Crowdfunding: A new mode of entrepreneurial financing
This study aims to bring forth some interesting research findings on an emerging field of entrepreneurial financing i.e. crowdfunding by focusing on the some recent advancement in the academic research. Since the inception of world’s pioneer crowdfunding platforms namely: Kickstarter, the scholars have turned their attentions towards this new emergent field of entrepreneurial finance. In crowdfunding, a vast number of people contribute in small proportions towards novel or innovative projects by using internet platforms. This study reveals that till now the research on crowdfunding mechanism has focused on developed markets; while the studies from developing markets are rare. Lastly, this study points out some interesting research gaps and provides future research directions.
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Decision of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Matrix In Weighted Harmonic Mean
In this work, we explore the fuzzy soft matrix and their operations. In this report, we define intuitionistic fuzzy soft matrices and have inserted some new operators with weights. We then prove fuzzy soft algorithm that allows constructing those efficient decision making methods. In the end, we throw an example on the weighted harmonic mean for decision making problems. It indicates that the method can be successfully employed to many problems that contain uncertainties.
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Designing the Structural Model of Human Resource Management to Achieve Organizational Loyalty
This study investigates the design of the structural model of human resource management in the yeast industry of country. The population of this study is all the employees of the state (1145 people) which 288 people were selected using the probable sampling method of class and using the Cochran formula for samples. Data were collected with the help of questionnaire and their analysis was carried out by conducting structural equation test and factor analysis in Amos software. The results show that there is positive and meaningful relation between human resource management systems, job satisfaction and organizational loyalty. Job satisfaction also plays an intermediary factor between human resource management and organizational loyalty. Therefore, managers are offered to pay attention to the effective role of human capital in advancing organizational excellence in the design of their strategic goals, and to engage employees in the different decision-making to be consistent with the desire to participate in organizational activities and loyalty.
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Development of a Peroxidase-Based Assay for Assessment of Heavy Metals in Aqueous Samples
The assessment of heavy metals (Hg, Cu, Pb and Cd) by means of a Peroxidase - based assay is here presented. The method is based the inhibition of peroxidase activity by heavy metals. Measurements were made spectrophotometrically via the catalytic oxidation of guaiacol in the presence of H2O2. Preliminary characterization and optimization of the assay system revealed enzyme activity of 130 U/ml, Vmax of 0.178mM/min and Km of 0.184mM. Optimal reaction time was found to be 7 minutes; optimal pH was 6 and temperature was 40°C. Inhibition-based estimation of heavy metal ions was evaluated via calibration curves of metal concentration against %inhibition of peroxidase activity. The assay revealed detection limits between 0.006 – 0.045mg/L for the metals and repeatability in the range of 2.3 – 5.4% RSD. Application of the method to water analysis revealed percentage recoveries between 76.0 – 124.0%. Overall, the method showed good potential for further use in the biomonitoring of heavy metal pollutants
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Digital Media Based Spread Spectrum Hidden Data
Hiding the information is a vital issue in the 21st century in the field of Data Communication security .It is an important issue because the virtual and digital information transmission faces critical setbacks due to hacking and hackers threats. The transmission of information via the Internet may expose it to detect and theft. So data embedding technologies are developed to provide personal privacy, commercial and national security interests. In this work we consider the problem of extracting blindly data embedded over a wide band in a spectrum (transform) domain of a digital medium (image, audio, video).We develop a novel multicarrier/signature iterative generalized least-squares (M-IGLS) core procedure to seek unknown data hidden in hosts via multicarrier spread-spectrum embedding. Here the original host and the embedding carriers both are assumed as not available. Experimental results shows that the proposed algorithm can achieve recovery probability of error close to what may be attained with known embedding carriers and host autocorrelation matrix.
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Distance Vector Routing Algorithm for Detection and Correction of Grey & Black Hole Attack by Implementing IDS
Mobile Ad hoc Networks is a collection of wireless mobile nodes, which form temporary networks without relying on any existing infrastructure or centralized administration or standard support services regularly available in wide area networks to which the host may normally be connected. In this paper we proposed new distance vector routing algorithm (DVRA) for detecting and correcting the black hole and grey hole attack made by intruding nodes.
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Diversity of mosquito fauna in three selected sites of athoor taluk, Dindigul district, TamilNadu
In the present study, the mosquito density of three selected sites of Dindigul district viz., Sempatti, Chinnalapatti and J.K.Patti was surveyed. The results of the study indicate the presence of 10 species of mosquitoes which are grouped under four genera namely Aedes, Anopheles, Armigeres and Culex. The numbers of mosquitoes collected belonging to various species were low with an exception of Culex quinquefasciatus. The diversity measures (Shannon’s and Simpson’s) shows slight variation among the three selected sites studied. The Shannon’s index for Chinnalapatti is slightly higher (1.883) when compared to Sempatti and J.K.Patti (1.804 and 1.804). The Simpson’s index for Chinnalapatti is slightly higher (0.7994) when compared to Sempatti and J.K.Patti (0.7677 and 0.7579). In the study period, the maximum density of the mosquito population noted in the month of July and October. The minimum density of mosquito population obtained in the month of September.
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Econometric Analysis of Credit Deposit ratio of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India
In this paper, the author explains the nature and behavior of credit deposit ratio of scheduled commercial bank in India from 1980 to 2017 using RBI data. The paper showed trend line,structural breaks,cyclical behavior,volatility and forecast value of 2030 of credit deposit ratio.The paper explores cointegration and vector error correction models for credit deposit ratio,inflation rate,lending rate,GDP and NPA from 1996-97 to 2017-18 in Indian scheduled commercial banks and concludes that there are long run causalities from inflation,GDP, and NPA to lending rate and from credit deposit ratio, inflation rate and GDP to NPA which are significant. But,insignificant long run causalities were found from GDP, inflation, NPA to credit deposit ratio. Moreover, there are significant short run causalities from NPA to inflation rate and from GDP to NPA of scheduled commercial banks in India.
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Effect of Conventional and Organic Farming on Morphological and Agronomic Characteristics of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
This research was carried out during the 2016-2017 growing season at Bayburt University, Food and Agriculture and Livestock Application and Research Center (40°24'05.7"N 40°08'31.3"E). In the research determined morphological and agronomic characteristics of organic and conventionally grown common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes. In the study, 13 local bean genotypes and 3 registered varieties (Onceler-98, Aras-98 and Gungor) were used. A randomized complete block design was organized as a split parcel trial design with three replication. Common bean which was organic and conventionally grown, plant height, first pod height, stem diameter, pod width, pod length, pod number per plant, seed number per pod, 1000 seed weight, seed yield parameters were measured. It has been determined that there were significant differences in some traits between the genotypes. According to the results obtained from study, the Petekli local bean genotype has the same statistical group as the common bean cultivars (Gungor, Onceler-98, Aydintepe) in terms of seed yield. On the other hand there was no significant difference between organic and conventional farming methods in terms of seed yield.
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Effect of Extracts from Rhatany Roots( Krameria ramosissima) on Heavy Metals in Jordanian Industrial Wastewater
Much concentration was directed towards different types of adsorbents used in adsorbing heavy metals from the industrial waste water by using the availables chemical, physical and biological techniques. The present study is designed to use less-cost and more available adsorbents to eliminate heavy metals in the industrial waste water.An alcoholic essence from the natural material Rhatany is used in this research (with concentrations 100,200, 300, 400, 500, 600 milligram/liter) as a primary material with adsorbing Cadmium, Cobalt , Chrome, and Copper, from the lab prepared mixture.The research investigated a number of variables as the acid pointer pH, time of mixing, primary concentration, lightening, temperature, and their various effects on the absorbing process to define the ideal circumstances to get the best adsorbing of materials by using this material.Equilibrium Isotherm experiences were conducted and the findings were analyzed by using Freundlich model and Langmuir model. It is found that Langmuir model is the better mathematical model to represent the results of adsorbing all the ions than Freundlich model where Langmuir constant factor was (0.967,0.962,0.976 ,and 0.965 milligram/gram )for Cadmium, Cobalt , Chrome, and Copper.(Kinetic) experiments were conducted where the findings were used to analyze the effect of the stratum surrounds the particles of the adsorbing material. There was good harmony between the practical and theoretical findings taken from the absorbing model in Kinetic experiments when mobile interaction model of the second degree Pseudo Second Order Kinetic is used where more than 95% of Cadmium, Cobalt , Chrome, and Copper, were adsorbed.The findings showed the possibility of eliminating Cd(II), with 100% , Co(II), with 100%, Cr(VI), with 100%, Cu(II), with 100% with a capacity of adsorption of Cadmium, Cobalt , Chrome, and Copper, with 25 milligram for each gram from the roots of Rhatany.Comparisons between the findings of the present study and other studies showed the high efficiency of this cheap type of these adsorbed and available materials to eliminate the pollution of Cadmium, Cobalt , Chrome, and Copper , (as heavy poisonous metals) from industrial water before releasing it to sewage water.
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