331. An investigation into the use of D-Conversion model solution-calculator on second year early childhood students’ of Jasikan college of education in Jasikan district of Ghana | ||
Eliot Kosi Kumassah | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Educational Research | Sub Category : Educational Technology |
An investigation into the use of D-Conversion model solution-calculator on second year early childhood students’ of Jasikan college of education in Jasikan district of Ghana
Jasikan College of Education is a college that has been designated to serve as Teacher Education Institution, which trains teachers academically and professionally to teach at the basic school level in the Ghana. Based on this vision, the college runs two major programs i.e. “The General Education Program” and “The Early Childhood Program”. The Early Childhood program is a program that sees to the training of teachers to teach at the lower primary schools in the country such as classes (1-3), and kindergartens (1-2). At these lower primary levels, pupils and teachers are not expected to do arithmetic’s with simple and or programmed calculators in any of the subjects. However, when it comes to arithmetic’s on conversion of S.I units, most teachers and pupils in class three end-up using calculators in arriving at answers / solutions. When this happens most pupils tend not to comprehend the subject. In view of this the researcher designed “The D-Conversion model Solution Calculator” from the Distance conversion model (The D-Conversion model) to help both teachers and pupils arrive at answers very easy to tutors and meaningful to pupils when it comes to conversion of distance. This D-Conversion model Solution Calculator is a tool which helps one to arrive at the same answers that simple and or complex calculators give. The D-Conversion model Solution Calculator on one dimension distance (length) was tested on the 114 second year Early Childhood students of Jasikan College of Education. Its used in this study was (1) to see whether the 2011/ 2012 Early Childhood students will be able to perform some arithmetic’s on conversion of length without the use of calculators and (2) to aid the 2011/2012 Early Childhood students design their own teaching and learning material in teaching conversion to the use of calculators as a teaching and learning material in their out-segment schools and or their posted schools.
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332. Andrew Chesterman. On the idea of a theory Across Languages and Cultures | ||
Aida Afarinesh | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Linguistics & Translation |
Andrew Chesterman. On the idea of a theory Across Languages and Cultures
On the idea of a theory is the title of a paper written by Andrew Chesterman (2007), a great scholar in the realm of Translation Studies (TS). The paper has been published in the journal of Across languages and Cultures, a leading journal in Translation Studies. There are many concepts in Translation Studies (TS) which have been given different definitions. There is no consistent terminology. One can pay attention to different definitions of the key concepts of “translation”, “equivalence” and “strategy”.
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333. Angina pectories- a comprehensive review of clinical features, differential diagnosis, and remedies | ||
Debjit Bhowmik, B.C.Das, A.S.Dutta and K.P. Sampath kumar | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Medical Sciences | Sub Category : Pharmacy |
Angina pectories- a comprehensive review of clinical features, differential diagnosis, and remedies
Angina pectoris is the medical term for chest pain or discomfort due to coronary heart disease. Angina is a symptom of a condition called myocardial ischemia. It occurs when the heart muscle (myocardium) doesn't get as much blood (hence as much oxygen) as it needs. This usually happens because one or more of the heart's arteries (coronary blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle) is narrowed or blocked. Insufficient blood supply is called ischemia. Major risk factors for angina include cigarette smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sedentary lifestyle and family history of premature heart disease. . This causes the distal part of the heart does not receive any more blood and individuals will develop chest pain. Initially when the coronary disease is mild the angina will occur during exercise, eating heavy meals, extreme heat or stress. As the coronary disease worsens, the angina will come on with minimal work and may even occur at rest. The first approach in the treatment of angina pectoris is to prevent the progression of heart disease. By addressing the known causes of heart disease, such as reducing high cholesterol levels, controlling high blood pressure, stopping smoking, losing weight, exercising and eating a “heart-healthy” diet, the symptoms can be reduced. Most people can live a productive life if they make the necessary lifestyle changes. By following medical advice, taking doctor-prescribed medication, maintaining a good, physical condition and eating well, angina can be controlled. There are also natural alternatives to conventional medicine such as herbal and homeopathic remedies useful in controlling angina without the harsh side effects associated with prescription drugs. Herbal and homeopathic remedies are safe and gentle to use, while at the same time addressing the underlying causes of the condition.
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334. Antagonistic efficiency of pseudomonas strains against soil borne disease of chickpea crop under in vitro and in vivo | ||
D.P Patel, H.B Singh, S.Shroff and J.Sahu | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Agricultural Sciences | Sub Category : Agriculture |
Antagonistic efficiency of pseudomonas strains against soil borne disease of chickpea crop under in vitro and in vivo
The test on in vitro antagonistic acitivity in dual culture showed significance reduction in the radical growth of Rhizoctonia bataticola and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum over control (90 mm colony diameter) and in the field trial study seed treatment with strains of Pseudomonas fluorescence significantly reduced the disease incidence of dry root rot and stem rot in all treatments in comparison to uninoculated control, however Pseudomonas fluorescence strains BHUPf4 was found more effective in mycelial growth reduction as well as disease reduction of both fungal pathogen namely Rhizoctonia bataticola and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum this is followed by strains BHUP5, BHUP6 and BHUPsb.
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335. Applications of matroid theory in combinatorial optimization and projective geometry | ||
D. M. T. B. Dissanayake and A. A. I. Perera | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Mathematical Sciences | Sub Category : Discrete Mathematics |
Applications of matroid theory in combinatorial optimization and projective geometry
A matroid is a set with an independent structure defined on it. A matroid abstracts and generalizes the notion of linear independence in vector spaces and independence in graphs. Matroids unite the concepts of graph theory, linear algebra, projective geometry, transversal theory, and combinatorial optimization. Applications of matroids involve different areas such as combinatorial optimization, network theory, coding theory and many other areas. Matroids can be found in projective geometry; the fano plane of order 2 gives rise to a matroid. An important application of matroids in optimization involves the greedy algorithm. Kruskal’s algorithm for ?nding a minimal spanning tree which is an example of the greedy algorithm can be used to understand how matroids can be involved in the greedy algorithm. Consider a network of vertices with weighted links between the vertices. Our goal is to ?nd a collection of links that connect all vertices using the smallest weight. That is a spanning tree with minimal weights. Kruskal’s algorithm can be generalized to a matroid by taking a matroid M and a function w:M?R which assigns weights to each element. The goal is to ?nd the basis B of M such that ?w(x) where x?B is minimized. The greedy algorithm is a characterization of the matroid. Matroids are the structures in which the greedy algorithm works successfully
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336. Appropriate organizational culture: from theory to practice | ||
Farzad Eavani, Mostafa Emami and Maryam Darabi | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Educational Research | Sub Category : Social Sciences |
Appropriate organizational culture: from theory to practice
Today, for motivation, good behavior, to achieve organizational goals and increase labor productivity, managers of high levels of new strategies and efficient use of these strategies, creating a favorable organizational culture in order to conduct human behavior in organization and management of ideas in society is an organization of consumer goods and services. This article discusses the different definitions of organizational culture experts in the field of management, different models of culture, power and functionality desired organizational culture (a culture of quality) are examined.
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337. Armenian Theory of Special Relativity (Illustrated) | ||
Robert Nazaryan and Haik Nazaryan | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Physical Sciences | Sub Category : Nuclear and Radiation |
Armenian Theory of Special Relativity (Illustrated)
The aim of this current article is to illustrate in detail Armenian relativistic formulas and compare them with Lorentz relativistic formulas so that readers can easily differentiate these two theories and visualize how general and rich our Armenian Theory of Special Relativity really is with a spectacular build in asymmetry. Then we are going behind this comparison and illustrating that build in asymmetry inside Armenian Theory of Special Relativity is reincarnating the aether as a universal reference medium, which is not contrary to relativity theory. We mathematically prove the existence of aether and we show how to extract infinite energy from the time-space or sub-atomic aether medium. Our theory explains all these facts and peacefully brings together followers of absolute aether theory, relativistic aether theory or followers of dark matter theory. We also mention that the absolute aether medium has a very complex geometric character, which has never been seen before. We are explaining why NASA's earlier "BPP" and DARPA's "Casimir Effect Enhancement" programs failed. We are also stating that the time is right to reopen NASA's BPP program and fuel the spacecrafts using the everywhere existing aether asymmetric momentum force.
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338. Assessment the engineering department’s of Indian institute of technology, kanpur by statistical method | ||
Debaprayag Chaudhuri, Sadhan Kumar Ghosh and Arup Ranjan Mukhopadhyay | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Business and Law | Sub Category : Management Arts |
Assessment the engineering department’s of Indian institute of technology, kanpur by statistical method
The study has been done on the basis of survey questionnaire in the Engineering departments (under graduate) of Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur to measure the current or baseline departmental performance level. The feedback for this survey questionnaire has been considered independently for service providers such as administrators, faculties, other supporting staff as well as students who receive these services and are direct customers. A total of 116 persons have been surveyed from the 6 randomly selected departments out of 10 departments. The baseline or current performance level of the departments has been assessed based on the coefficient of variation (CV%) level through quantification of the survey questionnaire consisting of eight enablers. Each enabler contains several questions or drivers. A total of 75 drivers have been arrived for 8 enablers. A seven-point scale has been designed for each driver ranging from “Unsatisfactory” to “Outstanding”. To identify the weak areas for a department, the vital few drivers that correspond to “Unsatisfactory” performance have been found to take necessary remedial measures for attaining the new benchmark Coefficient of Variation level (CV%) under the present techno-economic set up.
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339. Atraumatic Tibialis Anterior Tendon Ruptures: A Case Report and literature review | ||
EL Mekkaoui Mohamed Jalal, Ghannam Abdelaziz, Boufettal Moncef, Bassir Reda Allah, Kharmaz Mohamed, Lamrani Moulay Omar and Berrada Mohamed Salah | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Medical Sciences | Sub Category : Orthopedics |
Atraumatic Tibialis Anterior Tendon Ruptures: A Case Report and literature review
Spontaneous rupture of the tibialis anterior tendon is uncommon. This article presents a case report of an Atraumatic Tibialis Anterior Tendon. Rupture of the tibialis anterior tendon can be caused by open, closed, direct, or indirect trauma, or it can occur spontaneously. Closed rupture is uncommon. Review of the literature reveals few reported cases of spontaneous rupture. Keywords: Atraumatic.; Tibialis Anterior Tendon, treatment
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340. Attitudes and Challenges Towards E-learning System in Time of COVID-19 from the Perspective of AL-Istiqlal University Students | ||
Walid M. Khalilia | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Educational Research | Sub Category : Educational Technology |
Attitudes and Challenges Towards E-learning System in Time of COVID-19 from the Perspective of AL-Istiqlal University Students
Due to ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, higher educational institutions around the world have moved towards e-learning system. Determining the positive attitudes and difficulties facing students during the use of e-learning in times of crisis, helps teachers and the institution in taking new steps appropriate to the needs of students in such difficult circumstances. So, this study aimed to analyse the attitudes and challenges facing Al-Istiqlal University (PASS) students towards e-learning. Samples of this study consisted of 280 students who were chosen in a simple random method from PASS students between April and June of 2020. Descriptive study method was adopted, and a well-designed and pre-tested online questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Results indicated that PASS participants own a positive attitude towards e-learning and their attitude results are significantly deferent with their gender, level of computer skills, academic grade, collage and availability of computer with permanent internet. Furthermore, students face a number of challenges while using the e-learning system, and a significant difference was found between the challenges of computer skills level, gender, computer availability with permanent internet connection and academic grade of the participant students. The study showed that the learners’ perception on e-learning reveals that it is valid in the time of COVID-19 pandemic and they understood that e-learning is very useful during crisis. In light of these findings, the study came up with a number of recommendations and suitable suggestions are given to overcome students’ challenges towards e-learning system.
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