Phonology, morphology and syntax (teaching English phonology to Panjabi learners)
The English pronunciation of the Panjabi learners is highly aggressive giving rise to defective pattern of speech in English. For example they don’t use labio-dental sounds or they are unaware of silent sounds in English words like /m/ in tomb. The present paper aims to analyze the phonetic and phonological patterns of English and Panjabi as taught by teachers in some schools. The structural approach is preferred over other approaches in this paper. This approach suits to English and Panjabi as the phonological structures of both the languages is of contrastive nature rather than identical or similar one. Both the languages are spoken and used in teaching. The structure is taken as an arrangement and combination of phonological units, not in the sense that of as grammarians use like word structure, noun formation, morphological constructions, etc. Veritably, Panjabi is written as it is spoken, whereas English is not spoken, as it is written, thereby causing doubts in the minds of the learners.
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Predicting Failure Rate in Different Maintenance Conditions for MF 399 Tractor, a case study in southern parts of Iran
The use of tractors for agricultural works showed an important role to mechanized agricultural sector. A repairable mechanical system (as agricultural tractor) is subject to deterioration or repeated failure. In this study, the regression model was used to predict the failure rate of MF399 tractor. The machine failure pattern was carefully studied and key factors affecting the failure rate were identified in five regions of Khouzestan province. Results showed that different annual use hours (AUH) and maintenance policies affected failure rate. According to the data, the MF399 tractors included in 300-1000 AUH were commonly in a randomized breakdown period during their useful life but these tractors tend to enter the wear out period in the 1200-2000 AUH.
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Prof. A.Siles Balasingh joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 19th December 2012
We are very happy to announce that from 19th December 2012, Prof. A.Siles Balasingh has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Computer Science. Prof. A.Siles Balasingh is currently working as Asst. Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering in St.Joseph University in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam. The appointment of Prof. A.Siles Balasingh as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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Prof. Nawab ali khan joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 3rd August 2011
We are very happy to announce that from 3rd August 2011, Prof. Nawab ali khan has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Commerce and Management. Prof. Nawab ali khan is currently working at Department of Commerce,Aligarh Muslim University,Aligarh-202002, U.P. (India). The appointment of Prof. Nawab ali khan as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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Reoptimization of steiner tree a comparative analysis
The problem of Reoptimization of Steiner Tree is a NP Hard problem. Given a graph and a optimal solution of the Steiner tree and then after a slight modification is done in the initial instance, then a new Steiner minimal tree is to be determined. This is known as reoptimization of Steiner Tree. Several cases of reoptimization of Steiner tree have been discussed. This paper presents a comparative analysis of some of the previous work done on reoptimization of Steiner Tree.
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Resonance response of AFM micro-cantilever using wave propagation
Wave propagation method (WPM) is utilized, for the first time, to study the resonance response of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The damping coefficient with in the interaction of tip-sample, which is assumed as a linear visco-elastic force, is considered in this paper as it has been neglected in the WPM studies of beam in previous investigations. Experiment and analytical results are provided in order to show the reliability and correctness of WPM method. The results are in good agreements with the experiments and show that the WPM is more accrue than analytical method.
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Screening of antibacterial tannin compound from mango (Mangifera indica) seed kernel extract against Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
The anti MRSA properties of mango seed kernel ethanol extract (MKE) were investigated. The MKE was separated by reverse phase HPLC with acetonitrile linear gradient and also identified by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Mass Spectroscopy (MS) and Infrared (IR) for structural characterization of antimicrobial tannin compounds. It showed significant activity against Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) at the MIC of 0.03mg/ml. These results indicated that the active component of the MKE was a type of complex Tannin.
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Shortest Path Problem in a Network Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Number - A Case Study about Kanyakumari Roadways Network
Finding Shortest path in a graph has been the area for many researchers. Shortest path is one of the fundamental and most widely used concepts in networks. Here, we discuss the Shortest Path Length (SPL) from a specified vertex to all other vertices in a network. For illustration, a real life example has been considered from Chennai to kanyakumari roadways transport network.
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Sickness causes in cooperative sugar factories in Andhra Pradesh – a case study
Industrial sickness is a universal phenomenon, over the years the problem of the industrial sickness has grown not only in developing countries but also in developed countries. In India, the problem of sickness in industries has become very acute. It adversely affected the health of the industrial sector in particular and the economy of the country in general. This paper covers the causes of sickness in the cooperative sugar factories in Andhra Pradesh with reference to NCSF and to examine the revival / closure strategy of NCSF. The present study is based on secondary data and is substantiated by discussions and interviews with the officials of NCSF. The data is analysed by using appropriate statistical tools like averages, trend analysis and percentages. In order to identify the forewarning indicators of industrial sickness in Cooperative sugar factories, L.C. Gupta model of four financial ratios such as (1) EBDIT \ NS (2) EBDIT \ GTA (3) OCF \ NS (4) OCF \ GTA are also applied. It concludes that the originating factor was management ineffectiveness. The management could not make the farmers understand the importance of survival of NCSF. The management could not convince the farmers to continue to produce sugarcane for their survival vis-à-vis the NCSF’s survival. EBT was negative for all the years but for 1998-99 it was positive due to interest waived. All these indications show that the organization was never sound, ultimately leading to sickness.
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Socio-Economic Characteristics of Slums in Srinagar City J&K India
Slums are the expression of poverty, group inequality and social exclusion (Slums of the World-2003). Slums are distributed throughout the Srinagar city. Clustering was done to study the socio-economic attributes of slums in Srinagar city. These clusters show inequality in social and economic conditions due to marginalized location. The present paper attempts to examine the socio-economic setting of slums in Srinagar city.
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