Investigating Iran Airline Customers’ Responses in Crisis Situations and Identification of Adopted Strategies
In fierce competition of airline industry, due to sensitive nature and vital rule of crisis management, viability of companies in this industry is highly depended on skillful handling of crisis situations. The aim of this study is to first determine the different strategies of airline companies in dealing with crisis situations in Iran and then to identify the effect of Customer's perception of danger on repurchase intention for Iran's airline industry. Data obtained from 500 survey questionnaire were analyzed using the structural equation modeling (SEM). The results revealed that Denial has a significantly negative effect on Customer's perception of danger. Involuntary product recall has a significantly negative effect on Customer's perception of danger. Voluntary product recall has a significantly positive effect on Customer's perception of danger. Supper effort has a significantly positive effect on Customer's perception of danger. Customer's perception of danger has a significantly positive effect on Repurchase intentions. In addition results show that Denial was the best negative predictor of their Customer's perception of danger and Supper effort was the best positive predictor of Customer's perception of danger.
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Investigation of the Contribution of the Widening of the SCR in the Study of 1 MeV Electrons Damage on the Performances of a Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cell
When solar cells are used for space applications, there are exposed to different types of energetic particles such as protons and electrons. Those energetic particles create defects in the base of the solar cell and lead to the degradation of the performances of the solar cell. Three mainly phenomenon observed in silicon solar cells exposed to 1 MeV electron irradiation are decrease in diffusion length, removal of majority charge careers and enlargement of Space Charge Region (SCR). These three phenomenon lead to the type conversion of the base of solar cell and an anomalous behavior of the short-circuit current for a certain value of the fluences. In the present study, theoretical approach is used to investigate the impact of decrease in diffusion length, removal of majority charge careers and enlargement of SCR on the anomalous behavior of the short-circuit current and type conversion of the base.The electric parameters are studied under AM 1.5 for different fluences of 1 MeV electrons.It was found that, defects responsible for the anomalous behavior of the short-circuit current could appear for different values of the fluences and that, the type conversion of the base is caused by the removal of the majority charged carriers and decrease in diffusion length while the anomaly observed in the evolution of the short-circuit current is caused by the widening of the SCR.
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Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria from raw meat
The study was carried out to isolate Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) from cow feces meat as well as screening bioactive compound produced from isolated LAB via well-in agar method. The identification of LAB through biochemical test consists of sugar test and milk curdles. Isolated LAB was ferment at 37°C for 24 hours. One type of LAB was successfully isolated, namely Lactococcus sp.
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IT Governance on security management decisions
Implementation of this guidance, or indeed any IT best practice, should be consistent with your organization’s management style and the way your organization deals with risk management and delivery of IT value. All analysts currently agree that probably the biggest risk and concern to top management today is failing to align IT to real business needs, and a failure to deliver, or be seen to be delivering, value to the business. Since IT can have such a dramatic effect on business performance and competitiveness and particularly in security management issues, a failure to manage IT effectively can have a very serious impact on the business as a whole. In this paper, the notion and impact of governance is analyzed in the context of IT security management decisions. In doing so, two case studies are used to identify possible factors that may affect managers in developing successful governance strategies.
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Job satisfaction: the comparison between school-leavers and college graduates
The purpose of this study is to address the gaps in the literature and compare the job satisfaction between school leavers and college graduates. Specifically, the proposed study sought to expand the existing, yet limited research exploring job satisfaction between school-leavers and college graduates. In this study, the comparison includes these factors: the job itself (work conditions, employment benefits, job challenge, job security, and educational benefit), pay, opportunities for promotion, supervisor, and coworkers (Wei & Kopischke, 2001). This study used MSQ as a data gathering tool. The questionnaires were administered to 89 male respondents, 55 are school-leavers and 34 are graduates, and 121 female respondents, 60 are school-leavers and 61 are graduates. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was employed as a tool to conduct independent t-test, and descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed insignificant differences of job satisfaction between the variables. Several recommendations for future studies were also listed.
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Knowledge of Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness: Male Perspective in Benin City, Edo State
Nigeria contributes 14% to the global estimate of maternal deaths. The role of men in maternal and child health interventions is understudied despite the crucial and indispensable role they play. This study was carried out to assess knowledge of birth preparedness and complication readiness (BPACR) and associated factors among male respondents in Benin City, with a view to improving their participation and support in maternal and child health interventions. A community based analytical cross sectional study was conducted in Benin City. Interviewer administered pretested structured questionnaires were used to interview 237 consenting male partners/family members of pregnant women in selected communities in Benin City. Data collected was sorted for completeness, coded, entered and analysed using SPSS version 20.0 statistical software. Results were presented as pros, tables and figures; bivariate and multivariate analysis was carried out in line with study objective, statistical significance was set at p?0.050 and 95% confidence interval. The mean age of male respondents studied was 37.8 ± 9.9 years, 191(75.8%) of them were in the Upper Socio-economic class (SEC) while 61(24.2%) in Lower SEC. In relation to knowledge of BPACR, 219(92.4%) of them had good knowledge while 18(7.6%) had fair knowledge of BPACR. Awareness of BP (OR=0.131; 95% (CI) 0.051 - 0.334; p <0.001) was the only significant predictor identified that influenced knowledge of BPACR. Respondents who never heard of Birth Preparedness (BP) were 7.7 times less likely of having good knowledge of BPACR than those who had heard of BP. Majority of respondents had good knowledge of BPACR. There is need to sustain this level of knowledge on BPACR, through regular awareness and sensitization programmes involving men as relevant stakeholders needed for the success of maternal and child health interventions.
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Leptospirosis now: epidemiology, progress, challenges and research gaps
Leptospirosis continues to be a challenge to health worldwide, among farmers, municipal workers etc. Despite widespread implementation of effective therapy, leptospirosis has not been eliminated or keeping under the control. The outbreaks occurring every year with increasing mortality during the flood and other water oriented natural calamities. Identification of patients with leptospirosis is challenging among the clinicians, due to misdiagnosing or under diagnosing, including non consideration of PUO cases to leptospirosis. Children who develop leptospirosis continue to be especially disadvantaged, with rates of late diagnosis and mortality remaining high. Leptospirosis is not a specified disease in the Millennium development goals, but severity and multiple organ dysfunctions to multiple organ failure induce the researchers and clinicians to concentrate for education and level of improvement of the patient care including immediate therapy. We review data and make recommendations for research on diagnosis, treatment and prevention such us further use of molecular analysis of Leptospira interrogans genome, formulation of newer vaccines and administration of doxycycline chemoprophylaxis to contacts. We also suggest developing the tools for early diagnosis and detection of infection and organ damage and formulation of strategies to manage the chronic complications of leptospirosis such as hepatospleenomegaly, renal failure, respiratory distress and neuropathy.
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Marginal and delinquency, practical guidelines of social servers for eliminating problems due to marginal
The current study presents the phenomenon of marginal and delinquency and helping of social services. The study shows that there is a relation between marginal and social delinquency and crimes. At the end, practical guidelines of social servers have been presented regarding to local development for eliminating the problems due to marginal and reduction of social delinquency and crimes.
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Mathematical analysis of intermolecular interaction studies between brompheniramine and 1-hexanol at various temperatures using ultrasonic velocity.
Viscosity, density , and ultrasonic velocity , of brompheniramine with 1-hexanol were determined at 303K , 308K and 313K.From the experimental observations, adiabatic compressibility , viscous relaxation time , free volume (Vf), free length (Lf), and Gibbs free energy were calculated. Deviations of that parameters with ideal values were analyzed using mathematical relations and fitted with Redlich Kister polynomial equations. Standard deviations of the determined values of various parameters were calculated. From the observations, temperature takes a vital role and dissociation take place in the increasing temperature.
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Measurement of Radon-222 Concentration in Bottled Natural Mineral Drinking Water in Kuwait Using the Nuclear Track Detector (CR-39).
Water is the essential element in creating and sustaining conditions for human life Cell of the organism, and the medium in which we live. Water is one of the most important natural elements in our cart Ground is the secret of life, and is one of the most important components of living matter. Water accounts for 63% of the human body weight (Average) and human muscles contain about 83% of it. The human body needs about 5.2 liters Daily of water, and gets this amount of food and drink. Water plays a key role in the chemical processes in the body, and rid of waste, and contributes to the regulation of body temperature process Sweating. Due to the importance of drinking water in the preservation of life on the one hand, water is exposed to pollution by Many pollutants, including microorganisms, minerals, organic substances and radioactive materials, on the other hand Which called for the issuance of standards for the acceptance of drinking water, whether global or local standards. The focus will be on this study on the radiological side [1]. Although Kuwait does not have natural drinking water resources such as wells or rivers, most bottled water companies are directed to seawater in desalination, or resort to drill coastal beach wells. The coastal beach wells, are wells drilled near the coast of sea at depths of up to 50 meters, and are extracted from it salty sea water, but it is free of pollutants and impurities, or can be taken directly from the sea and thus work is a comprehensive desalination of water and adding Minerals such as magnesium and calcium, in addition to ensuring that it is free of any bacteria or viruses and detect its radioactive contamination or ensure that the concentration of natural radionuclides are not exceeded the international limit in this drinking water, after that water treatment and the addition of ozone gas for sterilization, then the final stage is manufacturing conservation bottles and bottling water in different sizes and processing for sale to the consumers. In this study, the concentration of radon gas in different samples of bottled mineral drinking water companies was measured in State of Kuwait. Concentration of (222Rn) in Bottled Mineral drinking water varies from 1.02 Bq/L to 6.05 Bq/L with the average value of 2.97±1.44 Bq/L. From these results it can be concluded that the majority of drinking water is safe to use from the stand point of concentration of radon in them. Mean values of effective dose per liter and annual effective dose from radon ingested with drinking water for an individual consumer are 29.72 nSv/L and 21.69 ?Sv/y, respectively. So, the level of Radon concentration in Kuwaiti bottled mineral drinking water is below the permissible limits for health purposes to drink.
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