Vibrational Spectral Analysis on P-Chloroaniline based on Scaled Quantum Chemical Calculation
The FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra of P-Chloroaniline (PCA) have been recorded and analyzed. The optimized geometry, and harmonic vibrational wave numbers of PCA have been investigated with the help of B3LYP scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) method supplemented with 6-311++G** basis set. The infrared and Raman spectra were predicted theoretically from the calculated intensities. The observed and simulated spectra were found to be well comparable. In the investigation, we adopted density functional theory (DFT) combined with quantum chemical calculations to determine the first-order hyperpolarizability.
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Wurster based pelletization technique; a qualitative approach
Now a days in pharmaceutical cadre, multiparticulate dosage forms have shown much importance over single-unit dosage forms. The main objective of designing multiparticulate dosage form is to develop a reliable formulation that has advantages over single unit formulation. It is devoid of the danger of alteration in drug release profile and formulation behavior due to unit to unit variation. The present research emphasizes mainly on qualitative study of “Bottom-Spray Wurster Technology”, by formulation of multiparticulate modified release pellets of tolterodine- tartrate. The aim of the present study is to investigate the feasibility of the Wurster process for preparing modified release pellets and subsequently to evaluate the effects of some independent process variables i.e. inlet air temperature, product temperature, exhaust temperature, atomization speed, spray pump speed and atomization air volume.
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Youth dependency on communication and information technology in developing countries: an analysis
This paper attempts to look at how information and communication technology continually influence the people, their lives and practices in general in developing countries, and examine whether it is for better or for worse. Dependency of low-income groups on information technology is not a mere phenomenon, but a solid hard-ground fact, and has a number of benefits as well as costs. However, at the end it is suggested that in addition to ICT being more advantageous than disadvantageous for third world countries, more effort needs to be put in educating the users of such technology, so that the costs associated with their use can be minimized, and the benefits maximized.
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A New type of transportation problem using object oriented model
In this paper we introduce the new type of transportation problem called South east corner rule . We solve the transportation problem using OR approach in analysis ,design phases and we use the java programming language to model the problem . The results obtain from both solutions are compared to make analysis & prove the object oriented model correctness . We proved that the both results are identical & have the same results when solving the problem using the south east corner rule .
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Allelopathy of some forest trees from vriddheswar, pathardi tahsil, ahmednagar
The effects of aqueous leaf extracts of different concentrations of Butea monospermal (Lam) Taub (Fabaceae), Limonia acidissima L. (Rutaceae) Semecarpus anacardium L. (Anacardiaceae) from Pathardi Tahsil (longitude190 09? N, latitude 750 10? E) Dist Ahmednagar were bioassayed in August 2008 on germination and seedling growth of Raphanus sativus L . var. ‘Hybrid 11’. Seed germination was promoted 13 to 21% by Butea, 3.58% by Limonia while Semecarpus inhibited by 10.71% at 10-1 concentration. Data was analyzed by appropriate statistical method. Inhibition at higher and stimulation at lower extract concentrations were recorded. Pot culture experiments will be arranged.
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An investigation into weaknesses exhibited by senior high school biology students in graph work in the cape coast metropolis of Ghana
The purpose of this study was to examine Biology students’ weaknesses as far as graph work is concerned. The target population was SHS 3 students offering biology as an elective science subject in Senior High Schools in the Cape Coast Metropolis during the 2009/2010 academic year. However, the accessible population was elective biology students from six schools in the Cape Coast Metropolis. At each school an intact class was randomly selected and used. In all a sample size of 230 students was used. The study revealed that elective biology students have difficulty with providing headings, an appropriate scale, and labeling the axes of graphs.
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Application of EVMS technique in a cattle barn construction instead of tradditional management
Earned Value Management System (EVMS) is designed for controlling the costs and determining the periods of attracting financial credits (domestic or Rial and foreign currencies) in the project. Unfortunately, this controlling system is poorly carried out in most of the operational projects or merely its show-off aspects are highlighted. But, in reality, this system is able to predict the process of attracting costs at the beginning of the executive operation, and also, to control the amount of costs spent during the executive activities. Furthermore, the project status can be assessed in different time intervals using the key indices of this system and different cost analyses acquired from these indices. The aim of this project is the examination of the concepts involved in the earned value method, the methods and metrics it employs as well as the performance measurements and methods of forecasting project progress that are used. A case study regarding the construction of a Cattle Barn in Qazvin city, an actual project, is utilized to illustrate the comparison between traditional methods and the EVMS method. By utilizing information obtained when employing the earned value method with the project, findings the valuable would be early warning with regard to a problematic situation, it is possible to take steps to correct the problem before too much time has elapsed. It is possible to make more informed decisions about the project's direction with accurate forecasting. With accurate forecasting, it is possible to make better decisions with regard to issues that are outside the scope of the project but that may be affected by the project's progress. Sponsor confidence is boosted when a view of progress is available that is open and that can be verified.
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Bacteriological Status of Water Melon (Citrullus Lanatus) Sold in Mile III Market, Port Harcourt
The study was carried out to investigate the bacteriological status of freshly sliced water melon in mile III market Port Harcourt. A total of 20 sliced water melons was collected while one whole water melon collected was used as control in this study. The control sample was properly washed with sterile water and sliced aseptically. A sterile knife was used to cut 1.0g from each water melon sample and homogenized on a sterile mortar and pestle. The resultant homogenate was pipette (1.0ml) into 9.0ml of distilled water and serially diluted. The 104 dilution was plated out on Nutrient and MacConkey agar plates respectively using spread plate technique. The plates were incubated at 370c for 24 hours. The cultured plates were examined for colony growth and identification of isolates. The result showed that bacteria isolated from the sliced water melon were Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli , Bacillus spp and Proteus with percentage bacterial count of 414 (45.8%). 324 (35.5%), 144 (15.8%), and 30 (3.3%.) respectively. The control sample showed a scanty growth of staphylococcus aurus. In conclusion, since the control had only a colony of staphylococcus on culture plate after it has been hygienically processed, contamination of the sliced water melon maybe due to poor sanitary condition employed by the vendors during processing and packaging. This is of public health concern as these organisms are known causes of food born diseases and food poisoning.
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Bayesian Analysis for Epidemiological Study of Child Mortality on the District Level of Uttar Pradesh
In this study an attempt has been made to describe the analysis of epidemiological study by Bayesian methods and apply this methodology to district level child mortality of Uttar Pradesh to assign rank to each district for rural and urban separately. The specific objectives of this study are to analysis of epidemiological study by use of fixed effect modeling and random effect modeling in Bayesian setup. To assign rank to each district by this suggest applying strategies to reduce child mortality in those district for those ranks are poor in Uttar Pradesh. The modified retrospective cohort study design used here. For fixed effect modeling beta-binomial modeling approach is used and for random effect modeling logit link function is used. The posterior estimates came in both cases under squared error loss function.
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Channel equalisation with an efficient variable step-size transform domain Adaptive algorithm
Equalization techniques compensate for the time dispersion introduced by communication channels and combat the resulting inter-symbol interference (ISI) effect. The purpose of an adaptive equalizer is to operate on the channel output such that the cascade connection of the channel and the equalizer provides an approximation to an ideal transmission medium. This paper compares existing adaptive algorithm for channel equalisation for both DFT and DCT based OFDM system. Simulations results show that performance of Transform Domain Variable stepsize Griffith LMS(TVGLMS) algorithm in channel equalization performs with better convergence speed and better error misadjustment than the LMS algorithm. Further simulation results shows that DCT based OFDM system outperforms DFT –OFDM in terms of BER and PAPR .
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