Multi Item EOQ Model with Average Budget Constraint under Fuzzy Environment
In the realistic situation, the total expenditure on the inventory may be limited to certain extent for a store house to maintain inventory of multiple items having independent ordering costs and holding costs. That is, less than a predetermined maximum permissible amount which may be vague to certain extent. In fact all the parameters in an inventory model are normally variable, uncertain and imprecise. These fuzzy variables like objective goal, costs and constraints are considered with linear and parabolic membership functions in fuzzy logic and the model is solved by fuzzy non-linear programming method using Lagrange multipliers and illustrated with numerical examples.
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National competitiveness: a cross country analysis of quality of governance and financial sophistication of Asian emerging markets
This paper proposes a research framework involving two indicators of national competitiveness namely quality of governance and financial sophistication. Specifically, it proposes to examine the role of governance in influencing the level of financial sophistication among emerging economies in Asia. Good governance is needed to increase the wealth of people in a country as this will create positive influences at the regional and international scopes. On the other hand, a sophisticated financial markets is required to ensure the availability of capital especially from banking and capital market. The proposed framework is an important area of research as it will highlight the significance of governance practices as a major element in determining the level of financial sophistication in which suitable policies are implemented through good governance are expected to ensure a better access to financing that could improve the country’s economic growth.
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Network Theory
There has been an increasing interest in organization theory field towards network theory and methodology during the recent years. Most important journals in this field published a special issue concerning the organizational networks. Social embeddedness theory of Granovetter (1985) can be seen as a milestone for the widespread usage of social network methodology in the field of economics and management. Network research methodology has gained importance to measure the social capital of the organizations (Bordieu, 1983 and Coleman, 1988) for understanding institutional effects in an organizational field (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983; Galaskiewicz and Wasserman, 1989) and to map resource dependency relations between organizations (Pfefer and Salancik, 1978). Networks research methodology can also be used to determine some micro issues in organizations like coalition groups, cliques, social capital formation tendency of the actors.
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Numbers, its inception, development and operations on it
Number is the language of science and the best way to express it is symbols, and numerals are forms(symbols) written by the numbers codes. Alsumariun expressed Semites for numbers letters alphabet, and the Babylonians expressed them in cuneiform, and Egyptians wrote numbers in the form of horizontal and vertical lines and fees hieroglyphics and the Greeks used first letters of words to denote numbers, as did the Phoenicians and Hebrews, while Romans used vertical lines and then evolved to take the form of letters of the alphabet. Arabs before Islam expressed numbers in terms of Alphabet and after the advent of Islam and the descent of the Holy Quran and the receipt of a lot of numbers in it written in Arabic language Muslims expressed numbers writing method instead of symbols.
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Nutritional Enhancement of Pigeon Pea (Cajanus Cajan) Through Sprouting: A Quantitative Study of Ascobic Acid (Vitmin C) and Phosphate Content
Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), a leguminous crop, is widely consumed in developing countries for its high nutritional content, particularly its vitamin C and essential micronutrients. Sprouting is known to enhance the nutritional profile of seeds, but there is limited research on its effect on the ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and phosphate content of pigeon pea. Pigeon pea seeds were purchased from Ogbete market in Enugu State, Nigeria, and sprouted over five days. Ascorbic acid content was quantified using an iodine titration method, while phosphate levels were determined via spectrophotometry. Samples were collected and analyzed at 24-hour intervals (Day 0 to Day 5). The ascorbic acid content of pigeon pea seeds showed a increase from 0.088 mg/100g on Day 0 to 0.152 mg/100g on Day 5, with the highest increase observed between Day 3 and Day 5. The phosphate content initially increased from 0.275 mg/100g on Day 0 to 0.718 mg/100g on Day 3, before declining slightly to 0.556 mg/100g by Day 5. Statistical analysis indicated that the changes in both ascorbic acid and phosphate content were significant (p < 0.05). The findings suggest that sprouting significantly enhances the nutritional content of pigeon pea seeds, particularly with respect to ascorbic acid and phosphate levels. This increase in nutrient content supports the potential health benefits of incorporating sprouted pigeon pea into diets, especially in regions where micronutrient deficiencies are prevalent.
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Obstacle tracer for visually impared
Being future technocrats we tossed this idea with an aim to provide service to the society. Providing an overture for the visually impaired, to make them feel self-reliant and thus raise their status in the society is the ultimate aim of our project. The proposed concept consists of a smart stick that generates voice output using the voice arrays and pre programmed microcontrollers. This tool encompasses five constructive features. The pre-eminent feature is the Obstacle Tracer which uses ultrasonic sensors to detect the obstacles on the person’s way and redirects them appropriately using voice commands. Area Detector uses the GPS module to figure out the location and gives the output as voice stream. Destination alerter generates a voice alert to the person on reaching a landmark (such as bus stop, bank, post office etc….) In addition to these our contrivance also has the Onboard Alerter module that informs the person when a bus enters the boarding area. This uses the transmitters in the bus and receivers in the contrivance. The Off Board Alerter specifies the subsequent bus stops as soon as the person boards on the bus. Thus our appliance will help the visually impaired person to be independent in his own path.
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Occupational hearing handicap among manufacturing workers in Malaysia
This paper highlights the prevalence factors of hearing loss among manufacturing workers in Malaysia. Due to less intention is given to this problem, the factors to noise induced hearing loss is ignored by the employers. Different workers have different level of noise threshold. However, the development of hearing loss is parallel with high noise exposure and increasing of age. As a result, workers responses on level of noise are varies and at disperse of age.
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On the stability of some fractional dynamical models Related to tumor cancer evaluation
In this article, we present a general fractional dynamical system related to cancer tumor. The considered model describes tumor – immune cell interactions using a system of fractional order differential equations. The conditions for global stability of cancer free state are studied, for the ague therapy fractional model. In order to stabilize or completely eliminate the cancer, we suggest suitable choices of functions and parameters in our fractional model.
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Performance and analysis of information securty in multimedia communication using chaos based scrambling method
In Wireless networks, the security of data and information has important role in digital communication and multimedia communication. Different types of encryption algorithms have an important role to provide the security to the wireless networks. Cryptography basically used for the data confidentiality and privacy by making indiscernible. Hence the original data cannot be interrupted by the unauthenticated user. The encryption techniques and different types of useful algorithms are used to provide the more security to the applications. In this paper the well- known method chaotic algorithm is used. Chaotic algorithm is used in real time secure image transmission systems. This algorithm is very popular method used in Research for encryption and decryption process. The combination of chaotic theory and cryptography has very important role in Information Security. In this communication, a new image encryption algorithm based on chaotic map is proposed for gray scale 2D image. In this proposed algorithm, the plain or original image is taken which has MXN dimension. Then Redistribute the pixel pair wise by deciding.
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Performance evaluation of gas turbine plant in Niger delta region of Nigeria: A case study of Afam power plant
This study evaluated the performance the of Afam IV and V gas turbine power plant over a period of nine years in order to ascertain its suitability as option for power generation in the region. The study reveals that only 12.01% of the installed capacity was available throughout the period of study. The percentage shortfall of energy generated ranged from 70.69% - 98.49% against an international best practice of 5% - 10%. The load factor of the plant was at an average of 41% against an acceptable value of 80%. The plant use factor is 23.5%. The capacity factor ranged from 1.5% to 29.3% against an international best practice of 50% to 80%, while the utilization factor is 29.3%. During the period under review, the plant was expected to generate 57237.84GWh of Energy, it generated 6873.6GWh amounting to a generation loss of 87.99%.This analysis revealed that the running of the gas turbine as an option for power generation in the region is not reliable.
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