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       621. The corrosion resistance of trivalent chrome conversion coatings on zinc electroplated steel in accelerated test conditions and after natural exposure
Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, Le Ba Thang, Le Duc Bao, Nguyen Van Khuong and Dao Bich Thuy
Abstract | Pdf Category : Chemical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Corrosion and Dye
       622. The effects of nationality on attitudes towards science among school students: a comparison of international studies
Riffat-un-Nisa Awan, Ghazala Noureen and Anjum Naz
Abstract | Pdf Category : Educational Research    |   Sub Category : Social Sciences
       623. The Effects of Wheat Straw Used as Mulch on Some Chemical Properties of the Soil and Grain Yield in Durum Wheat
Zekeriya Kara, Cengiz Yururdurmaz, Alihan Cokkizgin, Huseyin Keles and Engin Gonen
Abstract | Pdf Category : Agricultural Sciences    |   Sub Category : Agriculture
       624. The study of artistic aspects of Darius relief in Bisotun
Majid Yazdanpanah
Abstract | Pdf Category : Arts and Humanities    |   Sub Category : Social Studies
       625. Torsion of the omentum is one of the rarest causes of acute abdominal pain
J.El Mandour, A. Cherraqi, M. Jidal, L. Jroundi and FZ. Laamrani
Abstract | Pdf Category : Medical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Physiology and Anatomy
       626. Transitional Justice and After Kenya’s experience with IDP resettlement and peacebuilding since the 2007/2008 post election violence
Joshua Oluoch Owande
Abstract | Pdf Category : Conferences and others    |   Sub Category : Comments and Criticism
       627. Understanding inmates conditions in order to developed solution model
Ibrahim Yusuf
Abstract | Pdf Category : Arts and Humanities    |   Sub Category : Social Studies
       628. Unitarizable and Uniformly Non-Amenable Groups
Ebrahim Nazari, Khodadad Fatahi, Sobhan Salimi, Hamid Reza Rostami, Farhad Fizi and Mozhgan Abasi Khodlan
Abstract | Pdf Category : Mathematical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Applied Mathematics
       629. Upgrading of Libyan Feldspar Ore Using Different Separation Techniques
Nagui A. Abdel-Khalek, El-Sayed R. E. Hassan and Khaled E. Yassin
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Chemical Engineering
       630. Uterine rupture complicated by a retroperitoneal hematoma: A case report
Soumaya Berrada, Safae Ihssane, Imane Laghrich, My Mehdi Elhassani, Jaouad Kouach and Driss Moussaoui Rahali
Abstract | Pdf Category : Medical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Gynaecology