Simulation Analysis of Flexible manufacturing system for Performance Improvement
The need for flexible processes is increasing day by day. It permits rapid low cost switching from one product line to another. This is possible with flexible workers whose multiple skills would develop the ability to switch easily from one kind of task to another. As main resources, flexible processes and flexible workers would create flexible plants which can adapt to changes in real time increase in production using movable equipment, knockdown walls and easily accessible and re-routable utilities. In this paper a real time simulation is done to find out the optimum values of production and operation variables.
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Socio-Demographic and Risk factors Associated with Knee osteoarthritis
Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA) is a degenerative joint disease and a major public health problem all over the world. The present study is focused to evaluate the Socio-demographic and Risk factors associated with radiographic evidence of KOA subjects who were attended to Government Ayurveda Hospitals in Jaffna District from January 2013 to August 2014. There were 177 (70.8%) female and 73 (29.2%) male with a mean age of 57.02 (SD±8.78) years and highly significant association between age and gender (P<0.05) and BMI and gender (P<0.05) of KOA subjects. The findings of this study had indicated that risk factors as age, gender, family history, menopause and BMI were similar to the findings of KOA studies of other research studies.
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613. Solitary plasmacytoma of the proximal humerus: A case repport at the department of hematology, University Hospital of Yopougon, Abidjan-Cote d'Ivoire
Packo DSS, Danho NC, N’Dhatz E, Kouakou B, Meité N, Traore D, Feigoudozoui HV, Tekpa BJD, Mbelesso P and Sanogo I |
Abstract |
Category : Medical Sciences | Sub Category : Physiology and Anatomy |
Solitary plasmacytoma of the proximal humerus: A case repport at the department of hematology, University Hospital of Yopougon, Abidjan-Cote d'Ivoire
Bone solitary plasmocytoma is a rare entity characterized by monoclonal proliferation of malignant plasmocytic cells located at a bone segment, with no sign of systemic invasion. The vertebral location is the most common. The authors report a case of a woman who was 56-year-old with no medical history and addressed for a tumor of the proximal humerus. Anatomopathological examination of the segment of humerus noted an extensive diffuse plasmocytic infiltration. The absence of systemic biological signs of multiple myeloma led to the diagnosis of solitary plasmacytoma. After using the radiotherapy and chemotherapy, we obtained the complete remission without recurrence for 2 years. The interest of this study is the the rarity of this localization, and to release the particular diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutive of this affection in our context.
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Speed analysis for QOS in ATM network – a comparison
The approaches to QoS support of ATM networks are explained, The Performance of several kinds of schemes such as ABR CBR and VBR are compared based on transit delay and total delay based on all the six Qos parameters. Some simulation work is done and related results are shown and discussed.
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Stress, Stressors and Coping among newly admitted nursing students: A quantitative study
A quantitative study to assess level of stress, stressors and coping strategies used by newly admitted nursing students at selected college of Panipat, Haryana. Stress in nursing is inherent and inevitable. Stress inducing demands include long hours of study during examination, lack of free time, frequent change of practice areas, adjustment in hostel, separation from family and friends, financial problems etc. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted among consecutively sampled 95 newly admitted nursing students at Ved nursing college, Prem institute of medical sciences, Panipat, Haryana. Standardized as well as self-structured, pretested, validated questionnaires were used for data collection. Majority of students (81.1%) were experiencing moderate stress. Most frequently reported stressors were worry about poor grades, parent’s expectations, inferiority regarding low performance in studies. Most common healthy coping strategies used were talk to parents, listen to music, share feelings with friends and pray. By identifying the stressors and coping strategies used, effective coping strategies can be reinforced and co-curricular activities can be planned by the institute to minimize the stress of students and to channelize the energy of students in a positive manner.
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Structural Characterisation of Sawdust-Palm Kernel Shellcrete Composite
This study presents the structural characterization of sawdust-palm kernel shellcrete composite. It proffers solution to absence of structural characteristics of sawdust-palm kernel shellcrete composite, which is a concrete component mixture of cement, sawdust and palm kernel shell(PKS). The materials used in the experiments work included: Ordinary Portland Cement, saw dust, palm kernel shell and water. The physical characterization tests were performed on the aggregates used in this experimental work, of which sawdust gave values of 554.9kg/m3, 0.503, 33.57%, 2.61, 1.0 and 2.83 for average bulk density, average specific gravity, average water absorption, finess modulus, coefficient of curvature (Cc) and uniformity (Cu) respectively. Palm kernel shell gave corresponding values of 729.09kg/m3, 1.63, 11.8%, 6.03, 1.36 and 2.64. Batching was done by weight and the low bulk density of the aggregate materials (sawdust and palm kernel shell) were taken cognizance of. The mixing of the components were done manually. A total of six (6) cubes of size 150mm x 150mm x 150mm, six(6) cylinders of size 150mm x 300mm and six(6) beams of size 150mm x 150mm x 600mm were produced from mix ratios (water : cement : fine aggregate : coarse aggregate): 0.9 : 1 : 2 : 2 and 0.9 : 1 : 2 : 3 for compressive strength test, split tensile strength test and flexural strength test respectively. The above water-cement ratio and mix ratio was adopted due to the high water absorption of the aggregate materials and to achieve the desired workability, strength and durability for light weight concrete. For the mix ratio of 0.9 : 1 : 2 : 2, the average compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength and average static modulus of elasticity were 7.73MPa, 2.76MPa, 1.57MPa and 4.41GPa. The corresponding values for the mix ratio of 0.9 : 1 : 2 : 3 are 3.84MPa, 2.51MPa, 1.42MPa and 4.06GPa. The average Poisson’s ratio ranges from 0.2 - 0.37. The shear modulus ranged from 1.48MPa – 1.84MPa. The average flexural strength of sawdust-palm kernel shellcrete beams ranged from 2.5MPa to 2.76MPa.
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Student’s Experiences in Distance Learning: Lens from BTVTEd Majors
This study aimed to analyze and evaluate the students’ experiences in distance learning. The purpose of this study was to fully understand the students’ experiences in distance learning. The study was based on the data collected in April 2022 through an online survey questionnaire from 382 Bachelor in Technical-Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTE) college students in Universidad de Manila during the Academic Year, 2021-2022. The collected data were analyzed using different statistical treatments, to test and verify the hypotheses. The researcher determined the demographic profile of the respondents such as gender, age, year level and major. Aside from this, the researcher also analyzed the perceptions as well as the experiences, challenges, and recommendations of the participants in distance learning in terms of gadgets availability, connectivity, learning management system (LMS), computer literacy, and interaction. The research revealed that based on students’ experiences in distance learning, they strongly agreed in terms of gadgets availability and interaction. The researcher found out that there are significant differences on the students’ perceptions on distance learning, rejecting the null hypothesis. This study recommended that the teachers and parents must actively provide guidance and support to the students in the learning process so that students can complete their tasks and overcome the challenges that they are experiencing on distance learning.
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Study of Variance Components of Combining Ability for Yield, its Attributing Traits in Common Bread Wheat
Combining ability and nature of gene interactions that contribute to grain yield and its attributing traits of wheat were investigated using 21 bread wheat hybrids developed by crossing 7 commercial varieties in a half diallel mating design. The estimates of variance due to specific combining ability (?2 SCA) were absolutely greater value over variance of general combining ability for yield and yield attributing traits. Thus the results revealed that non-additive genetic variances accomplished an important role in the expression of different characters. The GCA and SCA ratio was less than unity for all the traits. This indicated that non-additive components played relatively greater role in the inheritance of these traits. Thus, use of diallel mating with recurrent selection could provide the better conditions for recombination and accumulation of desirable genes.
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Sulphuric acid Catalysed Corrosion Inhibitory Activity of Aerial Parts of Euphorbia Neriifolia linn on aluminium
Corrosion is a natural destructive process, in which metal loss their properties through unwanted chemical or electrochemical attack by its environment, in this process metals revert back to their natural and lower energy state which is more stable than the pure state of metals, it showed that corrosion is a reverse chemical process of extraction of metals. In the refining process, energy is added to the ore to produce the pure metal. Aluminium is one of the most important metals on the earth which is widely used for different kind of activities. Generally aluminium metal exists in the forms of their oxide and it has high corrosion resistance to atmosphere and pure water but it is corroded adversely in presence of acidic environment.The corrosion inhibition of aluminium by Euphorbia Neriifolia linn in different solution of sulphuric acid was investigated by using weight less and thermometer method at 301K temperature. The findings of the study shows that the inhibition inefficiency was maximum (93.11%) for highest concentration (0.7%) of stem extract in lowest strength of sulphuric (1N) and inhibition efficiency was minimum (74.82 %) for lowest concentration of flower extract (0.1%) in 3N sulphuric acid and the study showed that the inhibition efficiency increases with increase in the concentration of extract of plant in H2SO4 solution. The study shows that extract of Euphorbia Neriifolia linn is an efficient natural corrosion inhibitor in acidic medium and the stem extract is better inhibitor than leaves and flower extract of the plant.
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Temperature Dependent Properties of Pd-GaN Thin Film Grown by a Low-cost Electrochemical Deposition Technique
A Schottky barrier on GaN film grown on Si (111) substrate by low cost electrochemical deposition technique at 20 °C was obtained and characterized. Pd was used as a Schottky barrier contact. The temperature dependent current-voltage (I-V-T) curves have been measured on Pd/GaN contacts in the range of 300-470 K. Thermionic emission theory has been applied to the curves and the Schottky barrier heights, ?B0, and ideality factors, n, have been calculated. Barrier heights and ideality factors are evaluated as functions of temperature. These measurements indicate that the Schottky barrier height increases and ideality factor decreases with increasing temperature. The apparent Richardson constant was found to be 2.38x10-7Acm-2K-2 and mean barrier height of 0.3 eV. After barrier height inhomogeneities correction, by assuming a Gaussian distribution (GD) of the barrier heights, the Richardson constant and the mean barrier height were obtained as 19.3 Acm-2K-2 and 1.54eV, respectively. The corrected Richardson constant was very closer to theoretical value of 26Acm-2K-2.
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