An Introduction to Sociology of Music
It can be noted that music is a product born of mankind. Music has emerged wherever he stepped. There are few places in the social conditions of the modern world that music is not there and the less time occurs that music has no effect. By this definition, a similar definition can be argued that the social function of music is undoubted. In so doing of social music, music- sociology as an incipient science examined the relationship between society and music to survey the relationship between music and sociology and vice versa. The evolutionary history of science suggests that sociology of music is born of musical knowledge and culture discussions. In this paper by using descriptive- library method and credit documents as a tool to check is to evaluate what is the sociology of music. What this paper has been to study the sociology of music: introducing subjects such as nature of art, history of music, defining sociology of music, goals of sociology of music and surveying of the next generation of research on the sociology of music.
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Analysis and performance simulation of permanent magnet generator
The ever increasing growth in the market of PM machines has necessitated the need for a careful simulation of the performance of the very important tools capable of taking electrical study to a higher level. Simulations have helped the process of developing new systems by reducing cost and time. Simulation tools have the capabilities of performing dynamic simulations of electric machines in a graphic environment so as to ease the development of new systems. This paper investigates the performance of permanent magnet generator, with the aid of MATLAB/SIMULINK®; a powerful software mathematical tool, for high performance numerical computation. A 230V, 4hp, 2-Pole permanent magnet generator is simulated. The permanent magnets are conspicuously embedded in its rotor. The objective of the paper is to explore the response of the torque components during various operating conditions. Simulation results showed that damper resistances and rotor inertia constant affects the start-up transients of the permanent magnet generator. That is, when the damper resistance and rotor inertia constant were increased there was an increase in the start-up transients. Equally, the responses to step changes in mechanical loading were also observed.
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Analysis of service quality of technical educational institutes in Jammu region
The aim of the paper is to analyze the service quality of technical education being imparted by various institutes in Jammu region. The objective is to determine the satisfaction level of students and the study found that the gap between perception and expectation is negative which proves that no institution is considered satisfactory by the students. But comparing all, MIET is showing the best results in SERVQUAL measure as it has the least gap between perception and expectation. GCET is also scoring well in case of assurance as it has a well qualified teaching staff as compared to other private institutes and also provides assurance of Quality education and placement opportunities.
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Analytical Studies on Composite Circular Re-Cycled Concrete filled Steel Columns using Artificial Neural Networks
In this research work, Artificial Neural Network Model(ANN) for the composite circular steel tubes- with re-cycled concrete infill with three different grades of concrete(M20,M40 and M60) are tested for ultimate load capacity and axial shortening , under axial monotonic loading for compression has been developed. Steel tubes are compared for different lengths, cross sections and thickness, and specimens were tested separately. In this paper, authors have developed a suitable artificial neural network model using feed forward back propagation network having verified it for 11 hidden layers as per Kolmogorov’s theorem. The developed ANN model has been verified with the experimental results conducted on composite steel columns (axial load) using Tagauchi’s model. Being a flexible building method, the ANN is an ideal tool to construct the complex relationship between the input and the output parameters accurately. The ANN technique is used to predict the crushing behavior of axial shortening and ultimate axial load in composite circular steel columns. Effects of parameters such as network architecture and number of hidden layer neurons are considered. Predictions are compared to experimental results and are shown to be in good agreement.
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Antioxidant Activity of Corchorus olitorius and its Effect on Lipid Peroxidation in Mice
The study examined the antioxidant and anti-lipid peroxidative activity of Corchorus olitorius. Antioxidant activity was examined in-vitro by 1,1,-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging method. Lipid peroxidation, examined by measuring malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in erythrocytes of three groups of mice fed different levels of C. olitorius, showed reduction in MDA from 1.38 to 0.94 ?mol/g Hb and 1.22 to 0.83 ?mol/g Hb in male and female mice respectively. No significant change in weights (p>0.05) were found in the liver, kidney, heart, spleen and lungs of the mice. Changes in body weights were significant (p<0.05) suggesting C. olitorius’ potential use in obesity management.
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Assessment of Socioeconomic Status, Empowerment Level and Food Intake Pattern of Ethnic Women
To assess socioeconomic status, empowerment level, and habitual food intake pattern among ethnic women living in the north-west part of Bangladesh. An observational study. Ethnic women of two selected districts (Dinajpur and Joypurhat). 106 females at their reproductive age (15-49 years) were selected for the study. Information on socio-demographic characteristics, women’s empowerment indicators in agricultural index, food frequency patterns were collected during interviewing the women. A food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was used to assess the habitual intake of dietary patterns. Results revealed that almost all of the ethnic women were over 19 years old in which the mothers/caregivers were the dominant groups (62.2%). The secondary schooling rate (27.3%) was higher among the mother or caregivers although Illiteracy was widespread (36.7%) for all ethnic women. Income strata between two districts showed that their mean monthly incomes (4418 ± 397.49 TK. and 5347.72 ± 743.21 TK. for Dinajpur and Joypurhat district respectively) were below the national income level and households from both districts spent their major proportion of income for purchasing the food items (mean; 1592.95 ± 98.13 TK.). The rate of women empowerment was very low for all five domains, and particularly 33% of women felled little decision power over the use of income domain. Further, the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) showed that the entire studied women consumed rice daily, and almost all of the studied women (94%) never consumed wheat flour. Around 90% of women consumed dark green leafy vegetables between 1-2 days per week and half of the women consumed vitamin-A rich fruits and vegetables on average two days per week. The current observational study provides a piece of important information of ethnic women of the north-west part of Bangladesh, who were socioeconomically poor, less empowered and consumed inadequate nutrient-dense foods
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Assessments of the Relationship between growth, phonological and Yield Attributes of Two Sorghum Cultivars (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) and Plant Population at Gash Delta , Eastern Sudan
The experiment was conducted to study the effect of varying plant population of two sorghum cultivars on growth and yield at three sites(Degain,Tendeli 8 and Tendeli 12) within the Gash delta Eastern Sudan , during 2014/15 and 2016/17) seasons. The RCBD design used for split-split plot trail. The treatments include two cultivars (Tabat andAklamoi) and three planting densities spacing within the row of 30, 45 and 60 cm between holes. Correlation analysis technique has been used for finding association between agronomic characters in the three sites. Generally the mean number of tillers, phonology, seeds/panicle, panicle length and 100-seed weight had positive strong significant correlation with plant height, and phonological attributes but they had moderate positive correlation with LAI, panicles/m2 and grain yield/ha. 100-Seed weight and panicle length were positively correlated with all characters except stem diameter, panicles/m2 and grain yield/ha. Likewise, LAI and number of tillers had significant and positive correlation with all characters. Grain yield per hectare was positively and significantly correlated with most of the studied traits. Results of analysis revealed significant and positive correlation among the variables and showed that these variables could play a vital role in increasing yield of sorghum hybrid.
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Bio Reduction of Industrial Waste Water Hardness by Bat Guano
Bat guano is an old faecal matter of bat was collected from the old temples located in the rim of Lonar crater of Lonar, Buldana District, Maharashtra (India). It is known for the degradation of pollutants. The sugar factory effluent has the characteristics of hardness due to the presence of Ca++ and Mg++. In the present study an attempt has been made to employ the Bat guano to reduce the hardness of the reclaimed water from sugar factory. There was a significant decrease of hardness against controls. There were 10.47, 14.82, 22.63 and 31.88% reduction at the interval of 10, 20, 30, 40 days in the water after application of Bat guano. The results are discussed with hardness pollution reduction. Our investigation indicates that bat guano used for degradation of water pollutants and bioremediation of aquatic ecosystem and also for waste water treatments.
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Bio-assessment of Ecological Health Status of Itapaji Reservoir, Itapaji, South-western Nigeria
Macro-benthos communities are often threatened by environmental changes which are associated with pollution, erosion and siltation. Since paucity of information was available on Itapaji Reservoir benthic macro-invertebrates composition, a pertinent study to ascertain the quality of the water for its sustainable management becomes crucial. The reservoir was monthly sampled for benthic macro-invertebrates (BMI) from April, 2013 to March, 2015 at five purposively selected stations. Samples were collected using Van-Veen grab (surface area, 0.6m2), sieved (mesh size, 0.5 mm), sorted, identified using standard identification keys, and counted macroscopically. Species diversity was determined with Shannon Weiner’s Index (H). Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, student’s t-test, and ANOVA at ?0.05. Two phyla comprise of seventeen species of BMI were recorded with moderately intolerant benthic macro-invertebrates dominating. Higher macro-benthos organisms were recorded in the rainy season with Chaoborus larvae dominated the assemblages in both seasons. All the encountered benthos differed significantly at p<0.05 across the sampling stations, while sampling station 3 recorded the highest abundance. The order of dominance coupled with Shannon Weiner’s diversity index of less than 3.0 revealed that the habitat is unstable, and perturbed due to run-off of anthropogenic material from the adjourning land.
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Budgeting Indonesian Defense: It is not just Business as Usual
We develope the models of defense budget demand by bureaucratic model. To see the business usual characterstics, we assume defense spending is the degree of inertia of the budget period, because a group of actors who enter into, always want to maintain the status quo and their positions. The results shows that Indonesia's defense budget policies positively affected by last year's defense budget with a low level of sensitivity. Although still business as usual, but the military actors only gave little influence to the policy.We develope the models of defense budget demand by bureaucratic model. To see the business usual characterstics, we assume defense spending is the degree of inertia of the budget period, because a group of actors who enter into, always want to maintain the status quo and their positions. The results shows that Indonesia's defense budget policies positively affected by last year's defense budget with a low level of sensitivity. Although still business as usual, but the military actors only gave little influence to the policy.
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