A class of exact solutions of plane steady non-Newtonian MHD flow with variable viscosity
The aim of the present paper is to find some exact solutions of steady two dimensional finitely conducting incompressible non-Newtonian fluid flow under the presence of transverse magnetic field using transformation of variables. We have considered, vorticity distribution proportional to the stream function perturbed by a quadratic stream. Moreover, the results are shown by various graphs.
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A Comparative study on the origin of Chinese and Mongolian Idioms
Both Han and Mongolian nationalities have advocated and valued education since ancient times, so teaching idioms are also abundant. Before classifying the semantics of Chinese and Mongolian educational idioms, it is necessary to trace back to the origin and study the origin of the idioms in these two languages. The origin of idioms is the soil that produces idioms, and each idiom has its own unique source. Idioms are derived from the ancestors of different nationalities' summaries of daily life, customs, historical stories, myths, legends, famous people's words and social experiences, as well as people's own experiences and wisdom. Chinese and Mongolian idioms are interlinked it this point.
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A low-cost built-in redundancy-analysis scheme for word-oriented RAMs with 2-D redundancy
Built-in self-repair (BISR) techniques are widely used for repairing embedded random access memories (RAMs). One key component of a BISR module is the built-in redundancy-analysis (BIRA) design. This paper presents an effective BIRA scheme which executes the 2-D redundancy allocation based on a 1-D local bitmap. Two BIRA algorithms for supporting two different redundancy organizations are also proposed. Simulation results show that the proposed BIRA scheme can provide high repair rate (i.e., the ratio of the number of repaired memories to the number of defective memories) for the RAMs with different fault distributions. Experimental results show that the hardware overhead of the BIRA design is only about 2.9% for an 8192 64-bit RAM with two spare rows and two spare columns. Also, the ratio of the BIRA analysis time to the test time is only about 0.02% if the March-CW test is performed. Furthermore, a simulation flow is proposed to determine the size of the 1-D local bitmap such that the BIRA algorithm can provide the best repair rate using the smallest-size 1-D local bitmap.
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A new solutions for continuous optimization functions by using bacterial foraging optimization and particle swarm optimization algorithms
Nowadays, optimization algorithm has good efficiency in solving complicated optimization problems. The main capabilities of theses algorithms are the ability to search in very big spaces in short time, escape from local optimal points, low computational costs and easy implementation. Therefore, one of the popular methods for solve complicated optimization is to use optimization method based on swarm intelligence. In this paper, we discuss about Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in continuous optimization area and use them in minimizing the number of continuous functions. The obtained results indicated that PSO had better efficiency to solve continuous optimization problems.
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A self tuning approach for AGC in two area thermal power systems with super conducting magnetic energy storage device
Since Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) unit with a self-commutated converter is capable of controlling both the active and reactive power simultaneously and quickly, increasing attention has been focused recently on power system stabilization by SMES control. In this paper investigates the self tuning control scheme for SMES is proposed and applied to Automatic Generation Control (AGC) in power system. The system is assumed to be consisting of two areas. The proposed self-tuning control scheme is used to implement the automatic generation control for load frequency control application adding to conventional control configuration. The effects of the self tuning configuration with Fuzzy Proportional Integral Controller (FPIC) in AGC on SMES control for the improvement of Load Frequency Control (LFC) is compared with that of PI controlled AGC. The effectiveness of the SMES control technique is investigated when Area Control Error (ACE) is used as the control input to SMES. The computer simulation of the two-area interconnected power system shows that the self tuning FPIC control scheme of AGC is very effective in damping out of the oscillations caused by load disturbances in one or both of the areas and it is also seen that the FPIC controlled SMES performs primary frequency control more effectively compared to PI controlled SMES in AGC control
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A study of human hip joint problems during manual material handling using soft computing systems
Importance of ergonomics study in manual materials handling rises from the prospective risks human workplace accidents and injuries. Specifically lifting the materials from one place to other, diverse activities such as pushing, pulling, lowering, and holding, turning and carrying of weights. A risk to many humans are considered to be the prime cause of hip pain, joint impairments, stress and strains, sprains, dislocation of the lumbar spine disc, hip bone fracture, joint inflammation, tear of muscle tissue, contusion, and nerves problem due to often leading activity limitation and workplace accidents. This types of activities leads to increased worker reimbursement and loss of productive man hours. About one third of all jobs in engineering, production and business involve human in Manual Material Handling work. A finite elements model analyze the stresses in human hip joints using Image processing techniques, soft computing like MAT Lab and ANSYS. The more effort is to be taken for data collection and also during finite element modeling. A biomechanical model proposes the development and optimizing the lifting posture for minimum effort. This model is used to predict the lifting capabilities of each and every individuals. Future study can be extended for loading of the muscles strength in human.
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A study on employee training with special reference to mysore industrial region-India
The present study attempts to make a descriptive research on the employee training in different industries selected for the study. It is intended to develop an understanding and to build up a theory to the extent possible, on the different aspects of employee training. The main aim of the research is to study the existing employee training practices of public and private sector industries selected by the researcher.
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A Study on Issues and Challenges of Women Entrepreneurship in India
Entrepreneurship plays an important role in the growth of Indian economy and society. And the social and economical development of women is imperative for the development of a society or Nation. Development of entrepreneurship values , culture and qualitative business development are the major prerequisites for industrial growth. Women have gradually come out of the four walls to all types of economic activities including entrepreneurship or private enterprises in India. Women empowerment through entrepreneurship has become an integral part of developmental efforts for Major three significant reasons: women development, economic growth and social stability in the society.This article talks about emphasizing on women entrepreneurs as the potentially emerging human resources in the 21st century. The primary objective of this paper is to know the problems and challenges of women entrepreneurship in India. In the 21st century womens are are no more additional resources confined to homes they are rather than the educated knowledgeable innovative part of the overall population possessing the capacity to transform economy into thriving enterprises. Findings and results from the analytical and descriptive study some recommendations will be made with a view to promoting the spirit of women entrepreneurship and helping women entrepreneurs become successful in the country.
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A Study on Medicinal Plants of Talwara Block, District Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India
The present research work was carried out in Talwara Block, District Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India to identify and to understand the uses of medicinal plants for the treatment of various ailments. The study was undertaken with the help of questionnaire and discussion method. About 100 medicinal plant species belonging to 52 families were documented. Out of 100 medicinal plants, 40 species were herbs, 13 species were shrubs, 40 species were trees, 5 species were climbers and 2 species were grasses. Leaves were the most useful part as compared to other plant parts for the treatment of various ailments. Different parts of plants such as roots, bark, leaves, seeds, flowers etc. were used in various forms like paste, decoction, powder, oil etc. to treat various ailments. 15 key informants were selected to collect the information. During research, it has been observed that the villagers were chiefly dependent on the plants as they were familiar with their use for different ailments.
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A superior eyelid and orbit localisation of MALT lymphoma. A case report at the clinical hématology department of Yopougon National Hospital.(Abidjan–Cote d’ivoire)
Non-Hodgkin's malignant lymphomas are malignant haemopathies characterized with clinical and anatomy diversity. Mycosis associated lymphoma tissue (MALT) is part of marginal zone B-cell lymphoma. The stomach is the most common site. We report in this study, a case of a 57 year old woman with no particular history who presented a right superior eyelid and orbit tumor with the exophthalmos. Context of fever noted in the progression. The immunohistochemistry of the biopsy of this tumor concludes with a MALT lymphoma. Nowadays such a case has seldom been published. After using Rituximab, cyclophosphamide, vincristine and prednisone, all the tumefactions disappeared. This case was interesting because of the rarity localisation of this lymphoma, and shows the interest of a first biopsy before any surgical excision of tumor.
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