A Survey of Mobile Ad hoc Routing Protocols
Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) are self organizing network which exchange Data among themselves through single hope or multi hope. Data transfer happens in single hope whenever the destination is available within the transmission region of source, multi hope is used when destination is not available within the transmission region of source. Designing a routing protocol is a crucial issue in MANET because of dynamic topology. Active research works has been carried in the area of Ad-hoc routing protocols to address this issue. In this paper first we focus about the design challenges for routing protocols followed by a survey of various routing protocols for Ad-hoc network.
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A systematic approach and model generation for preventing phishing attacks
Phishing is one kind of Cyber crime in which phisher is doing online theft of secret information like username, password, credit card numbers etc. from the user. This type of crime growing everyday and also creates lot of social and financial issues. Such type of crime causes the direct or indirect damage to the victim. There are number of anti-phishing solution available today, yet the cases of phishing attacks cannot be removed because of several reasons. Here in this paper the model generated namely Phishing Prevention Model which explain what the causes of phishing are, how the phishing attack has been taken place and how we can prevent it using Cyber law.
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Addition of yattria partially stabilized Zirconia for reinforcement of dental porcelain
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of addition of Yttria partially stabilized Zirconia powder to dental porcelain being incorporated in 3,5 and 7-percent by weight on some mechanical properties. The measured properties were flexural strength, modulus of elasticity, fracture toughness and hardness. Samples were prepared according to the manufacturers instructions. Zirconia powder was thoroughly mixed with the porcelain powder in the correct weight percent before use. Flexural strength, modulus of elasticity, and fracture toughness were measured using three-point bending test. The hardness was measured using a conventional microhardness tester. All data were collected and analyzed with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and LSD test (p=0.05). The results indicated that the addition of 3 % and 5 % of Yttria partially stabilized Zirconia to the conventional dental porcelain powder resulted in increased flexural strength and fracture toughness of the porcelain. On the contrary, 3 % and 5 % zirconia decreased both the modulus of elasticity and hardness. In addition, 7 % zirconia decreased all tested properties. X-ray examination showed that zirconia addition increased the radiopacity of the material. It was concluded that zirconia-modified dental porcelain was stronger and tougher than the conventional unmodified ceramic.
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Adverse health effects, risk perception and pesticide use behavior
The use of pesticides on the farm is largely governed by voluntary behavior. It is important to understand what drives farmer’s behavior of pesticide use. Health belief models in public health and social psychology argue that persons who have had adverse health experiences are likely to undertake greater preventive behavior which is tested here. A survey of 163 farmers was drawn in Vehari and Lodhran district of southern Punjab. Almost all the farmers were found using pesticides extensively and covering their body partially. Resultantly more than 77% farmers experienced at least one health symptom. The analysis appeared to confirm the hypothesis that farmers who have experienced health problems from pesticide use are having heightened concern about health effects of pesticides than farmers who have not experienced such problems. Farmers who report experiencing such problems are also more likely to report using protective clothing than farmers who do not report having such problems. The study however, does not support the hypothesis that farmers who have had experienced health problems from pesticides are likely to use alternative pest management practices. Finally study concludes that to improve practices of pesticide use, specific and relevant information through training programs should be provided to farmers, focusing health and environmental risks of pesticide use.
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Amino acid composition of three fresh water fish samples commonly found in south western states of Nigeria
The amino acid components of three fresh water fishes: African catfish (Clarias gariepinus), snake fish (Channa striatus) and tilapia fish (Tilapia zillii) were reported. Among the amino acids investigated, aspartic and glutamic acids were found most abundant in all the three samples with values ranging from 10.4 – 10.7 g/100g crude protein, cp (aspartic acid) and 14.3-14.6 g/100g cp (glutamic acid. The most abundant essential amino acids were Lysine (Leu), Leucine (Leu), and Arginine (Arg). The total acidic and amino acids (TAAA) (24.9 – 25.2g/100g, cp) in all the samples were greater than the total basic amino acids (TBAA) (18.4 – 19.8g/100g, cp) and Leu / Ile ratio values (2.09 – 2.20) showed that Leu > Ile in all the samples. The predicted protein efficiency ratio (P-PER) values (3.46-3.59) were considerably high and this would make them good food complements. The isoelectric point (pI) ranged from 4.68 – 6.04, showing that they are in acidic medium. In essential amino acid scores (based on whole hen’s egg), Lys was highest in all the sample with values ranging from 1.57 – 1.66 and their limiting essential amino acid was Valine (Val). On provisional essential amino acid scoring pattern, Lys (1.77 – 1.87) and Val (0.93) had the highest and lowest scores respectively. Essential amino acid scores based on pattern for pre-school children showed that all the samples would supply the required essential amino acids for pre-school children (2 – 5 years old). Generally, the samples are good sources of essential amino acids.
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An Experimental Approach for Enhancement of Heat Transfer Using TTHE: U valve
The conventional double pipe heat exchanger has less heat transfer rate, so to overcome this problem, this paper focuses on establishing the Triple Tube Heat Exchanger (TTHE) is modified constructive version of double concentric tube heat exchanger by adding an intermediate tube for hot fluid. In this paper the experimental data obtained during the test in a double and triple concentric tube heat exchangers are very much impressive. However, U valve also fitted and were analyzed and the experiment results conforms the effectiveness of the triple tube heat exchanger.
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An Intelligent Child Safety System Using GPS and GSM Technology
Wearable tracking gadget that school-age children can wear is the topic of this paper. It doesn't need any pricy technology to operate. This technology is usable by persons of all educational levels. It has got two buttons one is alert button and another is panic button The major objective of this gadget is to ensure that the youngster may contact their parents in an emergency. The alert button allows the child to notify their parents of an emergency and provide their current location. For communication, the current technology includes Bluetooth, WI-FI, and RFID. It is hard to communicate across a great distance with these technologies because they only have a narrow range of coverage. Also they are not that accurate. This device solves the issue by utilizing GSM technology. Parents do not need to submit any special code to the device to determine the child's location's latitude and longitude. If a child is in any emergency situation and wants his/her parents to know their current exact location. If a child feels uneasy, there are two methods to let the parents know. The cell phone of the parents or guardian receives the alarm message via SMS by pressing alert button and if the child wants to communicate to parents immediately, a call can also be made via this device using the panic button and the child can talk to the parent in real time.
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Analysis of Bi-Convex Aerofoil using CFD Software at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speed
The aim of this paper is to design and analyse a biconvex aerofoil with slightly curved leading edge and estimating the coefficient of pressure (CP), coefficient of lift (CL) and coefficient of drag (CD) at supersonic and hypersonic speeds. The aerofoil is symmetric and has a thickness of 6%. Gambit and Ansys Fluent are two best CFD software used for the analysis. The aerofoil was designed and meshed using Gambit software. Good quality boundary layer mesh can be easily generated using Gambit. The mesh generated was analyzed using Ansys Fluent software. About 1000 iterations were used for the simulation purpose. The pressure coefficient, lift coefficient and drag coefficient for the designed aerofoil were obtained. It was proven that the biconvex aerofoil can also be used for hypersonic speeds.
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Application of Nanotechnology in Pharmaceutical Product Development
Bioavailability (with high permeability and solubility) is important for effective therapeutic drugs. Nevertheless, in drug research, many drug molecules are of low permeability and solubility. Accordingly, in order to prolong the release and boost the bioavailability of these drug substances, new methods are required. A nanoparticle is a new solution to frame drug agents into nanoparticles. Two drugs fragments like furosemide (diuretic) suit to the BCS class IV and Amlodipine Besylate (calcium channel blocker) suit to the BCS class II in this study were co-encapsulated into PLGA nanoparticles by PVA as a surfactant. Normal particle dimension of these nanoparticles was found to be 275 nm with -12 mV zeta potential value. In house HPLC technique was developed for simultaneous estimation of these two molecules using CAN 5 C18-AR HPLC column with Phosphate buffer: CAN (62:38) as a mobile phase (1.0ml/min flow rate, 220nm detection) for entrapment efficacy study. Normal entrapment efficiency of Amlodipine and Furosemide were found to be 40% and 58%. Additionally, in vitro dissolution study was conducted in the phosphate buffer pH 7.4, and it was witnessed that 6% and 10% amlodipine and furosemide were released after 24 hours at room temperature condition at 100 rmp. From these results, it was concluded that these two molecules could be co-encapsulated in PLGA nanoparticles and below 15% relief of these two molecules after co-encapsulation in the PLGA nanoparticles showed the controlled release arrangement.
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Assessment of biodegradation and trace element content of three animal wastes.
Biodegradation and trace element content of three different animal wastes were evaluated in green house study. The study was a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three different rates of 0, 5, 10 and 20 tha-1 each for poultry manure, pig manure and cow dung. Each treatment was replicated three times. The result showed that biodegradation rate of the wastes varied while poultry manure (PM) and pig manure (PG) decomposed fast, cow dung (CD) decomposed relatively slow. Hence nutrient release ability will be more on the PM and PG than in CD. The result of the study showed that it will require more oxygen to degrade CD than PG or PM thus cow dung has higher pollution potential followed by PG and PM. The result also showed that the incorporation of the animal wastes enriched maize shoot with trace metals. These metals at above critical levels are toxic to animals and human beings.
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