Production, manufacturing system Operations, and logistics modeling the metrics of lean, agile, and leagility: an AHP-based approach
The aim of this study was to develop methodology for estimating whether existing system can perform as lean, agile, or leagile manufacturing system. We compared and identified the supply between leanness and agility, before developing leagility, by identifying the manufacturing features particularly affected by interdependent variables by preparing based on the conditions that improved solutions to manufacturing practical operations in three case studies. This study measured the available factors to build a model based on AHP, sent factories to acquire the responses. Acquiring precise results may require more tests in more highly developed conditions in improved systems with certain locations.
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Recent Trends in Hazards in the Pharmaceutical Industry and Safety Precaution
Hazards is a situation that posses a level of threat to life, health, property or environment. Any real or potential conditions produced by industries that can cause injury or death to personnel or loss of product or property. Industrial hazards is a major issue in present scenario. Some industrial plants, by the nature of their activities and the substances they use, constitute hazards which are all the greater when they are located close to residential areas for these and their residents are particularly exposed in the events for accidents. Industrial hazards may be defined as the contamination of the Pharmaceutical industries that may cause irritation, toxicity and damage of the product, which are also harmful for product quality in the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing.
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Recognition of Novel Variance Parameters Using Taguchi Loss Function in MANET
In this paper we presents a method for handling multiple metrics and different network parameters simultaneously to analyze the loss factor of routing protocols in mobile ad hoc network(MANET) environments. We have used Taguchi’ loss function to determine the best parameters giving maximum throughput, packet delivery ratio (PDR), average delay, DROP and routing over head simultaneously for AODV protocol. In this paper we have consider various different mobile ad hoc network parameters such as Terrain size, No of Nodes, No of source nodes, Packet transmission rate, Node speed, Pause time, Transmission range, Queue size, Antenna height and receiving power on a multiple signal to noise ratio (MNSR), performance and contribution level of parameters have been analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The analysis of results shows that the parameters which more affecting the AODV performance in mobile ad hoc networks are Queue size, Receiving power, Source node, Packet transmission rate, Antenna height and transmission range.
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Studies on bacteriocin production and activities of Lactobacillus tucceti CECT 5920 and Lactobacillus mindensis TMW isolated from Nigerian traditional fermented foods.
Bacteriocin production and activities potentials of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from traditional fermented foods (“Ugba”, pap, fermented cassava and ‘Kunu zaki’) were studied. Serial dilution of each of the samples was performed and 0.1ml of appropriate dilution was streaked on De Man Rogosa Sharpe (MRS) agar containing 50mg of nystatin for the isolation of LAB. Forty five LAB isolates were recovered from samples and were screened for bacteriocin production by the Agar Well Diffusion assay and two best bacteriocin producers characterized by molecular method as Lactobacillus tucceti CECT 5920 and Lactobacillus mindensis TMW were tested for their biotechnological potentials. Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 8325 and Escherichia coli 0157:H7 cultures were used as test pathogens. L. tucceti CECT 5920 and L. mindensis had the same level of bacteriocin production and antimicrobial activity (P<0.05). Temperature had more effect on bacteriocin activity on L. tucceti CECT 5920 against S. aureus NCTC 8325 and E. coli 0157:H7 while pH had same effects on both LAB isolates and pathogens. Both LAB isolates had highest effect from NaCl against E. coli 0157:H7 at 0.2% concentration. Crude bacteriocin samples treated with pepsin had no sensitivity against the test pathogens. Storage had decreasing effect on bacteriocin activity from both LAB isolates. L. tucceti CECT 5920 was sensitive to Cotrimoxazole while L mindensis TMW was resistant to all the antibiotics tested. L. tucceti CECT 5920 gave better results in all the biotechnological potentials tested, thus, the two LAB isolates may perform well in industrial processes. Key words: Activity, bacteriocin, fermented foods, lactic acid bacteria, pathogens.
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Study of radiation effect and magnetic field on Ni-Cr alloy properties
An experimental investigation of applying a magnetic field and a radiation source horizontally with the direction of alloy once and vertically in another, current range passing through alloy is (1-3) AMP. The increase in temperature will lead to reduce electrical conductivity. The increase in input power causes an increase in output power. The increasing in magnetic field intensity will increase alloy efficiency. The increase in radiation time will increase alloy efficiency. The increase in magnetic field intensity in the presence of radiation will increase the alloy efficiency.
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The impact of applying computer assisted concept mapping on EFL learners’ reading comprehension
The aim of this paper was to study the impacts of a type of learning strategy, which was computer-assisted concept mapping, on EFL learners' reading comprehension. The research question was whether computer-assisted concept mapping technique had any notable effect on EFL students’ reading comprehension. To this end, students based on their scores in TOEFL proficiency test were divided into two experimental and control groups. A computer-assisted concept mapping learning strategy was presented to the experimental group learners. Through an independent sample t-test, it was proved that the computer-assisted concept mapping learning strategy improved the participants' reading comprehension in the experimental group.
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The knowledge and Use of collocations and their Relation with English Speaking Proficiency among Upper- intermediate to Advanced Iranian EFL Learners
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge and use of English lexical collocations and their relation to the speaking proficiency among upper- intermediate to advanced Iranian EFL learner students at Sadr Institute of higher Education. It is worth mentioning that all of the students had already passed placement test and were preparing themselves for IELTS exam. Data for the study were collected from 20 students. The participants were asked to take 2 tests .The first one was a lexical collocational test for estimating the knowledge of lexical collocation. Another one was an IELTS speaking test, to collect the participants ‘use of lexical collocation and understanding their speaking fluency. Data analysis for correlations between the subjects’ knowledge of lexical collocations and their speaking proficiency showed that there was a significantly positive correlation between students ‘knowledge of lexical collocation and their speaking proficiency in IELTS success. Current study concluded that knowledge of lexical collocation play a significant role in develop speaking proficiency particularly in IELTS exam.
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The necessity of differential penal support of women in the family
Women have certain physiological, mental, sexual and social conditions which expose them against more vulnerability due to criminality. In addition to cultural, social and fundamental initiatives to decrease situations prone to victimization, it is necessary to give importance to a differential penal policy foe combating women victimization inside the family. Present paper only addresses the crimes that are related to family against women. Deceitful in marriage, not registering marriage or divorce event, home violence against women, refusing alimony, marriage with immature girls and so on need a certain penal policy since they relate to family. After mentioning the status quo and the way of criminalization as well as reaction against criminals, the legal and judicial deficiencies and challenges are studied and discussed below. Overall, Iranian Penal Policy has remarkable progressed in supporting women albeit we have not yet seen a total and comprehensive penal support in Iranian laws concerning current legal and judicial system and the procedures related to this field. There are gaps in criminalization and determining the punishments and, despite of the necessity of penal supports for women in families, one should not neglect its negative impacts on family stability and challenges confronting with improper penal supports.
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The Nexus between Gender and Educational Development in Nigeria
Since the beginning of recorded history, men have always emphasized gender differences. The sexes differ visibly in some physical characteristics. In traditional society, work/role ascription was highly affected by physical, sex differences. Males did the hunting and fighting while the women did work which could be combined with baby-care-work which was receptive, interruptible and calling for no great physical strength. This had the effect of assigning most of the adventurous and exciting work to men and most of the drudgery to women. This paper seeks to examine the connection between Gender and educational development in the society at large, including Nigeria, x-raying specifically, how Gender inequality in the world affects the educational development of a society especially, Nigeria.
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The relationship between teachers’ ability and awareness of their students’ needs in listening and speaking skills
Student performance is the result of the interaction between the students and the instructional environment; and teachers can reasonably accommodate most of the students’ needs after analyzing student learning needs. Good teachers are surely aware of the students’ needs.(Douglas D Christensen ,Ph.D)In this study, we like to investigate the relationship between teachers’ ability and awareness of their students’ needs. Participants are 40 teachers (male and female) that teach English in foreign language institutes and 160 students who are in Intermediate level. This study was performed in Khorasan and Torsys foreign languages institutes in Kashmar. Participants were given questionnaires and asked to answer the questions. This research uses information from both teachers and students to explore the relationship between students’ needs and awareness of teachers’ ability. The data from the questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS 13.After analyzing the data, it was clear than there is a significant correlation between teachers' ability and awareness of the students' needs.
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