Prof. Kumassah Eliot Kosi joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 30th June 2012
We are very happy to announce that from 30th June 2012, Prof. Kumassah Eliot Kosi has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Science. Prof. Kumassah Eliot Kosi is currently working at Department of Science, Jasikan College of Education, P.O Box 14, Jasikan, Volta Region, Ghana, West Africa. The appointment of Prof. Kumassah Eliot Kosi as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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RIDTDM:A New Algorithm to Reduce Intrusion Detection Time Based on Data Mining
Internet connections involve various security threats to computer networks and systems. Complexity of the threats and intrusions are ever-increasing so that development of flexible methods for ensuring security of computer systems has become a serious challenge ahead of computer experts. As an advantageous solution for development of intrusion detection systems, data mining is an effective technology to detect attempts for intrusions. The present paper is a try to optimize Apriori algorithm. To this end, data are divided equally between two systems and consequently considerable improvement in abnormal pattern is obtained. This study enables IDSs to detect intrusions faster and facilitates proper reactions.
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Speaking skills and teaching strategies: the case of an EFL classroom
English occupies a place of prestige in the whole world simply because it is the lingua franca. In Saudi Arabia, though it can never replace Arabic yet becoming popular in younger generation for educational/economic growth and development. The way English has been taught in most of Asia including the gulf region, is to a great extent responsible for the deterioration of the standard of English for various reasons. The issue of falling standards of English in KSA in particular in the past is very much due to the curricular aims and objectives of English language Education. The main cause for the students learning difficulties and poor achievement especially in speaking skill is that teachers themselves have a very limited exposure of reasons of difficulties and appropriate instructional strategies.
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Statistical Analysis of Impact of Stock Market Performance on the Growth of Nigerian Economy
Stock market is a mechanism through which the transaction of financial assets with life span of greater than one year takes place. Financial assets may take different forms ranging from the long-term government bonds to ordinary shares of various companies. This study was carried out to examine the role which the stock market plays in the growth process of the Nigerian economy. The Co-efficient of Determination (R2) was used to measure the goodness of fit of the model. The F-statistics was used to test the overall significance of a model. The Student t-test was used to determine the statistical significance of parameter estimates. Jacque-Bera Residual Normality Test was conducted to assert if the error term follows a normal distribution. The result of the t-test revealed that the coefficient for market capitalization, investment rate and real exchange rate are all statistical significant at 5 percent level of significance. But the coefficients of real interest rate were not statistically significant at 5 percent level of significance. The R2 which is the coefficient of multiple determinations also revealed that 99 percent of the variation in the dependent variable is caused by the variation in the explanatory variables. The F test result showed that the model is fit.
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Studies on non enzymatic antioxidants of Phyllanhus niruri L
Phyllanthus niruri L belongs to family Euphorbiaceae is a field weed. In the present investigation sequential solvent extracts of various plant parts and tissue isolates of P. niruri were analyzed for their non enzymatic antioxidant activity using various standard protocols such as DPPH free radical scavenging method and Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP). Results were expressed as antiradical efficiency (AE), which is 1000/ IC50.
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Study of Cornered Flow past a Building
The main objective of the current proposed work is to emphasizes on the fact that there is a dire need to discover novel bionic shapes for the urban wind turbine rotors which would dovetail with the cornered flow patterns and thereby enable the capture of the high kinetic energy existing in the vicinity of the cornered flow past a building in an urban terrain. And this clearly affirms the effectiveness of the urban wind turbines and its utility as a renewable source rendering us with an alternative and superior way of electricity generation.
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Suitability of GFRP wrapping in high strength concrete short circular columns
A major part of the civil engineering infrastructure will need significant repairs. The innovative rehabilitation and strengthening methods for reinforced concrete structures, especially with composite materials, has taken a large portion of the research work in the field of repair and restoration of structural elements. Also, some of these techniques were used to strengthen columns by confinement with composite enclosure. This paper investigates the strengthening of High Strength Concrete short circular columns using Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer [GFRP] sheets. The main variables of the work are the slenderness ratio of the columns and the number of layers of GFRP wrapping. Column specimens of three different slenderness ratios [3, 6 and 9] each wrapped with 3 and 4 layers of GFRP fabric was considered for the study. Another set of unwrapped columns serves as the reference. The diameter of the columns is 150 mm. The columns were tested under uni-axial compressive loading until failure. The test results show that the load carrying capacity as well as the ductility capacity of the columns improved with the increasing slenderness ratio and number of layers of GFRP wrapping.
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The effectiveness of resiliency training on rehabilitating addicts' social compatibility and marital satisfaction
The present study aimed at studying the effectiveness of resiliency training on social compatibility and marital satisfaction of rehabilitating addicts. The population of the study included 120 rehabilitating marital addicts who have come to addiction- leaving center of Astaneh city in months of Mordad, shahrivar and mehr in 1391. Among 85 addicts who have filled the questionnaire form, forty nine of them had low social compatibility and marital satisfaction scores. Among these addicts 30 people have been selected randomly and placed in experimental and control group in a simple random state (fifteen in and group). Resiliency has been trained to experimental group during ten seventy-Five- minute sessions and both groups refilled out the questionnaire. By using covariance test the hypothesis of the study have been tested and the results of study showed that resiliency training influences on social compatibility and marital satisfaction of rehabilitating addicts. The present study reflects the fact that resiliency training can provide useful and new strategies in increasing the social and familial compatibility of rehabilitating addicts.
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The Effects of Different Sources of Nitrogen and Biologic Fertilizers on yield and some yield components of CoriandrumsativumL.
This study was conducted to evaluation of different sources of nitrogen and biologic fertilizers on yield and some yield components of coriandrumsativum.Split plot in RCBD was used as experimental design and main plot included 100% organic, 100% chemical, 75% organic + 25% chemical, 50% organic+50% chemical, 25% organic + 75%chemical fertilizer and sub plot included incubate application (Azotobacterchroococcum, Azospirilliumbrasilense) and non-application.All treats had lowest means by 100% organic treatment and values increased by using of chemical percentages. Inoculation had positive effects on treats although application of organic fertilizer increased inoculation effects. The end of experiment, we recommended 25% organic + 75%chemical fertilizer as best as treatment for Coriander culture at research area.
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The influence of shot peening on static and dynamic fatigue loading
The present work was aimed to evaluate the effects of shot peening on the mechanical properties and the fatigue life of 5052- H34 aluminum alloy at different shot peening time SPT. Shot peening to full coverage (100%) was performed using carbon steel shots with an average shot size of 0.6 mm and at shot peening times of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 min. The 10 minutes shot peening time gave the highest value of ( ) which is about 9.489% for ( ) and 10.36% for ( ). The fatigue endurance limit was raised by 10.93% at 10 minute shot peening time and then reduction was observed.
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