Performance modeling and simulation of the paper making system of a paper plant
The present paper deals with the performance modeling and simulation of the paper making system of a paper plant. The paper plant is a complex and repairable engineering unit which comprises of various systems including feeding, chipping, digesting, washing, bleaching, screening and paper making etc. One of the most important functionaries of a paper plant is paper making system which is having four main subsystems. Considering the exponential distribution for the probable failures and repairs, the performance model has been developed with the help of mathematical formulation based on Markov birth-death process. Using probabilistic approach, the differential equations have been developed. Then these equations are further solved by using normalizing conditions so as to determine the steady state availability i.e. measure of performance of paper making system of a paper plant. The performance of each subsystem of the paper making system of a paper plant also has been analyzed for selecting the best possible maintenance strategies in a paper plant. So, the findings of this paper will be highly useful to the plant management for timely execution of best possible maintenance strategies and hence to enhance the system performance.
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Performance of Stock Markets in the last three decades and its analysis
Stock market refers to the market where companies stocks are traded with both listed and unlisted securities. Indian stock market is also called Indian equity market. Indian equity market was not organized before independence due to the agricultural conditions, undeveloped industries and hampering by foreign business enterprises. It is one of the oldest markets in India and started in 18th century when east India Company started trading in loan securities. During post independence the capital market became more organized and RBI was nationalized. As we analyze the performance of stock markets in the last three decades, it comes near enough to a perfectly aggressive marketplace permitting the forces of demand and delivers an inexpensive degree of freedom to perform in comparison to other markets in particular the commodity markets. list of reforms undertaken seeing the early nineteen nineties include control over problem of capital, status quo of regulator, screen primarily based buying and selling and threat management. Latest projects include the t+2 rolling settlement and the NSDL was given the obligation to assemble and preserve an important registry of securities marketplace participants and experts. stock exchanges facilitates the purchase and sell of shares, debenture and financial securities . There are 19 stock exchanges all over India. all the matters and activities which effect the stock exchanges are controlled , directed and supervised by the governing body. Brokers are the most important intermediary in stock market. Stock market of India is governed by Securities contract regulation act 1986, SEBI act 1992 and depository system 1996. Commodities are a Bodily or digital market place for buying and selling and trading. They are of two types - tough and soft commodities, they are of two types - tough and soft commodities. The deposit structure, market share, BSE statistics and net worth requirements are expressed by various pie-charts and bar graphs.
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Photon-Assisted Transport Phenomenon in Graphene Nanoribbons: A Quasi-Classical Approach
A semi-classical Boltzmann transport model is developed to observe photon-assisted dynamics of induced carriers in the graphene nanoribbons. When the nanoribbons are subject to a multi-frequency Alternating Current (ac) field and superimposed on by static Direct Current (dc) field, an unusual non-linear response of the system shows up at a rather strong drive force. The non-linearity in the photo-current allows for up-conversion necessary for low-frequency oscillators. Regions of positive differential conductivity are observed paving way for graphene to be operated as a small signal amplifier for Terahertz (THz) applications. The fractional photon-assisted phenomenon is also observed when the stark factor r > 1 and the ratio of the n-th harmonic to stark factor takes on half-integer values.
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Phytochemical composition and In Vitro Antimicrobial and Antioxidant activities of Anti-Asthmatic Polyherbal Compounds
The present study provides the health application at affordable cost. This study such as ethnomedicine keenly represents one of the best avenues in searching new economic plants for medicine.The present investigation was carried out to examine the qualitative phytochemical analysis, antibacterial and anti-oxidant effect of polyherbal drugs namely Shirishadi and Bharangyadi. The hydroethanolic extracts of drugs showed the presence of alkaloid, tannins, flavanoids, phlobatannins, saponins, terpenoids, cardiac glycosides, anthraquinones, proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates particularly reducing sugars. The estimations of total phenolics content in the selected groups was also done spectrophotometrically following the Folin – ciocalteau method and was found to contained 112mg/g & 50.98+ 0.62 of phenolics respectively. Flavonoids were also estimated following the aluminium chloride method and 13.66 + 1.67mg/g of flavonoids was found to present in Bharangyadi compound whereas Shirishadi contains 23.89 + 4.62mg/g. ABTS+ assay shows maximum inhibition of 82.27 ± 2.69 with EC50 462.72 ± 4.56 for Shirishadi and Bharangyadi shows 64.2+ 0.86 percent inhibition with EC50 675.31 + 4.24. Assessment of antimicrobial activity shows that Bharangyadi has more potent antibacterial and anti-fungal effect than Shirishadi. Antibacterial activity was best revealed by Bharangyadi compound against Plesiomonas shigelloides followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa it showed strong antifungal property with maximum affinity against Candida parapsilosis. Shirishadi compound also showed effective antibacterial and antifungal activities with maximum inhibition zone against Plesiomonas shigelloides and Candida tropicalis.Both the drugs were tested against seven bacterial strains and four fungal strains.
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Playwriting as Participatory Action Research
This article draws connections between the non-fiction form of Documentary Theatre and participatory action research. It describes the fundamentals of Popular Education as being the roots of Documentary Theatre and shares the goals of this type of work. One particular new play, Dream Hope Wish Desire, developed at the American University in Cairo documents the hopes of the people of Egypt is offered as an example of the process of creating a collaborative new Documentary Theatre play. The article explains how the collaborative playwriting process is similar to research data collection, analysis and sharing.
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PM Modi: Media Effect on Performance Rating
This study analyses the effect of media exposure and perceived bias on performance rating of the Modi government that was elected in 2014 in India. A sample of Coimbatoreans (N = 210) was chosen for the survey. Results showed that media exposure had a positive and direct effect on performance rating, while bias had a significant but negative effect. Such perceived media bias also had an ability to alter the political affiliation of the people, which in turn affected the performance rating, positively. Political participation of the people also exerted a direct effect on public perception about media bias towards the ruling Modi government.
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Preparation of Anion-Exchange Resin from Styrene-Divinylbenzene Copolymer with High Cross Linking Structure
Styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer is a special macroporous strong base anion resin crosslinked with divinylbenzene that is specially selective for hydrophobic anions. It shows good mechanical strength and an excellent resistance to osmotic and thermal shock. The amination reactions were done by chloro dimethyl ether solvent at 45°C. TGA and FTIR techniques were used to investigate the thermo gravimetric analysis and structures of obtained resins, respectively. The exchange capacities of anion exchange resins (X-16) are 312 meq/100g as determined by titration method. Then the structure of PS-DVB resin was investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM) technique. The SEM images showed that the porous structure of PS-DVB resin was approximately intact after amination reaction.
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Prevalence of alcohol use disorder among students in Mount Kenya University, Nairobi
Studies have shown that alcohol use is a vice that has serious effects on the users. However use of the substance has been found to be highly prevalent among various populations including University students. In order to ascertain this assertion, this study examined the prevalence of alcohol use among the students of Mount Kenya University, Kenya. Data was collected from a population of 258 participants from Mount Kenya University who were between 18-26 years of age. The sample of the study comprised of 126 undergraduate students from the said university. This sample was selected using stratified purposeful sampling method. The instrument that was used for screening alcohol use among the students was the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT). Participants who scored 7 or less in AUDIT were considered to have low risk to AUD, hence they were casual and social drinkers whereas, those who scored 8 and above were diagnosed to exhibit alcohol use disorder. The distribution of participants’ gender scores showed that male participants who had AUD were higher at 10.9% as opposed female participants who had AUD at 5.5%. The frequency of participants who scored 7 or less were higher (215, 83.7%) compared to those who scored 8 or above on AUDIT (42, 16.3%). Therefore, the prevalence of alcohol use disorder among the students of Mount Kenya University was 16.3%. Recommendations were made for stakeholders to arrange for strategic therapeutic activities for different groups of students and especially those that are almost graduating from University.
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Prime Labeling of Snow Graph S_(n,1,m)
A graph G=(V,E) with n vertices is said to be admitted prime labeling if its vertices can be labeled with distinct positive integers not exceeding n such that the label of each pair of adjacent vertices are relatively prime. Some previous work on prime labeling includes prime labeling of bipartite graphs and ladder graphs. In this work, a new graph called Snow graph which is a union of wheel and star graphs is introduced. A theorem is given to obtain a prime labeling for this graph and an algorithm for prime labeling is given.
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Primitive ano-recta a new observation
The authors report one case of anorectal malignant melanoma, seen and managed in EFD-HGE Unit, Ibn Sina Hopital . It’s a very uncommun affection of bad pronostic. At the present time, the surgical management is the only therapeutical attitude.
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