Time series forecasting models: a comparative study of some models with application to inflation data
This study examined and compared six basic time series forecasting models (Exponential model, Double Exponential model, Holt-Winter models, Time Series linear regression model, the ad-hoc Bootstrapping model and the Self Adjusting model) with application to twenty-four Months Nigeria’s CPI inflation sample data, from January 2009 to December 2010 inflation data. With the aids of five different standard forecasting accuracy measures (MSE, MAE, RMSE, SSE, and MAPE), results from the out-of-sample forecasts shows that the double exponential model with a smoothening constant of 0.68 is the best forecasting model for the Nigeria inflation rate data among the other ad-hoc model considered.
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Understanding biochemical mechanisms conferring organophosphate and pyrethroid resistance in Spodoptera litura (Feb.)
The army worm Spodoptera litura is one of the most damaging pests of cotton, tobacco and castor in India. Synthetic pyrethroids and organophosphate pesticides are used for controlling this pest. Due to continuous use of these chemicals there are reports of insecticide resistance among S. litura. In the present study we analyzed the mechanisms involved in the development of pyrethroid resistance and organophosphate resistance in S. litura using biochemical marker enzymes. The result shows an increased carboxylesterase activity, GST and AChE activity in organophosphate and pyrethroid treatments in field population as compared to laboratory populations. The data presented in this work shows the occurrence of pyrethroid and organophosphate resistance in S.litura may confer through estrases and glutathione complexes.
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Vibrational spectra and assignment of fundamental vibrational modes of P-fluorobenzoyl chloride based on DFT calulations
The molecular vibrations of P-fluorobenzoyl chloride (PFBC) were investigated in polycrystalline sample, at room temperature, by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and FT-Raman spectroscopies. In parallel, ab initio and various density functional (DFT) methods were used to determine the geometrical, energetic and vibrational characteristics of PFBC. On the basis of B3LYP/6-31G* and B3LYP/6-311+G** methods and basis set combinations, a normal mode analysis was performed to assign the various fundamental frequencies according to the total energy distribution (TED). Simulation of Infrared and Raman spectra, utilizing the results of these calculations led to excellent overall agreement with observed spectral patterns. The scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) approach applying selective scaling of the DFT force fields was shown to be superior to the scaling method in its ability to ensure correct band assignments and successful simulation of IR and Raman spectra including band polarizations and intensity patterns.
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A Causality Analysis of Public Health Expenditure and Economic Growth in Nigeria
This study examined the relationship between public health expenditure and economic growth in Nigeria. Using time series data for the period 1977 to 2010, this study employed both multiple regression analysis and the granger causality text estimation techniques to examine the relationship. Result from the multiple regression show that both Capital and Recurrent expenditure on health has positive effect on economic growth in Nigeria. The causality test shows that there is a bi-directional causality between recurrent expenditure on health and economic growth, while a unidirectional causality exist between capital expenditure on health and economic growth as causality runs from economic growth to capital expenditure on health in Nigeria. Based on the above findings, the study recommends increased current and capital health expenditure to improve healthiness of the inhabitants and invariably economic activities in Nigeria.
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A comparison of overlapping community detection algorithms on facebook network
The online social media is the great area of research which is explored by the researchers now days. There are number of areas in which overlapping community detection works. In this paper we have done comparison of various algorithms in order to detect the overlapping communities in the Facebook network. The framework for evaluating various algorithms is described which helps in disclosing the person’s membership in multiple clusters. The cluster is a collection of number of distinct users belonging to one or more groups. This paper evaluates the comparison between various algorithms which are used for overlapping community membership detection. Experimental results shows that CPM can give better results in less amount of time.
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A survey on Efficient and Scalable method for Learning Collective Behavior
For the many people in world social networks are playing major role day to day life. Depending on the user’s behavior and interaction with each other, the social networking sites are reshaped. Growing interest and development of social network sites like Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, YouTube etc. imposing many research challenges. And hence this is allowing researchers to do many research studies using data mining concepts. The main challenge of such online social networking websites is to find out the individuals behavior over social network. Understanding the user’s behavior on social networking websites is called as collective behavior. There are many data mining techniques presented to identify the behavior of individuals. Such methods of collective behavior allows to learn and predict the users online behavior and based on it assign the appropriate label to actor in network. But the another main problem occurs in such methods is the networks scalability due to which this systems becomes poor in performance and many not be work if the network size is too big. To overcome this problem we need to have scalable learning of collective behavior to deal with any size of social networks. Recently one such method presented, in this method an edge-centric clustering technique is presented to extract social network dimensions. With sparse social dimensions, the proposed approach can efficiently handle networks of any size. In this paper we are presenting the detailed discussion on this method.
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Ab initio and density functional theory studies on selected thioaldehydes and thioketones
Ab initio and Density functional theory with three basis sets have been used to study seventeen isomers comprising of six thioaldehydes and eleven thioketones, relative stabilities of the isomers and electronic properties of the molecules are reported. The results revealed that there is an increase in C=S bond length as the number of carbon atoms increases, although C=S bond lengths for thioaldehydes are shorter than that of the corresponding thioketones analogues. Generally, thioketone isomers are more thermodynamically stable than that of the corresponding thioaldehydes. The rearrangement of thioaldehydes to thioketones would be feasible and exothermic since both ?G? and ?H? have negative values. 13C NMR of thiocarbonyl carbon atoms and UV-visible absorption (?max) showed similar trend when plotted against C=S bond length, thus the electronic properties and chemical reactivities of the molecules would be predominantly governed by C=S group.
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Agro- escalation android-web architecture
The application takes care of certain problems in agriculture and health care by concurrently capturing images, audio and video and sending them to a specified server. Agricultural Scientists or doctors can view or listen to this images/video/audio information and provide proper solutions, accordingly. The Technology used is Content Based Image Processing which matches the histogram of two samples and detect the plant disease at the Server End.
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Analysis of isothermal EOS for NaCl under extreme compression
Different isothermal EOS, which expresses volume ratio as a function of pressure for materials at given temperature has been discussed. During our computational investigation it is observed that Holzapfel EOS does not satisfy the agreement of as calculated by using Brennan Stacey EOS, Shanker EOS, and Vinet EOS. The critical test of EOS for solids under extreme compressions has been discussed by evaluating the pressure and volume derivative properties viz. isothermal bulk modulus and its pressure derivative, according to the data calculated for NaCl up to extremely high pressure. Among the four EOS viz Holzapfel EOS, Brennan Stacey EOS, Shanker EOS, and Vinet EOS, it is found that, Holzapfel EOS is not suitable for calculating higher pressure derivative of isothermal bulk modulus under extreme compression
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Analytical Vs Experimental Approach to Implement Hard Disk Security Architecture
As of January 2011 the internet connected an estimated 941.7 million computers in more than 450 countries on every continent, even Antarctica (Source: Internet Software Consortium’s Internet Domain Survey; www.isc.org/index.pl). The internet is not a single network, but a worldwide collection of loosely connected networks that are accessible by individual computer hosts, in a variety of ways, to anyone with a computer and a network connection.
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