Upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the Emergency: Etiologies and outcomes
Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is a common emergency and can be a serious condition that requires hospitalization, rapid evaluation and management. The usual presentation is hematemesis (vomiting of blood or coffee ground-like material) and/or melena (black, tarry stools). UGIB occurs more commonly in men and older subjects. Peptic ulcers are the most common cause of UGIB. Esophago-Gastro-Duodenoscopy (EGD) is a primary diagnostic and therapeutic modality in the setting of UGIB. This study aims to evaluate causes and outcomes of UGIB in the emergency. Material and methods: monocentric study conducted from January 2019 to January 2024. Were included all patients hospitalized by our Unit for a UGIB as : hematemesis and/or melena and/or hematochesia with severe anemia or hemodynamic instability. All patiennts had an oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) to find the cause of bleeding and for a therapeutic approach when possible. Results: A total of 737 individuals underwent UGE for UGIB during the study period. Mean age was 56,3 years and 58,7% of patients were male. Among all patients, 17.3% reported consumption of NSAIDs and 21,4% were taking anti-thrombotics. The most frequent presenting symptom was isolated melena in 37,8% followed by melena associated with hematemesis in 31,4%, isolated hematemesis in 27,4% and abundant hematochezia in 3,4%. Hemodynamic instability was seen in 24,5% of patients. Ulcers were the most common cause of bleeding seen in 36,9% : duodenal in 23% of the patients and gastric in 13,9%. 59% of those ulcers were classified Forrest III. Esophageal and fundal varices were found in 19,8% of the cases. The other causes of bleeding were : oesophagitis in 12,2% of the patients, gastritis (including gastric erosions) in 10%, gastric or duodenal neoplasm in 9,3%, vascular anomaly in 2,2% and postoperative in 1,6%. The oesogastroduodenoscopy was normal in 8% of the patients. Regarding therapeutic interventions, 41,5% had undergone therapeutic endoscopy. Conclusion: UGIB is a frequent cause of hospitalization in the emergency. EGD has a diagnostic as well as therapeutic role in UGIB .In this study endoscopy provided diagnosis in 92% of patients. We found duodenal ulcers as the most common cause of upper GI bleeding followed by gastric ulcers, and clean based ulcers were the most common type of peptic ulcers. Varices are an important cause of massive variceal bleed. NSAIDs and anti-thrombotics are important factors for UGIB.
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Use of DELTA-CO2 as predictor of ventilatory failure
The ventilatory failure after a programmed extubation is defined as the inability to maintain spontaneous ventilation within a period of 72 hours of surveillance. The incidence of this problem is approximately 15%, and causes related to respiratory problems include 28% of the total being the principal cause of ventilatory failure and left ventricular dysfunction is the second cause. The criteria used to determine the possibility to extubate a patient only include respiratory factors; from the cardiac point of view only contemplates the use of amines. So far there is no a reliable noninvasive marker that can predict heart failure as a cause of ventilatory failure. Considering that the increase in ventilatory mechanics defines the majority of cases of ventilatory failure after extubation, it is possible that a tissue hypoperfusion marker could discern those patients with the possibility of ventilatory failure. In situations with low tissue perfusion, the difference in carbon dioxide is seen as an increase in CO2 in the venous blood and related to a decrease in cardiac output according to Fick equation. The amount of CO2 in venous blood is dependent on blood flow. For this reason, an increase in the venous-arterial CO2 difference reflects a decrease in blood flow and tissue hypoperfusion that could be used as a predictor of failure in extubation. We propose delta CO2 as a risk marker for ventilatory failure after extubation.
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Use of plankton as bioindicators in water quality management for sustainable use in fishery production: A review
Bioindicatora are living organisms which can be used to screen the health of the natural ecosystem. Plankton assesses the ecological changes taking place in freshwater environment. The assessment of water quality using plankton promotes water quality and yield. The quality of aquatic ecosystem reflects the quality and species of organisms that colonize it. In Nigeria, the freshwater ecosystem represent over 50% of the natural resources that sustain over 45% of the over 220 million population. Water bodies of the world represent over 75% of global natural resources that sustain over 60% of world population of over 6 billion, projected to reach over 9 billion by 2055. Hence, the place of water bodies cannot be underestimated in sustainable livelihood and standard of living. Their pollution due to massive anthropogenic activities are worrisome. Hence, the constant monitoring of their quality has been called by marine and other scientists. This review details the role of plankton in water quality and yield assessment.
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Use of Social Media in Formal higher education: Students' Perspective of Facebook as a learning tool
In the modern era, social media such as Facebook can be used as a new technique of educational learning. Contemporary higher education students grew up surrounded by digital technologies and therefore have the expectation that technology should be a fundamental part of their learning process. However, technology merely offers an opportunity for these “digital native” students; how they choose to utilize this opportunity is a more complex decision as previous studies have raised concerns of distraction, abuse of use, and lack of strategic direction with usage in order to achieve meaningful learning. Consequently, the potential of introducing social media into formal learning in relation to the achievement of collaborative learning, social interaction, collective achievement and learning, student-centred learning, information sharing, and access to information through multiple resources might be short-changed if the argument against the integration of social media into learning is sustained and upheld. This paper proposes that Facebook can be establishes as a part of the students’ real-life applications for what they learn in the classroom. Furthermore, this study aims to explore how teachers can use social media as formal learning tools.
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Utilization of Coula Eludies Nut Shells in the Preparation of Activated Carbon
Activated carbons were prepared by carbonization and activation of Coula eludies seed shells. This was done using ZnCl2 as the activating chemical and the activation was done using sample to activating chemical ratios of 1: 10 and 1:20 (g/v). The activated carbon obtained were characterized by determining the percentage yield, moisture content, ash content and percentage fixed carbon. The adsorption of methylene blue by the activated carbon was done using 100mg to 500mg of the activated carbon. The results revealed that the yield, moisture content, ash content and percentage fixed carbon of 1:10 impregnated activated carbon were 41.94%, 11.20%, 7.00% and 92.00% respectively while that of the 1:20 impregnated activated carbon were 38.76%, 18.56%, 5.50% and 96.50% respectively. These results show that the yield and the ash content of 1:10 impregnated activated carbon is higher than that of 1:20 impregnated activated carbon. While 1:20 impregnated activated carbon has higher moisture content and percentage fixed carbon. The adsorption study also revealed that 1:20 impregnated activated carbon had greater adsorption capacity. However adsorption efficient was increased with increase in adsorbent dosage.
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Vibrational assignments of infrared and laser raman spectra of nitrofurazone
Over several years, 5-Nitro 2-Furaldehyde Semicarbozone, otherwise known as Nitrofurazone has been in widespread use as anti-bacterial drug. The recording of FTIR and Laser Raman Spectra is done for the characteristic vibrations of C=N, N-N and furan ring systems and the tentative vibrational assignments have been reported. In the present investigation, vibrational assignments has been carried out for the molecule of the title compound using fundamental modes of vibration observed in Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy. The vibrational modes are classified into a’ and a” irreducible representations. Thus 42 fundamental modes of vibration ie.29a’ and 13a” vibrations are considered. A satisfactory vibrational band assignment has been made by using the FTIR Laser Raman Spectra of the compound.
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Voltage Profile improvement using Static Var Compensator in Nigeria Power System
The low voltage profile of the Nigeria grid results in poor voltage regulation in the network. The objective of this paper is to improve the voltage profile of the network using Static Var Compensator. The condition of the network was obtained through load flow technique. After performing load flow analysis, it was observed that some buses were violated that is, they were operating below the standard limit of 0.95 - 1.05 PU (313.5kV - 346.5kV). The Static Var Compensator is an important FACTS device which contains majorly a combined combination of the capacitor, inductor and the thyristor. The installation of SVC helped to improve the voltage profile of the affected buses to 1PU.
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Water quality of the ashaiman reservoir and fish culture facilities at the aquaculture demonstration centre in Ashaiman, Ghana.
This study evaluated water quality of the Ashaiman reservoir and fish holding facilities at a hatchery close to the reservoir. Physicochemical parameters, nutrients, productivity and fish pathogenic bacteria were determined monthly. Physicochemical parameters at all sites were within suitable range for fish production. Nutrient levels were however significantly higher in the culture facilities than the reservoir (P<0.05). Productivity levels and pathogens were above the suitable limit in hatchery tanks but within acceptable range in the reservoir. A water quality index (WQI) of 100.01 for the reservoir is indicative of poor quality. Pathogenic bacteria load was high and should be of concern to the fish hatchery operations.
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Wireless Sensor Network for Energy Efficient Target Coverage
A critical aspect of applications with wireless sensor network lifetime. Power –constrained wireless sensor networks are usable as long as they can communicate sensed data to a processing node. In this paper, we have depicted the over view of the blocks required for the wireless sensor network information about the hardware parts to some extent .These hardware parts are the necessary requirement for enhancement of our work further sensing and communications consume energy, therefore judicious power management and sensor scheduling can effectively extend network lifetime.[1] Moreover, in existed paper which only had few sensor and 8051 processor have been replaced by the efficiently proposed method having PIC processor to be processed along with sensor module which can be of any type based on their availability.[7] This paper propose an efficient method to extend the sensor network life time by organizing the Sensors into a maximal number of set covers that are activated successively. Only the sensors from the current active set are responsible for monitoring all targets and for transmitting the collected data, while all other nodes are in a low-energy sleep mode. By allowing sensors to participate in multiple sets, our problem formulation increases the network lifetime. [3]
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A Block Chain Management for LI-FI Based Supermarket Automation with IoT Systems
Monitoring technology has advanced dramatically in recent years in various locations, both urban and rural. The Internet of Things (IoT) enables the remote control and collecting of data from sensors for their subsequence analysis. Thus, LiFi was proposed as an enabling technology for IoT in indoor environments. This enables the supermarket automation through the use of IoT topology. However, the absence of mutual trust can create a barrier to implementation. To conduct cryptocurrency transactions, blockchain technology has been widely employed. It has recently shown to be effective in establishing confidence in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain. This paper offered a method for integrating IoT features into supply chains. While strengthening the security of IoT-based supply chain management, our suggested architecture streamlines data sharing and decreases computational, storage, and latency needs.
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