Proactive Leadership and Workforce Management of International Airline Alliance Ground Staff
Leadership plays a crucial role in the management of international airlines' alliance ground staff operations environment. Leadership that is transformational and proactive can serve to optimize the talents of a diverse and inclusive workforce and have the potential to affect an organization positively. This qualitative study was reinforced with the lens of the transformational leadership theory, as the purpose of this single case study was to explore the role of leadership in a U.S.-based international airline alliance, and their approach to leading ground staff operations, successfully. Managing a diverse workforce is often a challenge, as the aim is to ensure desired and optimal organizational effectiveness and performance, on which organizational sustainability and profitability hinges. The study entailed the collection of data using semistructured interviews in computer-mediated conferencing format with five airline alliance leaders located in the state of Georgia, who held at least 2 years of successful experience in leading a diverse workforce. The analysis using a process of constant comparison and thematic analysis yielded the principal theme of the importance of the proactiveness of leadership, in leveraging a diverse workforce, under the aegis of strategic human resources management, and leadership. A key recommendation is for airline alliance leaders to display astute transformational skills and align diversity, equity, and inclusion policies as a critical corporate human resources strategy. Optimizing employee performance is vital in gaining a competitive advantage in a field where service quality is a key differentiating factor in being superior among equals.
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Production Parameters of Plantain (musa spp.) Under Kindu Conditions
To contribute to the resolution of the problem relating to the growth of plantain (Musa spp.), the growth parameter of plantain was evaluated under Kindu conditions using the Fertilizers (Control, Sawdust and rice husks) as substrate. The experiment was conducted in the experimental device installed in the concession of the University of Kindu, department of phytotechnics comprising 6 treatments, corresponding to ten repetitions for each treatment. The observations made during this investigation focused mainly on the diameter at the collar (cm), Height of the pseudostem (m) and the leaf area).The results obtained showed that:The height of the pseudostem, the diameter at the collar and the leaf area varied from one cultivar to another and according to the fertilizers used; - Sawdust was the best fertilizer, compared to rice husks and controls; - the Mbonjilo C4 cultivar is the tallest cultivar, from the point of view of the collar diameter it is the Mbudi 1 cultivar, on the other hand from the leaf area point of view it is the Mbonjilo cultivar which has the most open leaves.
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Proximate and anti-nutrient profiles of tubers of Dioscorea bulbifera from Rivers State, Nigeria: Nutritional and Health implications of consumption
The proximate and anti-nutrient profiles of Dioscorea bulbifera tubers were determined. The proximate profile included high crude fiber (18.17±6.28%/wet weight and 20.34±6.67%/dry weight) and total carbohydrate (60.83±3.82%/wet weight and 68.41±5.78%/dry weight). The anti-nutrients composition included tannins, cyanogenic glycosides, oxalates, phytates and saponins. These results support the medicinal uses of Dioscorea bulbifera tubers, and suggest its potentials as food, after proper processing
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Public Health Nurse Perceptions of High School Dropout as a Public Health Issue
Education is one of the strongest predictors of health. Early termination of education can negatively impact health, shorten life span, and increase stress on the healthcare system. Although improving overall high school graduation rates have been debated and discussed by the Toronto District School Board and the Ministry of Education, there is a paucity of research studies on increased graduation rates as they relate to public health in a Canadian context. The purpose of this phenomenological qualitative study was to explore the perceptions of liaison public health nurses, who worked directly with the Toronto District School Board, regarding influencing students in Toronto, Ontario to complete high school. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model was the underlying conceptual framework for the study. Purposive sampling was used to select 10 public health nurses who were interviewed regarding their role and involvement in high schools. Data were subjected to triangulation and were analyzed to identify commonalities and trends and patterns. The findings from this study indicated that liaison public health nurses believe that high school dropout out is a public health issue and that collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Public Health is needed to address the issue. The emergent recommendations from the analysis of data indicate the potential for greater to explore the connection between health and school achievements and the expanded role of public health nurses in Canadian high schools. With increased research and resources, improving graduation rates students may be expected.
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Quality of information in the hospital information system of the Makélékélé Referral Hospital, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo : point of view of the health staff
A well-functioning hospital information system must ensure the production, analysis, dissemination and use of reliable and timely information on health determinants, health system performance and health status. The aim of this study is to contribute to the improvement of information management and, by extension, to strengthen the overall performance of the Makélékélé Base Hospital. We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study, at the Makélékélé Base Hospital in the first arrondissement of Brazzaville, the political capital of the Republic of Congo. The study took place during the period from 1 July 2020 to 8 February 2021. Authorisation to collect data for the study will be sought from the Hospital's General Management. In total, 55 questionnaires were completed by data management staff in the health information system field. More than 50% of the respondents answered that the same tools were used from year to year, site to site (58.18%) and that data collection was done according to the same methods from year to year, site to site (69.09%). Only 83.64% of the respondents answered that data from all reportable sites are included in the overall data, while 36.36% answered that there are measures in place to ensure data completeness. There were 69.09% of respondents confided the existence of the risk of the data being used for personal or political purposes. In our study, the analysis of the constraints of health information management was mainly related to data quality problems. The quality of health information is poor and does not allow the establishment of an efficient hospital system. The use of health information is insufficient to allow the implementation of an efficient hospital system. Our survey revealed a relatively positive patient satisfaction rate regarding the quality of care, the comfort and cleanliness of the room and the noise in the ward. The two investigations revealed that the "data quality" component had significant shortcomings that should be prioritised in the management of the Hospital Information System. Health information is essential for monitoring progress in improving and maintaining the health of populations and the functioning of the health system.
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Radiation-induced osteosarcoma of the mandible: A case report and review of the literature
We report the case of a 69-year-old man with radiation-induced osteosarcoma of the mandi-ble diagnosed four years after radiation treatment for squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue. Although radiation therapy is a proven treatment modality for malignancies of the head and neck, it can have adverse effects. Late complications in bone following radiotherapy include osteoradionecrosis, radiation-induced osteitis, and osteosarcoma, which is an uncommun tumor, diagnosed by meeting certain diagnostic criteria. The mandible is a location very sensitive to radiation effects.
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Regulation of advertisements: national and international perspectives
We are exposed to countless commercial messages every day persuading us to buy brand name products, creating images for us to adopt, and convincing us that we need and want more. Because of this, it is important to carefully examine advertisements to determine exactly what they are saying. This has been realised by the regulatory and enforcement agencies that there is lack of awareness and resultantly understanding amongst the consumers; of the deceptiveness of the claims shown in the advertisements. This is the reason that most of the Indian consumers not even claim their rights and the violations on the part of the advertisers go unnoticed and unheard. So it is necessary to analyse different regulatory mechanism and their efficacy. The paper examines the Laws and Regulations relating advertisement prevailing nationally and internationally. First part of the paper discusses different authorities scrutinizing the advertisement in various countries including USA, Japan and UK. In the second part of the paper various laws and regulations controlling the malpractices by the marketers have been discussed the third and the last part of the paper concentrates upon the principles laid down in some of the landmark cases.
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Relationship between Crude Oil Price and S&P BSE Stock Index - An Integration of Binary Decision Tree and Logistic Regression Approach
The relationship between crude oil prices and stock market indices has always been discordant. The article examines the performance of stock market with the help of different financial ratios used in oil and natural gas sector. Seventeen distinct companies involved in S&P BSE index are taken for our study. Initially 39 financial ratios are taken for analysis and a normality test was conducted on all these explanatory variables to find whether these variables are normal or not? A logistic regression was constructed with help of the selected nine financial ratios as independent variables for determining the performance of S&P BSE index as dependent variable. The classification result showed that, about 75.3 % accurate result for prediction ‘GOOD’ as well as ‘NOT GOOD’ performance of stock. Hosmer-Lemeshow test is applied to find out the overall model evaluation. The study also showed that logistic regression can be used by investors, fund’s managers, investment companies and researchers for academic interest as well as policy implications.
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Removing the Mask: Exploring the Relationship between Servant Leadership and Conformity
Conformity plays a fundamental role in creating consistency and minimizing disharmony within organizations. In addition, there are aspects of nonconformity that increase authenticity, reduce burnout, and promote innovation. Conformity is rooted in social influence and implies that individuals naturally look to leaders for group identity. Leaders are also often responsible for the integration of followers and the establishment of organizational standards. Because of this, there is value in understanding how Servant Leadership (SL) behaviors might influence conformity. This paper will provide insight into the relationship between followers' perception of SL and levels of Conformity.
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Resilience of Indian corporate in the phase of global melt down a study of survival of Indian banks
Recession means a slowdown or slump or temporary collapse of a business activity. Now global meltdown led to job lay-offs across the world. Although India has been directly impacted by the global financial crisis. During recession Major projects and expansion plans are being reviewed by the banking sector and them focusing on reducing costs and borrowings. The biggest problem is ‘Information asymmetry’ in recession. The challenge faced by Indian banks during recession is to ensure a balance between inflation and growth. If our economy experiences high growth rates, it will lead to major exports from our nation which will affect our domestic market and if economy experiences a decline in the inflation rate, it will lead to major imports to our country which will affect the budget. Though the impact of global financial crisis on India is stronger than expected, it will be the first to recover if the Government takes correct decisions and changes the established fiscal and monetary policies. The wholesale price index and the consumer price index need to be watched. The banks should ensure continuous credit flow at a low rate of interest to the private sector and especially to small and medium enterprises for their expansion and the growth projects. Crisis has caused panic in financial markets and encouraged investors to take their money out of risky mortgage bonds and equities and put it into commodities as “stores of values”.
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