The Food Preference and Biology Study of Giant African Land Snail Achatina fulica (Bowdich).
The survey of the data with respect to giant African land snail Achatina fulica. The infestation communed with the onset of monsoon and remained active throughout the rainy season. It started declines gradually from the middle of September. The preferred host of giant African land snail Achatina fulica was Cabbage, Mulberry, Spinach, and Hibiscus etc. A marked preference for food was observed for snail of different sizes groups. Young snail preferred plant of soft texture and the increases in size. Achatina fulica laid 200-350 eggs in the depression of soil with large amount of mucous. The eggs are oval in shape and yellow in color. The clutch size varied from different eggs clutches .The survival data revealed that 50% young ones survival at the end of hatching period. After hatching, 83.14% survival and 20.27% of unservival was recorded up to 6-7 days.
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The Impact of Event Familiarity and Involvement on Sponsor Brand Image and Purchase Intention: A Case of Indian Premier League
Indian Premier League (IPL) is a privately owned professional cricket league, which invited private enterprises into cricket and successfully created it as a commercial property that matches the new social trends and lifestyles of the attendees. This study used structural equation modeling technique to find out the cause and effect relation between the event (IPL) and the sponsor (VIVO). The study found the positive impact of attendee’s event association in the form of event familiarity and event involvement on sponsor’s brand image. The study also found the high involvement of the attendees with an event positively influences their purchase intentions.
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The Impact of Globalization on Democracy in the Third World
The rapid pace of globalization in the international system has caused states to be faced with many challenges and opportunities. Countries deal with these opportunities and threats based on their culture, politics, economics, and other factors affecting the process of globalization. In recent years, democracy as a principle accepted by most industrial societies is being entered into other societies, especially the countries of the Third World. The globalization of democracy as a part of the globalization process on the one hand and the rise of exchange rate as well as the level of political, economic, cultural and social dependence of societies on each other on the other hand has caused western countries to try to use this opportunity and spread their desired pattern in the form of liberal democrats to other parts of the world. Meanwhile, western countries use some impressive tools to export democracy to the third world societies. However, some of these societies have moved toward democracy with open arms while others opposed it and have not accepted it yet.
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The Importance of Social Media Marketing: Evidence from Globle
Present Conceptual study endeavors to reveal the importance of social media marketing. Social Media Marketing is the method of gaining attention of customers, establishing direct contact with customers, encouraged them to share the information about products with their friends and family. It expresses the applicability of social media marketing in modern era as a frequent marketing technique. It is the way of earning media in place of paying media. When companies join social media they can easily built relation with customers, promote their products, communicate with customers and can get their prompt feed back. With the growing trend of mobile phone usage, boosts up the use of social media. People used social networking sites through mobile phones and stay connected with companies around the clock. Marketing Managers can remind them about their capacity, capabilities, trends, new arrivals, collections and about their discount offers in a real time. It is most recently researched and dynamic topic. Many researchers conducted research to find out the effectiveness, applications, strategies and consequences of social media marketing. In present paper, it is concluded that social media marketing is very crucial for marketing managers. It is found that factors i.e. security, influence, medium, language, price, after sale services, liking, knowledge, usage have positive influence over social media marketing.
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The Importance of Understanding the Aspirations of Physicians in the Workplace in Motivations for Improving Healthcare Service Quality
The management of hospitals are often at a loss to understand the cues and strategies to enhance physician engagement strategies to help avoid physician burnout. The departure of physicians from the healthcare profession is frequently attributed to their disengagement from their professional calling, which may result in lowered quality of service and patient care in the institutions they serve. The transformational leadership theory served as the underlying theoretical lens of this qualitative single case study where the aim was to explore the engagement strategies healthcare middle and senior-level managers used to help avoid physician burnout. The participants of this study were seven middle and senior-level healthcare managers holding a minimum of five years of employee management experience who effectively used physician engagement strategies to help avoid physician burnout at a Central Pacific United States healthcare organization. Interviews yielded data from semistructured interviews via telephone, reflective journal, and publicly available media and organizational documents. The thematic approach using a process of constant comparison was used to analyze the primary data. The principal theme of this research is the importance of encouraging career progression and professional development. A key recommendation for middle and senior-level healthcare managers is to take the time initially to get to know the goals of each physician to understand their professional motivations. The implementation of strategies for increased physician engagement is instrumental in delivering optimal patient services, ranging from clinical to helping address socioeconomic disparities for patients within the community who can benefit from healthier lifestyles.
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The role of materials management on organizational performance: A case of new Kenya cooperative creameries limited, Eldoret Kenya
Materials management is a tool to optimize performance in meeting customer service requirements at the same time adding to profitability by minimizing costs and making the best use of available resources. The main objective of the study was to assess the role of materials management on organizational performance. Specifically, the study intended to assess how inventory control systems and lead time affect organizational performance. The empirical analysis of the study focused mainly on the New Kenya Cooperative Creameries, Eldoret, Kenya, being one of the largest and the oldestdairy company in East and Central Africa. The target population of the study was 56 employees of New KCC Ltd. Eldoret. A sample of 49 respondents was selected from this population using the stratified random sampling technique, where 7 departments, which directly deal with materials, were selected which include: production, Purchasing, quality Control, Warehouse/store, Human Resource Development, Finance and audit and physical Distribution departments. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire, consisting mainly of closed ended and open-ended questions. The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, median and percentages. Results showed that there was significant increase in organizational performance as a result of inventory control system involvement. Further, results showed that lead time was highly significant to organizational performance through acquiring and delivering the needed materials within the shortest time possible. The study advocated that a lot of emphasis need to be directed to materials management in dairy companies in order to achieve significant cost savings, reduction in wastes and production costs and to achieve increase in profitability and product quality, consequently improving the organizational performance. The study recommended that dairy companies adopt the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT), use of proper codes in all materials, and the employees be trained on the use of inventory control systems.
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The use of logistic integrated total expected costs models in supply chain management (Case Study: Sanaye Felezi Iran Co)
This research about the use of integration and minimization of supply chain and logistic total expected cost model in Sanaye Feleziye Iran Co. In previous research that be done in this company, focus only on supply, production and distribution models or the combination of two models from these models, but there is no review the relationship between these three models. This issue is very importance because integration of total expected costs in terms of supply, production and distribution is the main reason for reduce of total expected costs. This research includes of the use of supply, production and distribution models and an integration model that is integrated supply, production and distribution systems.
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Traveling Wave Slotted Waveguide Antenna for Ku Band Applications using SIW
The design and optimization of broadband, beam steering and high gain traveling wave slotted waveguide array antenna using substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) is discussed in this paper. The antenna has been designed on Rogers 5880 with a dielectric constant of 2.2 and height of 0.762 mm. The functional frequency range is from 13.5 - 15.5 GHz and the gain is about 14 dB at 15.5 GHz. The proposed antenna radiation beam steers from -330 at 13.5 GHz to 50 at 15.5 GHz in elevation plane. This antenna possesses the benefits of low profile, low weight, low cost and it can be used for Ku band applications.
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Unsteady chemically reactive MHD flow over a horizontal surface in a porous medium in the presence of heat source, soret and dufour effects
Soret and Dufour effects on unsteady heat and mass transfer of an incompressible chemically reacting, electrically conducting memory fluid over a continuously moving horizontal non-conducting surface embedded in a porous medium in the presence of transverse magnetic field and volumetric rate of heat generation/ absorption are investigated. The governing non linear partial differential equations are transformed into coupled non dimensional non linear ordinary differential equations by using separation of variables and series expansion methods and are solved numerically by using MATLAB’s built in solver bvp4c. The influence of the Dufour number, Soret number, porosity parameter, heat source parameter and dimensionless chemical reaction parameter on temperature and concentration profiles as well as on local Nusselt number and Sherwood number are illustrated graphically. It is concluded that the Soret number, Dufour number and the chemical reaction parameter play a crucial role on the heat and mass transfer.
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