The Important Points of the History of Salafiyah
Salafiyah is a movement among muslims that has roots in the primary centuries after advent of islam. This movement strongly want to follow the exact behaviors of the primary muslims and is against any use of humans' ideas for obtaining ideas and orders of islam. that is because of that salafiyah considers the primary centuries of Islamic era as a golden era for islam and muslims .basics of this idea was constructed by ahl-al-hadith and then ahmad-ibn-hanbal .but the salafiyah mainly constructed by ibn-taymiyah.the construction that had been built by ibn-taymiyah was edited and brought to operation by using salafi ideas as an operating system ,wahhabis became able to establish three wahhabi governments one after another in the central Arabia and eventually they conquered the biggest part of Arabia politically and religiously and even penetrate in some other countries and it was the most important victory for salafiyah in its history to develop its ideas and politics.
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Vibrational Spectral Investigations, HOMO- LUMO, First-Hyperpolarizability Analyses of 2,4-Dimethoxybenzonitrile by ab initio and Density Functional Method
In the present study, the FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra of 2,4-dimethoxybenzonitrile have been recorded in the region 4000–400 cm_1 and 3500–50 cm_1, respectively. The fundamental modes of vibrational frequencies of (24DMBN) are assigned. Theoretical information on the optimized geometry, harmonic vibrational frequencies, infrared and Raman intensities were obtained by means of ab initio Hartree–Fock (HF) and density functional theory (DFT) gradient calculations with complete relaxation in the potential energy surface using 6-311++G(d,p)) basis set. The vibrational frequencies which were determined experimentally from the spectral data are compared with those obtained theoretically from ab initio and DFT calculations. A close agreement was achieved between the observed and calculated frequencies by refinement of the scale factors. The infrared and Raman spectra were also predicted from the calculated intensities. Thermodynamic properties like entropy, heat capacity, zero point energy, have been calculated for the molecule. The calculated HOMO–LUMO energy gap reveals that charge transfer occurs within the molecule. Unambiguous vibrational assignment of all the fundamentals was made using the total energy distribution (TED).
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A Review On Induction Motor Fault Diagnostic Techniques
Induction motors plays a vital role in almost all the industrial drive systems because of their simple, efficient and robust nature offering high degree of reliability. These machines face various stresses during operating conditions which may lead to different types of faults. Hence condition monitoring and maintenance becomes necessary in order to avoid unexpected failures. Different fault monitoring techniques for induction motors can be broadly categorized as model based techniques, signal processing techniques, and artificial intelligence based soft computing techniques. The traditional model based diagnostic techniques provides a good detection of the fault in the machine but nowadays artificial intelligence techniques have been introduced to overcome the existing inaccuracy. Soft computing techniques enable better analysis of a faulty system even if models are inaccurate. Besides giving improved performance these techniques are easy to extend and modify. This paper provides a comprehensive study of conventional and innovative techniques. Keywords: Induction motor, motor faults, diagnostic techniques
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Adoption of cloud computing framework in higher education to enhance educational process
Cloud Computing (CC) becomes the most promising technology to reach the advanced educational services, because it essentially provides a huge computing and storage capacities. Cloud computing provides reliable and tailored dynamic computing environments for education services. On the other side, e-learning has been realized as an efficient way of learning. The increasing number of students, services, education contents and resource as well as the way of adapting e-learning becomes problematic. As a potential technology to overcome the problems in e-learning, this study explores the potential impacts and the measure of how the educational services can be benefited by cloud. For that purpose the study attempt to adapt a proposed framework for virtual learning system in an extended cloud computing environment. This framework can be applied everywhere where there is a need for intensive teaching and learning in higher education. The applied case study findings of implementing the proposed framework equate the study expectations, where the student’s satisfaction significantly increased compared with the existing system.
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Analysis of adhesively bonded triple stepped lap joint in laminated FRP composites subjected to longitudinal loading
The present investigation deals with the static analysis of adhesively bonded triple stepped lap joint in laminated FRP composites using three-dimensional theory of elasticity based finite element method. The finite element model is validated with the available results in the literature for the longitudinal loading of a triple stepped lap joint made of isotropic materials and is extended for the analysis of a triple stepped lap joint made of generally orthotropic laminates subjected to longitudinal loads. Maximum stresses in FRP adherends and Adhesive are computed and the effect of fiber angle on these stresses is studied. The results of the present analysis reveals that the three-dimensional stress analysis is required for the analysis of triple stepped lap joint in laminated FRP composites.
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Analysis of rural entrepreneurship under the theorethical approach of resources and capabilities: the case of a rural microbusiness
The aim of this paper is to analyze the case of a joint venture stage to determine the successes and failures to undertake this business, based on the theory of resources and skills of entrepreneurship and business. It is intended to answer the question, what were the successes and failures committed by entrepreneurs to run the business plan in this particular case? The answers were found relating the situations described in the case with the theories of resources and skills and entrepreneurship. The analysis concludes that the empirical knowledge of entrepreneurs, in this case were not sufficient to direct the business to success, and that the lack of structured knowledge and adequate scientific support for this project strongly directed towards the non-permanence on the market.
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Application of STATCOM to improve the LVRT Capability of DFIG during VSC Fire-through
Due to the convincing revolution in power electronic technology and the growing concern about greenhouse effect that is intensified due to the burning of fossil fuels, wind power generation is significantly increasing globally. Transmission line operators developed various grid codes that require wind turbines to remain connected to support power grids during intermittent disturbance events which motivated researchers to investigate the impact of various grid disturbances on the overall performance of the wind energy conversion system (WECS). No attention, however, has been given to investigate the impact of voltage source converter (VSC) faults on the low voltage ride through (LVRT) of the DFIG-based WECS. In this paper, the impact of a fire-through fault when it takes place within the RSC and the GSC on the LVRT capability of the DFIG are investigated. A STATCOM controller to mitigate the effects of these faults is proposed. The DFIG compliance with recently released LVRT grid codes under the studied faults with and without the STATCOM were examined and compared. Simulation results indicated that fire-through faults have a serious impact on the DFIG voltage profile, especially when they occur in the GSC. The proposed STATCOM controller is effective in improving the dynamic performance of the DFIG during the studied faults and hence the connection of wind turbine to the grid can be maintained.
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Appraisal of strength of self compacted concrete with variable size of steel fibre
The development of self-compacting concrete (SCC) was a significant step towards effectiveness at building sites, realistically producing prefabricated concrete rudiments, improved working conditions and better quality and emergence of concrete structures. By addition of fibres to SCC, bar reinforcement can be replaced and the performance of concrete structures improved. Self-compacting fibre reinforced concrete (SCFRC) combines the benefits of SCC in the fresh state and an enhanced performance of fibre reinforced concrete in the hardened state. With the special characteristics of SCFRC new fields of application can be explored. The objective of the study is to determine and do the comparative study of the properties of concrete containing no fibres and concrete with fibres, as well as the comparison on the effects of different type and aspect ratio of fibres to the self compacted concrete. This investigation was carried out using several tests, which included workability tests of SCC, compressive test, indirect tensile test and flexural test.
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Budgeting and Financial Accountability in School Management
This discourse is directed at highlighting the importance of financial accountability in school management. Budgeting is a managerial function that enables every administrator to efficiently utilize all financial resources available to the organisation. Financial accountability will be difficult to achieve in the absence of good budgeting. The role of the school administrator in effective budgeting, as well as the challenges to effective budgeting in the face of a negatively skewed national budgetary allocations are also highlighted. It concludes that effective budgeting will be difficult to achieve in the existence of financial uncertainties, policy inconsistency in educational development and increasing pressure on education facilities arising from growing demand for formal education in the public school system. It recommends the development of an education policy that will have a minimum life span of twenty years; and the development of a body of school system personnel that is compliant to the digital system of information management. A reliable information base and efficient information management system will go a long way in facilitating good budgeting practice and effective accountability.
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Causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth: evidence from Pakistan
This paper examines the causal relationship between energy consumption, economic growth and prices evidence from Pakistan by using the annual time series data from 1980 to 2011. Co-integration, Engle Granger test and Error correction techniques are used to achieve the objective. The empirical results of co-integration test shows that energy consumption and economic growth are cointegrated. In addition, causality test results reveal that there is a short-run and long-run Granger causality running from economic growth to energy consumption for Pakistan. The empirical results of this study provide policy makers a better understanding of energy consumption-economic growth relationship to formulate energy policies in Pakistan. In this study, economic growth cause energy consumption, it suggests that the implementation of energy conservation policies may be implemented with little or no adverse effect on economic growth. Therefore, there is relatively more scope for energy conservation measures as a feasible policy in Pakistan.
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