Comparative assessment of heavy metals profile on tilapia fish (oreochromis niloticus) from three waterbodies (new calabar river, elechi and woji creeks) in Port Harcourt, Niger-Delta, Nigeria.
Heavy metals concentration was studied in tilapia fishes (Oreochromis niloticus) from New Calabar river (Station 1), Elechi creek (Station 2), Woji creek (Station 3) in Port Harcourt, Nigeria using Atomic spectrophotometer. From the results obtained, Zinc showed concentration of 8.38mg/kg, 7.31mg/kg and 9.32mg/kg in the three stations respectively which do not exceed the WHO regulatory limit of 30.0mg/kg. Nickel concentration in the tilapia fish in Station I (0.55mg/kg), exceeded the regulatory limit of 0.5mg/kg, while fishes from Station II and III had 0.43mg/kg and 0.37mg/kg respectively. Cadmium and Chromium were not detected in the fish from three different Stations. Iron was highest with concentration of 54.17mg/kg, 50.10mg/kg, and 35.30mg/kg in the different stations respectively and were lower than WHO regulatory limit of 100.0 mg/kg .Lead showed the lowest concentration of heavy metals in the different stations and were also lower than the WHO regulatory limit of 5.0mg/kg. There was high concentration of (Iron) Fe in the fish species from the three stations while high concentration of Nickel was also observed from species from Station I. Following the high concentrations of metals in these stations, it’s imperative therefore that adequate measures should be put in place to reduce activities related to heavy metal contamination to avoid futuristic adverse effects. Finally, Oreochromis niloticus may perhaps be a good indicator to monitor heavy metal contamination in the waterbody.
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Comparative feeding effects of maggot meal and coppens feed on the growth rate and survival of the african catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
This study was to compare the effect of maggot meal and coppens feed on the growth and survival rate of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingerlings. The feeding trial lasted for 85 days with 135 specimens of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingerlings of average initial weight of 1.33g, fed with 5% of their total body weight twice daily with maggot meal, coppens feed and a combination of maggot meal and coppens feed. The study was completely randomized and had three treatments and three replicates in the ratio (50:50). The result for growth showed mean final weight of 24.12g, 21.92g, 22.89g for maggot meal, coppens feed and control diet respectively. Mean weight gains of 22.77g, 20.59g and 21.57g for maggot meal, coppens feed and control diet, was not statistically significant at P<0.05. it also showed that there was an increase in length of fish from a mean initial length of 5.49cm, 5.32cm 5.37cm for maggot meal, coppens feed and control diet to a final length of 17.5cm, 16.13cm and 16.21cm for maggot meal, coppens feed and control diet, mean length gains of 12.01cm, 10.80cm and 10.84cm for maggot meal, coppens feed and control diet respectively, was not statistically significant at P<0.05. The mean specific growth rate (SGR) was 3.39, 3.28 and 3.33 for maggot meal, coppens feed and control diet respectively but not statistically significant at P<0.05. The feed intake was 46.57g, 43.91g and 44.96g for maggot meal, coppens feed and control diet respectively was not statistically significant at P<0.05. The feed conversion ratio 0.51, 0.52 and 0.52 for maggot meal, coppens feed and control respectively was not statistically significant at P<0.05. The result further showed that maggot meal performed better than coppens feed but not statistically different at P<0.05. This shows that maggot meal can replace coppens feed in the culture of the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingerlings. Therefore, farmers are encouraged to grow maggots in large quantity so far it can be used to culture Clarias gariepinus.
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Comparison of Ground Water Quality with Leachate from Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsites
Vijayawada city of Andhra Pradesh, India is a rapidly growing city both technologically and demographically. A sudden growth of population coupled with poor infrastructure and inadequate waste management services is bound to create problems in the public health sector. A long-term ground water quality monitoring at Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) dumpsites is important to the protection of aquifer. The effect of dumpsites on ground water is often detrimental and the cumulative effects may not be visible for many years. Ground water and leachate near the two major dump sites of Vijayawada were used for monthly monitoring to identify the impacts..
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Consequences of Migrant Labour on Nandi Rural Households, 1908 - 1963
This paper analysed the consequences of migrant labour on Nandi rural households from the period 1908 to 1963. It made an empirical study on the manner in which the family relationships were affected by migrant labour. The study adopted the Materialism approach, the Pull-Push theory, and a qualitative design. It employed a purposive sampling. It targeted 100 participants. The data was analysed in a comparative historical approach. The study found out that migrant labour increased the workload of wives, illegitimate children were born including chotaras, family disintegration and divorce, sexual promiscuity, venereal diseases and prostitution, and single parenthood.
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Conservative Management of Dentigerous Cyst in a young adult male patient-A Case Report
This report describes the case of 39 year old male patient who presented with asymptomatic large unilateral dentigerous cyst related to impacted mandibular third molar. Dentigerous cyst is the most common developmental odontogenic cyst which encloses the crown of unerupted / impacted tooth by expansion of its follicle and is attached to cementoenamel junction(CEJ) .Due to its extension , marsupialization was performed under local anesthesia(LA) together with histopathological analysis which suggested dentigerous cyst. Later ,on once the lesion was reduced in size ,enucleation was done .The mandibular right second and first molar were also extracted . This report illustrates a conservative surgical approach for the management of dentigerous cyst.
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Construction of Balanced and Partially Balanced n-ary t-designs by Block Sum and Product (BSP) Methodology on 2-design
In this paper we use 2-designs whose incidence matrix can take only binary values and construct a series of balanced and partially balanced n-ary t-designs by using a tool Block Sum and Product (BSP) Methodology. The simple 2- (6, 3, 2) design use as a parent 2-design for the procedure. This parent 2-design gives 36 new balanced n-ary t-designs and 3 partially balanced n-ary t-designs. We given incidence matrices and list out the parameters of newly constructed balanced and partially balanced n-ary t-designs.
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Consumption and production survey of thin chicken sausages in Benin
The work aims to carry out a survey on the production and consumption of sausage in Benin. Indded, the sausage constitutes a source of protein and the surveys were carried out in the various communes of Benin, on the basis of a reasonable sample of 120 consumers and food sellers in each department of Benin. These surveys relate to the production of chicken sausage which is done according to the different stages which are the pre-treatment of raw materials, bonig, trimming, chopping, cutting, embossing, draining, druing and sterilization. These result showed that the majority of consumers surveyed use Minu and Morifresh brand sausages to accompany meals rich in protein. The results also showed that the different types of sausages are used to accompany several culinary dishes in Benin
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Contemporary christian music and the faith of seventh-day adventist adherents in Kisumu East Sub-County
One of the major concerns that Christian churches in Africa face today is the issue of church music and worship styles. The general purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Contemporary Christian Music on the faith of the adherents of SDA Church members in Kisumu East Sub-county. The objectives of this study were: Establish the standard of the SDA criteria of good Church music, Identify the difference between music of the SDA church and CCM that are incorporated in the SDA churches in Kisumu East Sub-county, Examine the effects of CCM on the faith of the adherents of SDA Church members in Kisumu East Sub-county and Determine the response given by church members on the use of CCM in SDA churches in Kisumu East Sub-county. The theoretical framework was anchored on secularization theory which tries to explain postmodernism. This theory puts emphasis on a con-junction of cultural conditions, structural changes, and specific historical events. Descriptive research design was adopted for this study. The study population was 2132 adherents comprising of both adults and the young people in Kisumu East in Kisumu County. Proportional sampling was used. A sample of 322 is recommended by Morgan and Krejcie for the total population of 2132.This study utilized purposive sampling to select 8 Choir Leaders and 1 Pastor due to their roles. The sample therefore comprised a total of 78 key informants. Interviews, group discussion and questionnaires were used to collect data from the sampled respondents. The test-retest approach was used to determine the reliability of the research instruments and validity of the instruments was ascertained by presenting the questionnaires and interview guide to experts who are authorities in the study area for scrutiny and advice on the instruments. Qualitative thematic analysis was the main method adopted in analyzing data. The researcher found out that despite the original music that congregations sing with use of hymnal books the current practice in worship is contrary. The lives of those who accept this responsibility must be as distinctive as their message. This study concluded that there is need for total commitment by each church member to the ideals and objectives of the Church. Such commitment will affect every department of church life and will certainly influence the music used by the Church in fulfillment of its God-given commission. Therefore the study recommended that Efforts should be made by the local church leaders and conference leaders to train more choir leaders taking them to church seminars to learn more and in turn teach their members. To this end the trained music personnel should be used in musical training and activities so that the lofty ideals of worship be effectively promoted.
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Cricket Injuries among Bangladeshi Female Cricketers
Cricket is known as the most popular sports in Bangladesh. Female participation in professional cricket is increasing day by day. The Present study was conducted to find out the cricket injuries & its related pattern among injured female cricketers. A cross-sectional study was carried out by a self-constructed questionnaire. 51 injured female cricketer comprising 21 Bowlers, 21 Batsmen & 9 Wicket keepers were included in this study. The maximum age range was 18 to 20 years old (56.9%) where a greater percentage of participants had 4 years of cricket experience. Results indicated that Bowlers are more prone to injury than any other cricketing role. Shoulder, Elbow, & Ankle injury were founded as the high prevalence of injury compares to other anatomical sites of injury. Senior female cricketers were reported more likely to experience a recurrence injury than junior cricketers. Proper Knowledge about the mechanism of injury & its related factors might help to reduce the prevalence of injury.
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Critical Analysis of television serial Buddha as a Didactic Discourse
This research seeks to critically analyse the portrayal of the life of Gautama Buddha in the Zee TV serial Buddha telecast from 2013. The television serial presents itself as a didactic religious discourse and for the first time it offers to present Buddha’s teachings on the small screen. Through the narrative, the show successfully attempts to answer some of the fundamental questions which are essentially sought after by anyone on the path of eternal truth, like what is reality, what is one supposed to do in life, what is life, who are we, what is our goal of existence. The research also investigates the various ways in which the text serves to express spirituality in an approachable manner. It intends to look at how the show contributes to the first representation of Buddha on the small screen. The aspects explored do not include portrayal of characters and the acting prowess of the cast.
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