Retroperitoneallocalized neuroblastoma in the adult: Case report and literature review
Retroperitoneal neuroblastoma is an embryonic tumor of the peripherical sympathetic nervous system. In this study, we report the case of an 18-years-old woman who underwent a subcostal laparotomy for a localized retroperitoneal tumor. The histological findings after resection showed it to be a neuroblastoma. Immunohistochemical staining showed no MYCN amplification. We managed this case using pediatrics staging systems and guidelines. She is now 20-years-old, and her CT scans and MIBG scintigraphys are showing neither recurrence nor progression.
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Reverse Engineering - A constant challenge to maintain originality
The originality of a design is directly proportional to the time taken to make it, but from the financial perspective this can cost the organisation a fortune, owing to the competition that it has to face in the live market. It is for this reason that many organisations tend to look for designs that are already available to be used as a reference so that they can build their design on those lines. What matters is the originality of the reverse-engineered design. It is indeed a challenge that shall be attempted to be presented through this paper. The paper shall introduce certain basic concepts like reverse engineering, originality of designs, customer specific mindset and shall thereafter elaborate certain factors that greatly affect reverse engineering, which include technical, commercial and practical aspects. The output of reverse engineering thus done maintaining originality shall be understood from the viewpoints of technical feasibility, commercial viability and manufacturability from the practical perspective. This paper shall stress upon the challenges that a designer needs to face while carrying out reverse engineering and the balance that needs to be maintained between cost, originality and optimum parameters. In addition to these topics, this paper shall also try to present certain risk and opportunity analyses so that a complete picture of the concept can be drawn. The paper shall conclude with the summary of challenges and the means to mitigate the same so as to ensure that a reverse-engineered product does not happen to be a replica of another design but becomes an optimised design by itself.
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Review of Kinetic Art as a Source of Inspiration in Fashion Design
Kinetic art artwork is an expression of the preoccupation with motion that characterizes a large portion of modern culture after Impressionism. When showcasing pieces of art that evoked strong emotions or that movement impression - from mechanical, moving sculptures to Op art paintings that appeared to spin or vibrate before the eyes, so Kinetic artists provided us with some of the best. As a result, the importance of three-dimensional shape, Kinetic arts in general, as a source for enriching the construction of fashion designs in structural, functional, and decorative design on mannequin as a three-dimensional design and an ideal way to highlight the aesthetics to obtain innovative designs. The research aims to study Kinetic arts to employ their capabilities in activating the imagination and develop creativity as inspiring source for structural, functional, and decorative fashion design. The research reached to Kinetic art is a resource that adds creativity to design. And there are two types of kinetic art, and both add new dimensions to design in general, and to fashion design specially.
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Role of imaging in the diagnosis of iliac haemophilic pseudotumors: a rare case report
Haemophilic pseudotumor is a rare complication of haemophilia consisting of chronic, encapsulated hematoma of muscle and or bone due to repeated bleeding. It is estimated to occur in approximately 1-2% of patients with severe disease. Imaging tests (radiography, sonography, CT, and MRI) are fundamental for diagnosis and monitoring the evolution of pseudotumors. In this paper, we report the radiography and computed tomography aspects of a rare case of a patient with large iliac hemophilic pseudotumor, occurring in severe hemophilia.
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Security systems operated by RFID technology along with GSM module
In the present era real time security is of prime priority for any organization, corporate institutions, firms and various confederacy agencies. The idea is to design and develop an exhaustive real-time security system that will provide multifarious verification levels for enhanced security.The system uses a series of confirmation phases which includes identification, authentication, access granting and information updating and logging.In this project various components like microcontroller, Radio frequency Identification technology, GSM technology, and access control system will be integrated so as to achieve a real-time security system. This project is more secure than any other security system because the administrator will be provided with the logging information about the access moreover the passwords generated by the microcontroller will be random and hence cannot be tracked thus making the system not possible to hack
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Seismic attenuation (Q) Estimation from VSP Data using Kolsky’s attenuation and dispersion model
P- and S-wave attenuations are studied using vertical and horizontal vibrator sources and zero offset VSP data from the Ross Lake heavy oilfield, Saskatchewan. We find that the S-wave shows a larger amplitude loss and phase change than the P-wave over the same depths. This suggests that we will need to pay attention to attenuation in matching the phase of PP and PS images. A new approach to spectral ratio method has been developed to calculate a robust continuous interval Q factor from zero-offset VSP data. We also establish an estimate quality indicator (QQI) curve to highlight where we can obtain a reasonable Q factor. Poor Q estimates may arise from casing-bond problems, multiple casing areas, or source inconsistencies. Our VSP-derived Qp curve shows an inverse linear relationship with the VSP-derived Vp/Vs curve. Finally, the bulk value of Qp, Vp/Vs and Vp are estimated for three main geological formations in this oilfield.
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Sensory Analysis of Fermented and unfermented Millet-Based Porridges
Millets have currently exploited as a regular nutritious food as well as in therapeutic diets. Diarrhoeal diseases in children requires immediate remedy due to the problem of dehydration which sets in un-noticed. Fermented and unfermented millet-based replacement fluids are a healthy option to treat and get over the problem of diarrhea. This phase of the study was on the sensory evaluation of the developed Diarrhoeal replacement fluids based on Finger millet (Ragi) (Eleucine coracana) and Pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides). The results indicate that there are significant differences in the perceived flavor, odour, and overall acceptability of fermented porridge made from pearl millet and finger millet. Finger millet appears to be preferred in terms of these sensory attributes. However, there were no significant differences in appearance and mouthfeel between the two types of millet porridge. Fermented porridge is preferred in terms of these sensory attributes.
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Sex, sex-role orientation, personality and sexism in Nigeria
Sexism (prejudice and discrimination, usually against women) is a social problem in most societies of the world that undermines the rights and potentials of women in societies. It also impinges development. Thus there is a need to explore its causes.This study was therefore designed to investigate the influences of sex, sex role orientation and personality variables on sexism in Nigeria. With the aid of a set of questionnaires comprising Bem’s Sex Role Inventory (BSRI), Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI) and the Big Five (Personality) Inventory (BFI), data were collected from 780 research participants drawn from among Nigerians resident in South Western Nigeria. Participants’ age range is 15-69 with a mean age of 31.91 years. Using a 4x2x2 analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression analysis, it was found out that sex and sex role orientation have main and interaction effects on sexism. It was also revealed that sexism is significantly jointly predicted by personality variables. However, the dominant personality trait of an individual was found to determine the type of sexist ideological leanings and behaviors displayed by the person. These findings were discussed in the light of available literature and recommendations were made.
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Shehu Transformation for Activity Costing System
In this paper, we expanded the application of Shehu transformation to obtained the solution for system of ordinary differential equations that subjected to known or unknown initial conditions, which applies in calculation for the cost of activity.
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Shortened Telomere Length in White Blood Cells of Patients with Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM)
Type 2 diabetes(TIIDM) aging-related disorder, is caused by a combination of peripheral insulin resistance and ?-cell dysfunction .Recent evidence, however, suggests that TIIDM is additionally characterized by impaired ?-cell regeneration and reduced ?-cell mass .Shortened telomeres have been previously associated with diabetes in several small-scale studies(Zhu et al.,2011). Measurement of telomere length in diabetic patients in different age and different duration of disease and compared with control. Also included the comparison telomere length between male and female for both control and diabetic groups and between patients from genetic origin (mother origin or father origin) and patients from non genetic origin. Genomic DNA was prepared from whole blood extraction using genaid kit and was quantified by Nanodrop .Terminal restriction fragment (TRF) lengths were measured using the Southern-blotting technique .This study was conducted between November 2010- November 2012 and, it was carried out at the diabetic Centre / Merjan Teaching Hospital in Babel Province by taking 54 diabetic patients(Type II DM) with disease duration (0-5),(>5-10 )and (>10 )years ,with age average (35-65 year)and most of them were on oral hypoglycemic drugs. While the study included 18 people apparently healthy that included 9 male and 9 female with age average (35-65 year). The study revealed that telomere length(TL) were differences between males and females of control group. Age- adjusted telomere length were shorter in males than in females of control subjects (13,200 bp ) vs. (11,600 bp), (14,200 bp) vs. (13,000 bp) and (15,100 bp) vs. (13,800 bp),and this differences in TL between males and females decreased as aging increased, while this gender differences in TL was not observed among the diabetic patients .In both the controls group and diabetic subjects, the telomere length were shorter in older subjects than younger for both males and females.
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