Experimental Investigation Of The Performance Of A Ground-Source Heat Pump System For Buildings Heating And Cooling
Geothermal heat pumps (GSHPs), or direct expansion (DX) ground source heat pumps, are a highly efficient renewable energy technology, which uses the earth, groundwater or surface water as a heat source when operating in heating mode or as a heat sink when operating in a cooling mode. It is receiving increasing interest because of its potential to reduce primary energy consumption and thus reduce emissions of the greenhouse gases (GHGs). The main concept of this technology is that it utilises the lower temperature of the ground (approximately <32°C), which remains relatively stable throughout the year, to provide space heating, cooling and domestic hot water inside the building area. The main goal of this study is to stimulate the uptake of the GSHPs. Recent attempts to stimulate alternative energy sources for heating and cooling of buildings has emphasised the utilisation of the ambient energy from ground source and other renewable energy sources. The purpose of this study, however, is to examine the means of reduction of energy consumption in buildings, identify GSHPs as an environmental friendly technology able to provide efficient utilisation of energy in the buildings sector, promote using GSHPs applications as an optimum means of heating and cooling, and to present typical applications and recent advances of the DX GSHPs. The study highlighted the potential energy saving that could be achieved through the use of ground energy sources. It also focuses on the optimisation and improvement of the operation conditions of the heat cycle and performance of the DX GSHP. It is concluded that the direct expansion of the GSHP, combined with the ground heat exchanger in foundation piles and the seasonal thermal energy storage from solar thermal collectors, is extendable to more comprehensive applications.
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Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) and results from two pilot studies on the use of computational and visualization models to analyze GDV data
Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) is a promising real-time non-invasive technique for diagnosing the health of an individual and identifying any potential disorders in their early stages. In this paper, we give a detailed description of the theory behind the GDV technique and the GDV-grams (images of fingertips) that could present unique signature patterns characteristic of specific health disorders. We then present two computational models, developed in our earlier work, to analyze the GDV-grams and illustrate the results from pilot studies obtained using these models. The two models studied are: (i) A quadrant-based visualization and computational model to assess the functional state of human organs and organ systems and its application to Autistic children and (ii) A clustering model to analyze English language anxiety in non-native speakers. The results from the pilot studies have been very encouraging. We conjecture that GDV will be a valuable tool for Medical Biometrics to identify as well as confirm the presence of health disorders at an early stage.
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Impact of human resource practices on employee performance of Islamic Banks of Pakistan
The main endeavor of this study is to calculate the relationship and nature of relationship betweeen Employee Perceived Performance and Human Resource (HR) Practices (Compensation, Performance Evaluation, and Promotion Practices) in the Islamic Banks of Pakistan. for exploring this relationship primary data is collected from 193 employees of Islamic banks through personally administered questionnaire. The relationship and nature of the relationship is calculated by applying the Spearman’s Correlation Matrix and Multiple Regression Analysis. The Spearman’s correlation results demonstrate that, the employee perceived performance and HR practices has the positive and significant relationship. The regression results indicate that from HR practices: only performance evaluation practices is significant while remaining two compensation and promotion practices are not significant. Although little research having been done on Human Resource practices of banking sector by researchers. This study investigates the impact of Human Resource practices in Islamic banks of Pakistan by utilizing response of employees through surveys. Moreover, this research provides top-management of banking sector to design or revise their HR policies and make practices to attain high employee performance.
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In search of their rights: a womanistic reading of lorraine hansberry’s a raisin in the sun
Hansberry's play A Raisin in the Sun is about the experience of an African American family who struggles against racism and tries to keep their dignity. It discusses racial, sexual, social, and economical discriminations on black community and individuals. The main black characters were not happened to be female but they were chosen preciously to present the challenges that black women confront within the racist and patriarchal society of America. Hansberry, a black female writer, utilized her masterpiece A Raisin in the Sun as a platform to present her womanistic ideas that inherited from her master, Dubois. Following Dubois’ ideas on womanism, this study undertakes to examine the plays’ representation of black women’s experience of discriminations .It further highlights the rights and the true image of black women who are twice oppressed by gender and race in the American society.
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Lecturer department of life skills leadership style in making the preparation of the 21st century education
Malaysia Education Development Plan from 2013 to 2025 is an educational transformation plan towards providing a 21st century education. Education is the spark of creativity and innovation generators that act as enablers to intellectual progress and humanity in tandem towards placing Malaysia row of other developed countries in the 21st century. In vibrant transformation Ministry of Education, the important thing to note is the extent to which awareness of school leaders in providing a 21st century education to transform the national education can be achieved successfully. The leadership style of some lecturers also affect the success of the educational preparation of the 21st century. The main focus of this study was to examine the awareness and knowledge of lecturers Living Skills Department, Institute of Teacher Education Campus Tun Hussein Onn, Batu Pahat, Johor as change agents in providing 21st century education. Conceptual framework is based on instructional leadership style. The study used qualitative interviews and observations involving respondents from lecturers of Life Skills at the Institute Teacher Education Campus Tun Hussein Onn.
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List of articles published in the month of August 2012
Table of contents for the month of August 2012
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List of articles published in the month of October 2013
Table of contents for the month of October 2013
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Major dairy production constraints in Alaba wereda, southern nation’s nationalities and peoples region.
A study was conducted to identify the major dairy production constraints in Alaba Wereda, the Southern Nations and Nationalities People Region to provide base line information on the major dairy production problems in the area. A total of 60 respondents (10% from total population) were selected from 6 peasant associations and interviewed using structured questionnaire. Focus group discussion was also made with key respondents and the participants described the major dairy problems on their area. Data was analyzed through descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage) using SPSS software. A total of 60 farmers were interviewed. Among them 92 % were male household farmers and the rest 8 % was women household farmers. Maximum farmland size own by the respondents of the study area was 1.5 ha. Moreover, 1.8ha and 0.28ha is the mean farmland and grazing land own by the respondents respectively. Farmers reported that cattle were first (46.6%) rank follow poultry (23.4 %) as importance livestock used. Most respondents (70%) first and foremost keep cattle for draft purpose followed by milk products (65.2%), selling live animals (3.5%) and lastly for manure (5.25%). About 42.9% of respondents keep their Cross breeds animals in the same house where they live (Not separated). Only 57.1% out of the total respondents had separate shelters for their Cross breed’s animals. However, 50% of the interviewer was reported keep for their local breed’s animals on the separate shelters. The principal feed resources available to livestock in the study area include crop-residue (31.9%), natural pasture (22.3%) and concentrates (17%). The most critical periods of feed shortage were summer, autumn and spring (80% 12% and 8%) respectively. Out of the sample size 18.5% of the respondents used Artificial insemination for mating, 77.5% of the respondents were used natural mating bull with cross breed blood and 4% of the respondents also used a combination of AI and cross breed bull. The overall average lactation lengths and milk yields per cow per day of local and crossbred cows were 4 and 7 months, 2.1 and 7liters respectively. Mastitis, anthrax, ticks and black leg are the most prevalent disease that attacks dairy cattle’s. The respondents reported that shortage of feed (50.6%), low pasture land productivity (34.2%), low animal productivity performance (15.8%), and Disease (17.3%) was the major dairy production constraints on the study area.
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Mr. Ali I.Al-Mosawi joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 25th June 2013
We are very happy to announce that from 25th June 2013, Mr. Ali I.Al-Mosawi has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Ali I.Al-Mosawi is currently working as Lecturer, Machines Department, Technical Institute-Babylon, Iraq. The appointment of Mr. Ali I.Al-Mosawi as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to elixirpublishers@gmail.com. Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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Mr. Ebrahim Azarpour joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 6th March 2013
We are very happy to announce that from 2nd March 2013, Mr. Ebrahim Azarpour has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Agronomy Science. Mr. Ebrahim Azarpour is currently working as Society of Agronomy, Islamic Azad University of Lahijan, Iran and member of Young Researchers Club, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran. The appointment of Mr. Ebrahim Azarpour as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to elixirpublishers@gmail.com. Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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