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       9701. Dr. Ramachandra C G joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 10th May 2016
Abstract | Pdf Category : The Editor's Desk    |   Sub Category : Editorial Board Members
       9702. Dr. Vijetha S. Shetty joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 7th March 2016
Abstract | Pdf Category : The Editor's Desk    |   Sub Category : Editorial Board Members
       9703. Dr.S.Ezhil Vendan has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 30th April 2015
Abstract | Pdf Category : The Editor's Desk    |   Sub Category : Editorial Board Members
       9704. Error between predicted and measured surface roughness in the end-milling process
Sachin Kumar Chaturvedi and Perwaiz Tauseef Ahmad
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Mechanical Engineering
       9705. Finding closed sequential patterns in sequence databases
V. Purushothama Raju and G.P. Saradhi Varma
Abstract | Pdf Category : Computing and Informatics    |   Sub Category : Computer Engineering
       9706. Fluorescence based non invasive approach of blood glucose measurement system
Dhanya Biju, Monisha S, Monisha Swaminathan, Nandhini A and Roshni Pal
Abstract | Pdf Category : Life Sciences    |   Sub Category : Bio Technology
       9707. Improving safe blood donation in Nigeria: The roles of the mass media
Oriji, Christian Chigozi
Abstract | Pdf Category : Educational Research    |   Sub Category : Social Sciences
       9708. Indian stock split announcements, 2001-2010 an empirical note
E.Prasanna and M.Surya
Abstract | Pdf Category : Management    |   Sub Category : Finance
       9709. Investigating the relationship between assertiveness and early maladaptive schemas
Minou Ahmadian, Javad Khorani, Sohaila Parvaz, Zahra Alizadeh and Aliakbar Hosseinzadeh
Abstract | Pdf Category : Educational Research    |   Sub Category : Psychology
       9710. Job anxiety and personality adjustment of secondary school teachers in relation of gender and types of teacher
Shri Krishna Mishra and Badri Yadav
Abstract | Pdf Category : Arts and Humanities    |   Sub Category : Social Studies