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       1051. Precipitation of barium sulphate from sulphate-rich acid mine drainage
M.J.Alegbe, B.A. Moronkola and Omowonuola A.A
Abstract | Pdf Category : Chemical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Applied Chemistry
       1052. Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis IgM antibody among the pregnant women attending a tertiary care hospital at Kerala - South India
A. Neena, V. Udhaya, K.K. Prasobh and Ganga
Abstract | Pdf Category : Life Sciences    |   Sub Category : Biosciences
       1053. Quantum ab-initio study, Thermodynamic analysis and Frontier Molecular Orbital of Exalite-392A
Alande Balaji D, Sushma G.N., Y.F. Nadaf and Basavaraja Sannakki
Abstract | Pdf Category : Physical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Computational Physics
       1054. Rectal carcinoma: A late complication of ureterosigmoidostomy
S. Belabess, M. Salihoun, R. Mssrouri, Y. Nouini , K. Znati and N. Kabbaj
Abstract | Pdf Category : Medical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Physiology and Anatomy
       1055. Relationships between extrusion conditions and system parameters of extrusion cooking of cassava and soybean blends: Application of response surface analysis
Abioye, A.O, Olajide, J.O and Ngoddy, P.O
Abstract | Pdf Category : Life Sciences    |   Sub Category : Food Science
       1056. Responsive Web Design
Balasubramanian V and Shivani Dole
Abstract | Pdf Category : Computing and Informatics    |   Sub Category : Information Technology
       1057. Ruthenium nanoparticles functionalized chemically reduced graphene for analytical detection of hydrogen peroxide
Adel A. Abdelwahab, Mohamed Y. Talha and Mohamed Abdelmotaleb
Abstract | Pdf Category : Chemical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Applied Chemistry
       1058. School management transformation against charismatic leadership style approach
Kama Azhar Bin Ab Karim, Muzaimah Bt Muhamad Danan and Mohd Norhikam Bin Abu Zaki
Abstract | Pdf Category : Educational Research    |   Sub Category : Leadership Management
       1059. Second Life
Abdullah K and Alodail
Abstract | Pdf Category : Educational Research    |   Sub Category : Educational Technology
       1060. Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow in an Electric Distribution Network
Okafor Ikenna Anthony and Ezechukwu O.A
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics