List of articles published in the month of December 2011
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Mr. S.P. Anandaraj joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 27th June 2013
We are very happy to announce that from 27th June 2013, Mr. S.P. Anandaraj has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Computer Science and Engineering. Mr. S.P. Anandaraj is currently working as Sr. Asst. Professor in SR Engineering College, Warangal. The appointment of Mr. S.P. Anandaraj as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to Sincerely Editor-in-Chief
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Performance Evaluation of Abergelle cross Boer goat breed under farmer management system in case of Tanqua Abergelle wereda
41 (31 females and 10 males) 50% Boer and 50% Abergelle crossbred goats were distributed to evaluate and compare their kids growth performance, farmers' perception and their survivable rate under farm management system. Housing, feeding and health care were thoroughly attended. The average BW, WW, SMW and NMW of the crossbred (25% Boer and 75% Abergelle) male and female kids were (2.68 kg, 2.62 kg),(12.17 kg, 11.95 kg)and (18.25 kg, 17.38 kg) respectively. While, the local kids average BW, WW, and SMW were (2.30kg, 2.23kg), (10.5kg,10.5kg) and (14.17kg,13.38kg) for male and female respectively. The result indicated that crossbred body weight increment at different growth stage was better than the local breed. Farmers were also perceive the crossbred goat have docile behavior which easily adopt for zero grazing, non selective and voracious in feeding and high growth rate, even though they criticize as short in body length and lowest disease resistant. The survivable rate of the crossbred kids at pre weaning and post weaning were 90.7% and 97.4% respectively which more related to low disease resistance. So that with applying of good management practice scaling up activities has to be strengthened to make farmers better benefited from Abergelle cross Boer goat breed.
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Process design and simulation strategies for reactive distillation column
In this paper general process design procedure and simulation strategies for reactive distillation (RD) are presented on results are presented. The experimental results obtained from continuous RD column from our previous work are compared with simulation results predicted by three equilibrium stage models of different depths using Aspen plus software. Three types of equilibrium stage models with different complexity are developed, parameterized and compared in simulations in this work. These models are based on the stage concept and use the assumption of vapor–liquid equilibrium on each stage model. Reaction rates for Pseudohomogenous model calculated by our laboratory batch reactor are used for simulation to yield a steady state solution. Finally the VLE data from the databank of Aspen plus is also used to simulate the RD column separately to observe how the results vary with the experimental data and the Aspen plus databank data. It is observed that there is a very good agreement between the results from the Aspen plus databank and the actual column.
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Study act of corrosion in external metal pipe lines and different ways of protection and contrast against mechanical injury and chemical corrosion
Corrosion from long time ago was one of the biggest problems of gas and oil industry. Corrosion not only cause to high costs of repairs ,but stopping production during repairing and safety matters cause to enormous loss .The importance of covering of underground pipes with plastic material in decade of 1970 continuously has been increased .So that in many cases ,replaced to traditional protector on the base of natural pitch and coal tar .In 1980 more progress was in the field of covering pipes with plastic materials that cause to decisively stabilization of polyethylene and molten connected epoxy as new protector for underground and sea pipe lines .So the aim of continuous extension of plastic materials and covering systems was in direction of making protection tools that are flexible for transferring and resting on extension slope from environment temperature and even preserve their integration in extension range of applied temperature .In this paper we try to study the act of corrosion in external metal pipe lines and even different ways of protection and ways of contrast against mechanical injury and chemical corrosion under soil , by attention to the type of soil.
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Testing of striga resistant composite maize varieties for response to two levels of nitrogen fertilizer up-take
Trials were carried out using five composite maize varieties in a Striga lutea (Lour) endemic soil of Temidire-Eruwa, Oyo State, Nigeria, in 2004 and 2005. The composite maize varieties were tested under varied fertilizer types, Nitrogen (N) concentrations and artificial striga infestation. The objective was to test these striga resistant maize varieties for yield and agronomic performance under the above conditions. The result showed that, variety and year of evaluation differed significantly (P<0.01) for almost all agronomic characters such as plant stand, days to anthesis (silking and tasselling), plant and ear heights as well as root and stalk lodging resistance at both 100kgN and 200kgN/ha. Variety x Year interaction were also significantly different (P<0.01) for all agronomic characters except root lodging and husk tip cover. Fertilizer type differed only for days to silking, plant height and plant aspect, while Year x Nitrogen source and Variety x Nitrogen source was highly significant (P<0.01) for field weight. Plant stands were better in 2004 than 2005 for all varieties except Acr 97syn-W and DMR-LSR-W. The composite maize varieties tolerated high N-concentration except DMR-LSR-Y which do not utilize excess Nitrogen above 100kgN/ha. Use of striga resistant maize varieties concomitantly with Nitrogen fertilizer is recommended for farmers in Striga lutea endemic ecology, for higher grain yield.
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