find positive example and negative example by finding user, image tag interrelations. Tags are compared based on context relevance and semantic relevance. The proposed model finds better result than previous solutions. Given module is tested for multiple word query and shown attractive results.
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